Index of /archives/text/CTAN/systems/unix/tex-fpc/MFT/iby
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
test.tex 2016-07-20 23:21 2.7K
sappho.tex 2020-11-24 02:48 531
ibymacros 2020-11-23 21:47 214
ibyfonts 2016-07-20 23:21 263
getlevy 2020-11-23 21:43 269
getiby 2020-11-23 21:55 662
agr.tex 2020-11-23 23:34 30
README 2020-11-23 23:20 3.1K
This directory contains files that help installing an ancient Greek
font in TeX-FPC. The font includes a full set of diacritical marks,
the preclassic letters digamma, quoppa and sampi, and the lunatic
variant of sigma.
The font was originally cut by Firmin Didot(*1764, +1836), put into
METAFONT files by Silvio Levy in 1987 and improved by Pierre A. MacKay,
the author of Ibycus4. Here I used version 4.5 as of 2004-10-27.
Get the packages ibygrk and levy from CTAN:fonts/greek and unzip them
in the MFT directory, so ibygrk and levy are siblings to iby.
Copy files from the levy and ibygrk directories into this directory,
with the shell scripts getlevy and getiby.
Link METAFONT's and TeX's master directories to this directory, so
you can run mf and tex from here. Make sure MFinputs contains
Knuth's computer modern fonts.
Run ibyfonts to build and install the .tfm and .pk fonts.
Run ibymacros to install macro files into TeXinputs.
From your .tex file \input agr and enclose Greek between \GK and
Typing Greek characters
You don't need a monster keyboard or even the ALT-key to enter
Greek text into your TeX---ASCII suffices. The ASCII representation
used here follows the Beta Code from the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae.
Greek Letters:
Since the Latin alphabet emerged from the Greek one, you enter most
Greek letters as their corresponding ASCII character.
But there are some exceptions:
eta h
theta q
ksi c
ypsilon u
phi f
chi x
psi y
omega w
digamma v
koppa k+
sampi s+ (lowercase only)
sigma c
rough breathing: (
smooth breathing: )
diaeresis: +
acute: '
grave: `
circumflex: =
iota subscript: |
dubious(dot under): !
Order of diacritics with lowercase letters:
letter, diaeresis, breathing, accent, iota subscript. E.g. u"(=|
A diaeresis (+) won't work together with a circumflex.
Order of diacritics with uppercase letters:
breathing, accent, letter, iota subscript (=W|
A breathing is mandatory before an accent.
Period .
Apostroph ' (if after a vowel, use a{}', not a')
Colon :
Question Mark ;
guillemets << >>
Look at test.tex and sappho.tex for examples.
If you get messages like that
Font \ninegrk=fibr84 at 9.0pt not loaded: Not enough room left.
you want to enlarge TeX's memory.
Compile TeX with statistics turned on, set \tracingstats=1
and observe the statistics at the end. Then you might change the
constant in tex.p, compile with
fpc -Fasysutils,baseunix,unix tex.p
and try with the bigger tex.
Installing the Type 1 fonts in teTeX3.0:
List the search directory with `kpsewhich -show-path=.pfb'
I selected ~/texmf from that list.
From the ibygrk/fonts directory do:
mkdir ~/texmf/fonts
cp -rp * ~/texmf/fonts
Finally I added the command line option `-u +iby' to dvips
in the dvipdf script.
Aug. 2008
Nov. 2020
Wolfgang Helbig