REFERENCES Bibliographic Software                                Version 4.3d
                                                 (c) Volker Kiefel, 1995-2006

Distribution of References provided by CTAN comprises the following files:

  r43d.zip             (win32 binary files, sample database, documentation)
  refs-4.3d-src.tar.gz (source code: Linux, win32) 
  refs-4.3d-rt.tar.gz  (Linux "runtime" files: sample database, documentation)
  CTAN-readme          (this file)
  README               (general description)
  INSTALL              (file with information on installation)

The installation procedure is described in the References manual (refsdok.pdf)
to be found in r43d.zip (win32) and refs-4.3d-rt.tar.gz (Linux) and on the
References project website: http://references.sourceforge.net.