# This file makes TeX in its various incarnations. # # The file ../common/texmf.h uses the symbol `TeX' to define certain # things that are different for TeX and Metafont, hence the addition to # CFLAGS. SITEDIR=.. CC=gcc OPT=-O CFLAGS=$(OPT) -I$(SITEDIR) -DTeX LDFLAGS= LOADLIBES= SHELL=/bin/sh LN=ln # The formats we know how to make. # formats=amstex.fmt etex.fmt latex.fmt slitex.fmt tex.fmt \ texinfo.fmt picplus.fmt makeargs=SITEDIR="$(SITEDIR)" CC="$(CC)" OPT="$(OPT)" \ LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS)" LOADLIBES="$(LOADLIBES)" .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .o .c .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c # Routines used everywhere. # commondefines=../common/common.defines ../common/texmf.defines commonh=../common/extra.h ../common/common.h commono=../common/alloca.o ../common/extra.o # Routines used in both TeX and Metafont. # extrac=../common/texmf.c extrah=../common/texmf.h ../common/endian.h extrao=texmf.o # Routines used in TeX, Metafont, and BibTeX. # fileioc=../common/fileio.c fileioh=../common/fileio.h fileioo=fileio.o # We don't add `$(commono)' here, since it doesn't depend on anything in # this directory, and we write a dependency for `$(objs)' below. # objs=$(fileioo) tex0.o tex1.o tex2.o tex3.o tex4.o tex5.o tex6.o tex7.o tex8.o tex9.o tex10.o iobjs=iextra.o initex.o $(objs) vobjs=tex-extra.o itex.o $(objs) default: all all: initex virtex triptrap: triptex initex: stamp-convert $(iobjs) $(commono) $(CC) -o initex $(LDFLAGS) $(iobjs) $(commono) $(LOADLIBES) virtex: stamp-convert $(vobjs) $(commono) $(CC) -o virtex $(LDFLAGS) $(vobjs) $(commono) $(LOADLIBES) run-trip: rm -f trip.tex -$(LN) TeXtrip/trip.tex . ../texware/pltotf TeXtrip/trip.pl trip.tfm -$(SHELL) -c '. ./tripenv; \ ./triptex < TeXtrip/trip1.in > /dev/null 2>&1' -diff TeXtrip/tripin.log trip.log -$(SHELL) -c '. ./tripenv; \ ./triptex < TeXtrip/trip2.in > trip.fot' -diff TeXtrip/trip.log trip.log -diff TeXtrip/trip.fot trip.fot $(SHELL) -c '. ./tripenv; \ ../texware/dvitype trip.dvi < TeXtrip/dvitype.in > trip.typ' -diff TeXtrip/trip.typ trip.typ # Make format files automatically. # fmts: $(formats) amstex.fmt: tex.fmt ./initex \&./tex amstex \\dump etex.fmt: tex.fmt touch eplain.aux # Makes cross-reference warnings work right. ./initex \&./tex eplain \\dump mv eplain.fmt etex.fmt mv eplain.log etex.log # Until LaTeX and SLiTeX are updated, we must use a hacked version, that # sets the new parameters to reasonable values. # latex.fmt: ./initex lplain \\dump mv lplain.fmt latex.fmt mv lplain.log latex.log picplus.fmt: tex.fmt ./initex \&./tex picplus \\dump slitex.fmt: ./initex splain \\dump mv splain.fmt slitex.fmt mv splain.log slitex.log tex.fmt: ./initex plain \\dump mv plain.fmt tex.fmt mv plain.log tex.log isitex.fmt: ./initex siplain \\dump mv siplain.fmt isitex.fmt mv siplain.log isitex.log isilatex.fmt: ./initex silplain \\dump mv silplain.fmt isilatex.fmt mv silplain.log isilatex.log # texinfo changes the escape character from `\' to `@'. # texinfo.fmt: tex.fmt ./initex \&./tex texinfo @dump # The `ini_to_trip' script changes texd.h, instead of the change file, so # retangling is not necessary. After changing constants, making a # triptex means making an initex. # triptex: stamp-trip $(iobjs) $(commono) make $(makeargs) initex mv initex triptex stamp-trip: stamp-convert rm -f *.o $(SHELL) ./ini_to_trip texd.h touch stamp-trip # tangle produces tex.p and tex.pool. # tex.p: tex.web ctex.ch ../web/tangle tex.web ctex.ch # The convert script produces tex[0-8].c, itex.c, coerce.h, and texd.h. # The (hand-coded) memory.h is included in one of tex?.c files; it isn't # really necessary to `convert' again if it changes, only to recompile # those files, but describing that relationship is ugly to do. # (Furthermore, memory.h is stable.) # stamp-convert: tex.p memory.h fixcoerce.h $(commondefines) $(SHELL) ./convert touch stamp-convert # The (hand-coded) file $(extrac) and the (generated) file itex.c have # #ifdefs for INITEX, so we compile them differently. # iextra.o: $(extrac) texd.h $(extrah) $(commonh) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I. -DINITEX -DINI -c $(extrac) mv $(extrao) iextra.o initex.o: itex.c texd.h $(extrah) $(commonh) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DINITEX -c itex.c && mv itex.o initex.o $(objs): stamp-convert texd.h tex-extra.o: $(extrac) texd.h rm -f tex-extra.c $(LN) $(extrac) tex-extra.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I. -c tex-extra.c $(fileioo): $(fileioc) $(fileioh) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I. -c $(fileioc) tex0.o: tex0.c tex1.o: tex1.c tex2.o: tex2.c tex3.o: tex3.c tex4.o: tex4.c tex5.o: tex5.c tex6.o: tex6.c tex7.o: tex7.c tex8.o: tex8.c tex9.o: tex9.c tex10.o: tex10.c clean: rm -f stamp-* *.o triptex initex virtex rm -f texd.h coerce.h *.log *.fmt *.aux rm -f 8terminal.tex trip.* tripos.tex dvitype.out rm -f tex-extra.c veryclean: clean rm -f tex?.c itex.c tex.p tex.pool texput.* rm -f \#*\# *~ *.bak *.ckp core