#!/bin/sh TEXSRC="/users/heinz/src/tex/TeX3.14" TEXDIR=$TEXSRC/tex WEBDIR=$TEXSRC/web WEB2CDIR=$TEXSRC/web2c SISISIDIR="/users/heinz/src/tex/sisisi" echo echo "Do not forget to copy the files *.sty and *.tex" echo "from $SISISIDIR to your TEXINPUTS-Directory." echo echo "Press 'q' to interrupt this installation and do it now, to continue" read x if [ "$x" = "q" ] then exit fi cd $TEXSRC ( cd $SISISIDIR; uncompress $TEXDIR/tex.web;\ cp web2c* $WEB2CDIR; \ cp tangle.ch $WEBDIR; cp makefile $TEXSRC; cp Makefile ctex.ch $TEXDIR ) make "CC=gcc" TeX if [ ! -f $TEXDIR/stamp-convert ] then echo "*** SISISI: tex.p not converted. Something's gone wrong. Stop." 1>&2 exit 1 fi ( cd $SISISIDIR; cp tex6.c texd.h coerce.h $TEXDIR ) make "CC=gcc" TeX if [ ! -f $TEXDIR/virtex ] then echo "*** SISISI: make failed. Stop." 1>&2 exit 2 fi ( cd $TEXDIR; mv tex.pool sitex.pool ) make formats if [ ! -f $TEXSRC/stamp-formats ] then echo "*** SISISI: make formats failed. Stop." 1>&2 exit 2 fi echo echo "SISISI has been successfully compiled, and the format files have been" echo "generated. Now follow the guidelines from the README file for further" echo "installation. Do not forget to copy $TEXDIR/sitex.pool" echo "to your TEXPOOL-Directory, and $TEXDIR/hf3 to your" echo "TEXINPUTS-Directory." echo exit 0