checkcites.lua -- Version 2.7 from March 3, 2024


Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Cereda
Copyright (c) 2024, Enrico Gregorio, Island of TeX

- Enrico dot Gregorio at univr dot it

This script is licensed under the LaTeX Project Public License.
If you want to support LaTeX development by a donation, the best
way to do this is donating to the TeX Users Group.


checkcites is a Lua script written for the sole purpose of detecting
unused or undefined references from both LaTeX auxiliary or bibliography
files. We use the term *unused reference* to refer to the reference
present the bibliography file -- with the '.bib' extension -- but not
cited in the '.tex' file. The term *undefined reference* is exactly the
opposite, i.e, the item cited in the '.tex' file, but not present in the
'.bib' file.

The original idea came from a question posted in the TEX community at
Stack Exchange about how to check which bibliography entries were not
used. We decided to write a script to check references. We opted for
Lua, since it's a very straightforward language and it has an
interpreter available on every modern TEX distribution.


1. Create a new directory named 'checkcites' inside the 'scripts'
   directory of your TEXMF tree and copy the 'checkcites.lua' inside
   the new directory. In TeX Live, the new directory would be:


2. Rebuild the filename databases with the proper distro tool,
   e.g, running 'mktexlsr'.

3. Create a symbolic link to the newly created script inside
   the 'bin' directory of your TeX distro. In TeX Live, the
   full path is:


   For TeX Live:

   Win32: make a copy of 'runscript.exe' inside the very same
          location (i.e, 'bin/win32') and rename it to

   Linux: create a symbolic link (i.e, 'ln -s') inside the 'bin'
          directory, targeting the script set in #1. Name it
          'checkcites' and give it proper execute ('x') permission.


The script is pretty simple to use. The only requirement is a recent
TeX distribution, such as TeX Live.

checkcites uses the generated auxiliary files to start the analysis.
From version 2.0 on, the scripts supports two backends:

-> bibtex

Default behavior, the script checks '.aux' files looking for citations,
in the form of '\citation{a}'. For every \citation line found, checkcites
will extract the citations and add them to a table, even for multiple
citations separated by commas, like '\citation{a,b,c}'. The citation
table contains no duplicate values. At the same time checkcites also
looks for bibliography data, in the form of '\bibdata{a}'. Similarly,
for every '\bibdata' line found, the script will extract the bibliography
data and add them to a table, even if they are separated by commas, like
'\bibdata{d,e,f}'. Again, no duplicate values are allowed. Stick with this
backend if you are using BibTeX or BibLaTeX with the 'backend=bibtex'
package option.

-> biber

With this backend, the script checks '.bcf files' (which are XML-based)
looking for citations, in the form of 'bcf:citekey' tags. For every tag
found, checkcites will extract the corresponding values and add them to
a table. The citation table contains no duplicate values. At the same
time checkcites also looks for bibliography data, in the form of
'bcf:datasource' tags. Similarly, for every tag found, the script will
extract the bibliography data and add them to a table. Again, no duplicate
values are allowed. Stick with this backend if you are using BibLaTeX with
the default options or with the 'backend=biber' option explicitly set.
It is important to note, however, that the 'glob=true' option is not
supported yet.

Open a terminal and run checkcites:

$ checkcites

When you run checkcites without providing any argument to it, the a message
error will appear. Do not panic! Try again with the --help flag:

$ checkcites --help

If you are using BibTeX, simply provide the auxiliary file -- the one with
the '.aux' extension -- which is generated when you compile your main '.tex'
file. For example, if your main document is named 'foo.tex', you probably
have a 'foo.aux' file too. Then simply invoke

$ checkcites foo.aux

checkcites allows an additional argument that will tell it how to
behave. For example

$ checkcites --unused foo.aux

will make the script only look for unused references in your '.bib'
file. The argument order doesn't matter, you can also run

$ checkcites foo.aux --unused

and get the same behaviour. Similarly, you can use

$ checkcites --undefined foo.aux

to make the script only look for undefined references in your
'.tex' file. If you want checkcites to look for both unused and
undefined references, go with

$ checkcites --all foo.aux

If no special argument is provided, --all is set as default.

If you are using BibLaTeX, we need to inspect '.bcf' files instead. For
example, if your main document is named 'foo.tex', you probably have a
'foo.bcf' file too. Then invoke

$ checkcites foo.aux --backend biber

Note the --backend flag used for BibLaTeX support. We can even omit the
file extension, the script will automatically assign one based on the
current backend.

That is it, folks!

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