head 1.1; access; symbols; locks mys:1.1; strict; comment @# @; 1.1 date; author mys; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @############################################################ Letters ############################################################ You can use LaTeX to typeset letters, both personal and business. The letter document class is designed to make a number of letters at once, although you can make just one if you so desire. Your `.tex' source file has the same minimum commands as the other document classes, i.e., you must have the following commands as a minimum: \documentclass{letter} \begin{document} ... letters ... \end{document} Each letter is a letter environment, whose argument is the name and address of the recipient. For example, you might have: \begin{letter}{Mr. Joe Smith\\ 2345 Princess St. \\ Edinburgh, EH1 1AA} ... \end{letter} The letter itself begins with the \opening command. The text of the letter follows. It is typed as ordinary LaTeX input. Commands that make no sense in a letter, like \chapter, do not work. The letter closes with a \closing command. After the closing, you can have additional material. The \cc command produces the usual "cc: ...". There's also a similar \encl command for a list of enclosures. With both these commands, use \\ to separate the items. These commands are used with the letter class: \address: Your return address. \cc: Cc list. \closing: Saying goodbye. \encl: List of enclosed material. \location: Your organisation's address. \makelabels: Making address labels. \name: Your name, for the return address. \opening: Saying hello. \ps: Adding a postscript. \signature: Your signature. \startbreaks: Allow page breaks. \stopbreaks: Disallow page breaks. \telephone: Your phone number. ############################################################ \address ::address:: ############################################################ \address{Return address} The return address, as it should appear on the letter and the envelope. Separate lines of the address should be separated by \\ commands. If you do not make an \address declaration, then the letter will be formatted for copying onto your organisation's standard letterhead. (See section Overview of LaTeX and Local Guide, for details on your local implementation). If you give an \address declaration, then the letter will be formatted as a personal letter. ############################################################ \cc ::cc:: ############################################################ \cc{Kate Schechter\\Rob McKenna} Generate a list of other persons the letter was sent to. Each name is printed on a separate line. ############################################################ \closing ::closing:: ############################################################ \closing{text} The letter closes with a \closing command, i.e., \closing{Best Regards,} \encl \encl{CV\\Certificates} Generate a list of enclosed material. ############################################################ \location ::location:: ############################################################ \location{address} This modifies your organisation's standard address. This only appears if the firstpage pagestyle is selected. ############################################################ \makelabels ::makelabels:: ############################################################ \makelabels{number} If you issue this command in the preamble, LaTeX will create a sheet of address labels. This sheet will be output before the letters. ############################################################ \name ::name:: ############################################################ \name{June Davenport} Your name, used for printing on the envelope together with the return address. ############################################################ \opening ::opening:: ############################################################ \opening{text} The letter begins with the \opening command. The mandatory argument, text, is whatever text you wish to start your letter, i.e., \opening{Dear Joe,} ############################################################ \ps ::ps:: ############################################################ \ps Use this command before a postscript. ############################################################ \signature ::sinature:: ############################################################ \signature{Harvey Swick} Your name, as it should appear at the end of the letter underneath the space for your signature. Items that should go on separate lines should be separated by \\ commands. ############################################################ \startbreaks ::startbreaks:: ############################################################ \startbreaks Used after a \stopbreaks command to allow page breaks again. ############################################################ \stopbreaks ::stopbreaks:: ############################################################ \stopbreaks Inhibit page breaks until a \startbreaks command occurs. ############################################################ \telephone ::telephone:: ############################################################ \telephone{number} This is your telephone number. This only appears if the firstpage pagestyle is selected. @