package News::NNTPClient; =head1 NAME News::NNTPClient - Perl 5 module to talk to NNTP (RFC977) server =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements a client interface to NNTP, enabling a perl5 application to talk to NNTP servers. It uses the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) interface introduced with perl5. =head1 INSTALLATION This file should be copied to: /News/ where is your local perl5 library directory, usually /usr/local/lib/perl5. You'll likely have to create the News directory, as the perl5 distribution doesn't include it yet. You could then run the following to create a man page: cd /usr/local/lib/perl5/News pod2man > /usr/local/man/man1/NNTPClient.1 chmod a+r /usr/local/man/man1/NNTPClient.1 =head1 USAGE To use it in your programs, you can use either: use News::NNTPClient; or require News::NNTPClient; NNTPClient exports nothing. A new NNTPClient object must be created with the I method. Once this has been done, all NNTP commands are accessed through this object. Here are a couple of short examples. The first prints all articles in the "test" newsgroup: #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use News::NNTPClient; $c = new News::NNTPClient; ($first, $last) = ($c->group("test")); for (; $first <= $last; $first++) { print $c->article($first); } __END__ This example prints the body of all articles in the "test" newsgroup newer than one hour: #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w require News::NNTPClient; $c = new News::NNTPClient; foreach ($c->newnews("test", time - 3600)) { print $c->body($_); } __END__ =head2 NNTPClient Commands These commands are used to manipulate the NNTPClient object, and aren't directly related to commands available on any NNTP server. =over 10 =item I Use this to create a new NNTP connection. It takes three arguments, a hostname, a port and a debug flag. It calls I, I, I, and I. Use an empty argument to specify defaults. If port is omitted or blank (""), looks for environment variable NNTPPORT, service "nntp", or uses 119. If host is omitted or empty (""), looks for environment variable NNTPSERVER or uses "news". Examples: $c = new News::NNTPClient; or $c = new News::NNTPClient("newsserver.some.where"); or $c = new News::NNTPClient("experimental", 9999); or # Specify debug but use defaults. $c = new News::NNTPClient("", "", 2); Returns a blessed reference, representing a new NNTP connection. =item I Connects to current host/port. Not normally needed, as the I method does this for you. Closes any existing connection. Sets the posting status. See the I method. =item I Sets the host that will be used on the next connect. Not normally needed, as the I method does this for you. Without an argument, returns current host. Argument can be hostname or dotted quad, for example, "". Returns fully qualified host name. =item I Sets the port that will be used on the next connect. Not normally needed, as the I method does this for you. Without an argument, returns current port. Argument can be port number or name. If it is a name, it must be a valid service. Returns port number. =item I Sets the debug level. Without an argument, returns current debug level. There are currently three debug levels. Level 0, level 1, and level 2. At level 0 the messages described for level 1 are not produced. Debug level 0 is a way of turning off messages produced by the default debug level 1. Serious error messages, such as EOF (End Of File) on the file handle, are still produced. At level 1, any NNTP command that results in a result code of 400 or greater prints a warning message. This is the default. At level 2, in addition to level 1 messages, status messages are printed to indicate actions taking place. Returns old debug value. =item I Returns boolean status of most recent command. NNTP return codes less than 400 are considered OK. Not often needed as most commands return false upon failure anyway. =item I Returns boolean status of most recent command. NNTP return codes less than 400 are considered OK. Prints an error message for return codes of 400 or greater unless debug level is set to zero (0). This method is used internally by most commands, and could be considered to be "for internal use only". You should use the return status of commands directly to determine pass-fail, or if needed the I method can be used to check status later. =item I Returns the NNTP response message of the most recent command. Example, as returned by NNTP server version 1.5.11t: $c->slave; print $c->message; Kinky, kinky. I don't support such perversions. =item I Returns the NNTP response code of the most recent command. Example: $c->article(1); print $c->code, "\n"; 412 =item I Returns the post-ability status that was reported upon connection or after the mode_reader command. =item I Sets the End-Of-Line termination for text returned from the server. Returns the old EOL setting. Default is \n. To set EOL to nothing, pass it the empty string. To query current EOL without setting it, call with no arguments. Returns the old EOL termination. Example: $old_eol = $c->eol(); # Get original. $c->eol(""); # Set EOL to nothing. @article = $c->article(); # Fetch an article. $c->eol($old_eol); # Restore value. =item I Returns version number. This document represents $Revision: 0.22 $. =back =head2 NNTP Commands These commands directly correlate to NNTP server commands. They return a false value upon failure, true upon success. The truth value is usually some bit of useful information. For example, the I command returns Message-ID if it is successful. Some commands return multiple lines. These lines are returned as an array in array context, and as a reference to an array in scalar context. For example, if you do this: @lines = $c->article(14); then @lines will contain the article, one line per array element. However, if you do this: $lines = $c->article(14); then $lines will contain a I to an array. This feature is for those that don't like passing arrays from routine to routine. =over 10 =item I Some servers require this command to process NNTP client commands. Sets postok status. See I. Returns OK status. =item I
Retrieves an article from the server. This is the main command for fetching articles. Expects a single argument, an article number or Message-ID. If you use an article number, you must be in a news group. See I. Returns the header, a separating blank line, and the body of the article as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. Examples: print $c->article(''); $c->group("test"); print $c->article(99); =item I Expects a single argument, an article number or Message-ID. Returns the body of an article as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. See I
. =item I Expects a single argument, an article number or Message-ID. Returns the head of the article as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. See I
. =item I Expects a single argument, an article number or Message-ID. The STAT command is like the ARTICLE command except that it does not return any text. It can be used to set the "current article pointer" if passed an article number, or to validate a Message-ID if passed a Message-ID. Returns Message-ID if successful, otherwise returns false. =item I The "current article pointer" maintained by the server is moved to the previous article in the current news group. Returns Message-ID if successful, otherwise returns false. =item I The "current article pointer" maintained by the server is moved to the next article in the current news group. Returns Message-ID if successful, otherwise returns false. =item I Expects a single argument, the name of a valid news group. This command sets the current news group as maintained by the server. It also sets the server maintained "current article pointer" to the first article in the group. This enables the use of certain other server commands, such as I
, I, I, I, I, and I. Also sets the current group in the NNTPClient object, which is used by the I and I commands. Returns (first, last) in list context, or "first-last" in scalar context, where first and last are the first and last article numbers as reported by the group command. Returns false if there is an error. It is an error to attempt to select a non-existent news group. If the estimated article count is needed, it can be extracted from the message. See I. =item I Accepts one optional argument that can be used indicate the type of list desired. List type depends on server. With an argument of "active" or with no arguments, this command returns a list of valid newsgroups and associated information. The format is: group last first p where group is the news group name, last is the article number of the last article, first is the article number of the first article, and p is flag indicating if posting is allowed. A 'y' flag is an indication that posting is allowed. Other possible arguments are: newsgroups, distributions, subscriptions for B-News, and active.times, distributions, distrib.pats, newsgroups, overview.fmt for INN. Returns an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. =item I Expects at least one argument representing the date/time in seconds, or in S<"YYMMDD HHMMSS"> format. Remaining arguments are used as distributions. Example, print all new groups in the "comp" and/or "news" hierarchy as of one hour ago: print $c->newgroups(time() - 3600, "comp", "news"); Returns list of new news group names as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. =item I Expects one, two, or more arguments. If the first argument is a group name, it looks for new news in that group, and the date/time is the second argument. If the first argument represents the date/time in seconds or in "YYMMDD HHMMSS" format, then the group is is last group set via the I command. If no I command has been issued then the group is "*", representing all groups. Remaining arguments are use to restrict search to certain distribution(s). Returns a list of Message-IDs of articles that have been posted or received since the specified time. Examples: # Hour old news in news group "test". $c->newnews("test", time() - 3600); or # Hour old in all groups. $c->newnews(time() - 3600); or $c->newnews("*", time() - 3600); or # Hour old news in news group "test". $c->group("test"); $c->newnews(time() - 3600); The group argument can include an asterisk "*" to specify a range news groups. It can also include multiple news groups, separated by a comma ",". Example: $c->newnews("comp.*.sources,alt.sources", time() - 3600); An exclamation point "!" may be used to negate the selection of certain groups. Example: $c->newnews("*sources*,!*.d,!*.wanted", time() - 3600); Any additional distribution arguments will be concatenated together and send as a distribution list. The distribution list will limit articles to those that have a Distribution: header containing one of the distributions passed. Example: $c->newnews("*", time() - 3600, "local", "na"); Returns Message-IDs of new articles as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. =item I Returns any server help information. The format of the information is highly dependent on the server, but usually contains a list of NNTP commands recognized by the server. Returns an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. =item I Post an article. Expects data to be posted as an array of lines. Most servers expect, at a minimum, Newsgroups and Subject headers. Be sure to separate the header from the body with a neck, er blank line. Example: @header = ("Newsgroups: test", "Subject: test"); @body = ("This is the body of the article"); $c->post(@header, "", @body); Any "\n" characters at the end of a line will be trimmed. =item I Transfer an article. Expects an article Message-ID and the article to be sent as an array of lines. Example: # Fetch article from server on $c @article = $c->article($artid); # Send to server on $d if ($d->ihave($artid, @article)) { print "Article transfered\n"; } else { print "Article rejected: ", $d->message, "\n"; } =item I Doesn't do anything on most servers. Included for completeness. =item I This method is called whenever the the object created by News::NNTPClient::new is destroyed. It calls I to close the connection. =item I Send the NNTP quit command and close the connection. The connection can be then be re-opened with the connect method. Quit will automatically be called when the object is destroyed, so there is no need to explicitly call I before exiting your program. =back =head2 Extended NNTP Commands These commands also directly correlate NNTP server commands, but are not mentioned in RFC977, and are not part of the standard. However, many servers implement them, so they are included as part of this package for your convenience. If a command is not recognized by a server, the server usually returns code 500, command unrecognized. =over 10 =item I Expects two arguments, user and password. =item I Returns server date in "YYYYMMDDhhmmss" format. =item I Expects one argument, a group name. Default is current group. Returns article numbers as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. =item I Expects one argument of unix time in seconds or as a string in the form "YYMMDD HHMMSS". Returns the news servers "Message Of The Day" as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. For example, the following will always print the message of the day, if there is any: print $c->xmotd(1); NNTP Server News2 News administrator is Joseph Blough =item I Expects one argument of a group pattern. Default is current group. Returns group titles an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. Example: print $c->xgtitle("bit.listserv.v*"); bit.listserv.valert-l Virus Alert List. (Moderated) bit.listserv.vfort-l VS-Fortran Discussion List. bit.listserv.vm-util VM Utilities Discussion List. bit.listserv.vmesa-l VM/ESA Mailing List. bit.listserv.vmslsv-l VAX/VMS LISTSERV Discussion List. bit.listserv.vmxa-l VM/XA Discussion List. bit.listserv.vnews-l VNEWS Discussion List. bit.listserv.vpiej-l Electronic Publishing Discussion =item I Expects one argument of an article Message-ID. Returns the path name of the file on the server. Example: print print $c->xpath(q(<43bq5l$>))' hp/test/4469 =item I Fetch header for a range of articles. First argument is name of header to fetch. If omitted or blank, default to Message-ID. Second argument is start of article range. If omitted, defaults to 1. Next argument is end of range. Returns headers as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. Examples: # Fetch Message-ID of article 1. $c->xhdr(); # Fetch Subject of article 1. $c->xhdr("Subject"); # Fetch Subject of article 3345. $c->xhdr("Subject", 3345); # Fetch Subjects of articles 3345-9873 $c->xhdr("Subject", 3345, 9873); # Fetch Message-ID of articles 3345-9873 $c->xhdr("", 3345,9873); =item I Fetch header for a range of articles matching one or more patterns. First argument is name of header to fetch. If omitted or blank, default to Subject. Second argument is start of article range. If omitted, defaults to 1. Next argument is end of range. Remaining arguments are patterns to match. Some servers use "*" for wildcard. Returns headers as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. Examples: # Fetch Subject header of article 1. $c->xpat(); # Fetch "From" header of article 1. $c->xpat("From"); # Fetch "From" of article 3345. $c->xpat("From", 3345); # Fetch "From" of articles 3345-9873 matching *foo* $c->xpat("From", 3345, 9873, "*foo*"); # Fetch "Subject" of articles 3345-9873 matching # *foo*, *bar*, *and*, *stuff* $c->xpat("", 3345,9873, qw(*foo* *bar* *and* *stuff*)); =item I Expects an article number or a starting and ending article number representing a range of articles. Returns overview information for each article as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. Xover generally returns items separated by tabs. Here is an example that prints out the xover fields from all messages in the "test" news group. #!/usr/local/bin/perl require News::NNTPClient; $c = new News::NNTPClient; @fields = qw(numb subj from date mesg refr char line xref); foreach $xover ($c->xover($c->group("test"))) { %fields = (); @fields{@fields} = split /\t/, $xover; print map { "$_: $fields{$_}\n" } @fields; print "\n"; } __END__ =item I Expects zero or one argument. Value of argument doesn't matter. If present, I command is sent. If absent, I command is sent. Returns binary data as a scalar value. Format of data returned is unknown at this time. =item I Expects one argument, a group name. If omitted, defaults to the group set by last I command. If there hasn't been a group command, it returns an error; Returns index information for group as an array of lines terminated by the current EOL. In scalar context a reference to the array is returned instead of the array itself. =item I Expects a query as an array of lines which are sent to the server, much like post. Returns the result of the search as an array of lines or a reference to same. Format of query is unknown at this time. =back =head1 AUTHOR Rodger Anderson =head1 SOURCE The latest version may be retrieved by sending mail to: with the body of the message starting with: send nntpclient =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1995 Rodger Anderson. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut require 5.000; use Carp; use Socket qw(PF_INET SOCK_STREAM AF_INET); $sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8'; $fhcnt = 0; # File handle counter, to insure unique socket. $version = '@(#) $Revision: 0.22 $'; $EOL = "\n"; # Default line terminator. # Create a new NNTP object. Set up defaults for host and port, and # attempt connection. For host, if not supplied, check the # environment variable NNTPSERVER. If that isn't set, then hostname # is "news". For port, check the environment variable NNTPPORT, or # use "nntp" service or 119. sub new { my $name = shift; my $host = shift || $ENV{NNTPSERVER} || "news"; my $port = shift || $ENV{NNTPPORT} || getservbyname("nntp","tcp") || 119; my $debug = shift; my $me = bless { DBUG => defined ($debug) ? $debug : 1, SOCK => $name . "::SOCK" . ++$fhcnt, HOST => $host, PORT => $port, ADDR => "", MESG => "", CODE => 0, POST => undef, EOL => $EOL, }, $name; $me->port($port) and $me->host($host) and $me->connect and $me->response; $me; } # Determine port number. If we were passed a non-numeric port, # attempt to look it up. sub port { my $me = shift; my $port = shift or return $me->{PORT}; unless ($port =~ /^\d+$/) { my $tmp = getservbyname ($port, "tcp") or carp "News::NNTPClient: Bad port: $port" and return; $port = $tmp; } $me->{PORT} = $port; } # If an address is in dotted quad format (, then, return # packed address, suitable for use by gethostbyaddr. sub _dottedquad { local $_ = shift; pack ('C4', $1, $2, $3, $4) if /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ and $1 < 255 and $2 < 255 and $3 < 255 and $4 < 255; } # Resolve hostname. sub host { my $me = shift; my $host = shift or return $me->{HOST}; my $addr; # Get address. unless ($addr = _dottedquad ($host)) { $addr = gethostbyname ($host) or carp "News::NNTPClient: Bad hostname: $host" and return; } $me->{ADDR} = $addr; # Get fully qualified domain name if possible $me->{HOST} = gethostbyaddr ($addr, AF_INET) || $host; } # Connect to server. sub connect { my $me = shift; local $\ = ""; # Guarantee that no other EOL is in use my $SOCK = $me->{SOCK}; if (defined fileno $SOCK) { 1 < $me->{DBUG} and warn "$SOCK already connected, closing\n"; close $SOCK; } 1 < $me->{DBUG} and warn "$SOCK connecting to $me->{HOST}:$me->{PORT}\n"; socket ($SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp") || 6) or carp "News::NNTPClient: Can't open socket: $!" and return; unless (connect($SOCK, pack($sockaddr,AF_INET,$me->{PORT},$me->{ADDR}))) { carp "News::NNTPClient: Can't connect socket: $!"; close $SOCK; return; } select ((select($SOCK), $|=1)[0]); # Turn on autoflush. 1; } ######################################################################## # Helper methods. These methods may be called to return saved # information about the NNTP connection, information about the # package, or to set EOL and debug, ######################################################################## # Return version number. sub version { my $me = shift; # Get News::NNTPClient::version, if package happens to be # News::NNTPClient. my $rev = ${ref($me) . "::version"}; # Strip off any RCS header junk, leaving only version number. $rev =~ s/.*?([\d.]+).*/$1/; $rev; } # With no argument, return debugging level, otherwise set it. sub debug { my $me = shift; my $debug = shift; $me->{DBUG} = $debug if defined $debug; $me->{DBUG}; } # Set EOL sub eol { my $me = shift; my $new = shift; my $old = $me->{EOL}; # Set to new EOL only if passed a value. $me->{EOL} = $new if defined $new; $old; } # Return boolean according to code < 400. sub ok { my $me = shift; # Codes less than 400 are good. 0 < $me->{CODE} and $me->{CODE} < 400; } # Return boolean according to code < 400 and print message if not ok. sub okprint { my $me = shift; warn "NNTPERROR: $me->{CODE} $me->{MESG}\n" if 400 <= $me->{CODE} and $me->{DBUG}; # Codes less than 400 are good. 0 < $me->{CODE} and $me->{CODE} < 400; } # Return the most recent message sub message { my $me = shift; "$me->{MESG}$me->{EOL}"; } # Return the most recent code sub code { my $me = shift; $me->{CODE}; } # Return boolean according to post ok flag. sub postok { my $me = shift; $me->{POST}; } ######################################################################## # NNTP methods. ######################################################################## # Fetch an article. sub article { my $me = shift; my $msgid = shift || ""; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("ARTICLE $msgid"); } # Fetch body of an article. sub body { my $me = shift; my $msgid = shift || ""; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("BODY $msgid"); } # Fetch header of an article. sub head { my $me = shift; my $msgid = shift || ""; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("HEAD $msgid"); } # Fetch status of an article. Return Message-ID if found. sub stat { my $me = shift; my $msgid = shift || ""; $me->{CMND} = "msgid"; $me->command("STAT $msgid"); } # Move current article pointer backwards. Return Message-ID if found. sub last { my $me = shift; $me->{CMND} = "msgid"; $me->command("LAST"); } # Move current article pointer forwards. Return Message-ID if found. sub next { my $me = shift; $me->{CMND} = "msgid"; $me->command("NEXT"); } # Set the group. sub group { my $me = shift; my $group = shift || ""; $me->{CMND} = "groupinfo"; $me->command("GROUP $group"); } # List all groups. sub list { my $me = shift; my $type = shift || ""; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("LIST $type"); } # List new groups since date/time. sub newgroups { my $me = shift; my $since = yymmdd_hhmmss(shift); my $dist = distributions(@_); $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("NEWGROUPS $since $dist"); } # List new news since date/time. If first arguement is a timestamp # instead of a group, use default group. Otherwise use second # arguement for time stamp. Default group is set by the group method, # or is all groups (*) if not set. sub newnews { my $me = shift; my $group = shift; my $since; if ($group) { if ($group =~ /^[\d ]+/) { $since = $group; $group = ""; } else { $since = shift; } } $group = $group || $me->{GROUP} || "*"; $since = yymmdd_hhmmss($since); my $dist = distributions(@_); $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("NEWNEWS $group $since $dist"); } # Get help text. sub help { my $me = shift; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("HELP"); } # Post an article. sub post { my $me = shift; $me->command("POST") or return; $me->squirt(@_); } # Transfer an article. sub ihave { my $me = shift; my $msgid = shift || ""; $me->command("IHAVE $msgid") or return; $me->squirt(@_); } # Authinfo command sub authinfo { my $me = shift; my $user = shift || "guest"; my $pass = shift || "foobar"; $me->command("AUTHINFO USER $user") && $me->command("AUTHINFO PASS $pass"); } # Turn on slave mode, whatever that means. sub slave { my $me = shift; $me->command("SLAVE"); } # All done. sub quit { my $me = shift; return "" unless defined fileno $me->{SOCK}; my $ret = $me->command("QUIT"); close $me->{SOCK}; $ret; } sub DESTROY { my $me = shift; $me->quit; } ######################################################################## # Extended NNTP methods. Not all of these are impemented on all # servers. ######################################################################## # Mode reader command. sub mode_reader { my $me = shift; $me->command("MODE READER"); } # Returns date sub date { my $me = shift; $me->{CMND} = "msg"; $me->command("DATE"); } # Return list of article numbers in group. sub listgroup { my $me = shift; my $group = shift || ""; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("LISTGROUP $group"); } # Get message of the day. sub xmotd { my $me = shift; my $since = yymmdd_hhmmss(shift); $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("XMOTD $since"); } # Return titles for newsgroups matching pattern. sub xgtitle { my $me = shift; my $group_pattern = shift || ""; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("XGTITLE $group_pattern"); } # Return path name for article? sub xpath { my $me = shift; my $msgid = shift || ""; $me->{CMND} = "msg"; $me->command("XPATH $msgid"); } # Fetch a header for a range of articles. If ARG1 is numeric, use it # as first entry of article range and use Message-ID as the header. # Otherwise ARG1 is header, and ARG2 is first entry of article range. sub xhdr { my $me = shift; my $header = shift || "message-id"; my $list = shift || 1; my $last = shift; $list = "$list-$last" if $last; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("XHDR $header $list"); } sub xpat { my $me = shift; my $header = shift || "subject"; my $list = shift || 1; my $last = shift; my $patterns = ""; if ($last) { if ($last =~ /^\d+$/) { $list = "$list-$last"; } else { $patterns = $last; } } $patterns .= @_ ? " @_" : ""; $patterns = "*" unless $patterns; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("XPAT $header $list $patterns"); } # Fetch overview for range of articles. sub xover { my $me = shift; my $list = shift || 1; my $last = shift; $list = "$list-$last" if $last; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("XOVER $list"); } # Fetch thread file. sub xthread { my $me = shift; my $file = @_ ? "dbinit" : "thread"; $me->{CMND} = "fetchbinary"; $me->command("XTHREAD $file"); } # Fetch index sub xindex { my $me = shift; my $group = shift || $me->{GROUP} || ""; $me->{CMND} = "fetch"; $me->command("XINDEX $group"); } # Search??? Expects search criteria, format unknown. sub xsearch { my $me = shift; $me->command("XSEARCH") or return; $me->squirt(@_); } ######################################################################## # Subroutines to implement basic methods. ######################################################################## # Send a command. sub cmd { my ($me, $cmd) = @_; local $\ = ""; # Guarantee that no other EOL is in use my $SOCK = $me->{SOCK}; 1 < $me->{DBUG} and warn "$SOCK command: $cmd\n"; defined fileno($SOCK) or carp "News::NNTPClient: $SOCK has been closed\n" and return; print $SOCK "$cmd\015\012"; } # Send a command and retrieve status. The only reason for not doing # all the work in cmd is so this method can be replaced in a subclass, # and the subclass can call cmd to do the real work. sub command { my $me = shift; $me->cmd(@_) or return; $me->response; } # Like message, but with okprint sub msg { my $me = shift; $me->okprint or return; $me->{MESG}; } # Extract Group info from MESG. sub groupinfo { my $me = shift; $me->{GROUP} = ""; # est-articles first-article last-article group-name if ($me->okprint and $me->{MESG} =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+)/) { $me->{GROUP} = $4; return wantarray ? ($2, $3) : "$2-$3"; } } # Extract Message-ID from MESG. sub msgid { my $me = shift; $me->okprint and $me->{MESG} =~ /(<[^>]+>)/ ? $1 : ""; } # Fetch text from server until single dot. sub fetch { my $me = shift; local $/ = "\012"; # Only use LF to account for possible missing CR local $\ = ""; # Guarantee that no other EOL is in use local $_; return unless $me->okprint; my @lines; my $SOCK = $me->{SOCK}; # Loop reading lines until we receive a line with a single period. while (<$SOCK>) { s/\015?\012$/$me->{EOL}/; # Change termination last if $_ eq ".$me->{EOL}"; s/^\.\././; # Fix up escaped dots. push @lines, $_; # Save each line. } 1 < $me->{DBUG} and warn "$SOCK received ${\scalar @lines} lines\n"; wantarray ? @lines : \@lines; } # Fetch binary data from server, terminated by: \r\n.\r\n Used by xthread sub fetchbinary { my $me = shift; local $/ = "\015\012.\015\012"; local $\ = ""; # Guarantee that no other EOL is in use local $_; return unless $me->okprint; my $SOCK = $me->{SOCK}; my $data = <$SOCK>; chomp $data; 1 < $me->{DBUG} and warn "$SOCK received ${\length $data} bytes\n"; $data; } # Figure out what we should return to sender sub returnval { my $me = shift; my $command = $me->{CMND} || "okprint"; $me->{CMND} = ""; # reset after use. $me->$command(); } # Read response to some action (connect, command or squirt) sub response { my $me = shift; local $/ = "\012"; # Only use LF to account for possible missing CR local $\ = ""; # Guarantee that no other EOL is in use local $_; my $SOCK = $me->{SOCK}; $_ = <$SOCK>; $me->{CODE} = 0; $me->{MESG} = ""; defined ($_) or carp "News::NNTPClient unexpected EOF on $SOCK\n" and return; s/\015?\012$//; # Remove termination if (/^((\d\d)(\d))\s*(.*)/) { # Split out numeric code and message. $me->{POST} = !$3 if $2 == 20; $me->{CODE} = $1; $me->{MESG} = $4; } else { warn "News::NNTPClient garbled response: $_\n"; return; } 1 < $me->{DBUG} and warn "$SOCK result($me->{CODE}): $me->{MESG}\n"; $me->returnval; } sub squirt { my $me = shift; local $\ = ""; # Guarantee that no other EOL is in use my $SOCK = $me->{SOCK}; 1 < $me->{DBUG} and warn "$SOCK sending ${\scalar @_} lines\n"; foreach (@_) { local ($_) = $_; # Print each line, possibly prepending a dot for lines # starting with a dot and trimming any trailing \n. s/^\./../; s/\n$//; print $SOCK "$_\015\012"; } print $SOCK ".\015\012"; # Terminate message. 1 < $me->{DBUG} and warn "$SOCK done sending\n"; $me->response; } # Return time in YYMMDD HHMMSS format, for use with newnews and # newgroups commands. If passed a string already in that format, just # return it. Otherwise use localtime() to convert seconds to # date/time. Default is current time. sub yymmdd_hhmmss { my $time = shift || time(); # Already in the correct format? return $time if $time =~ /^\d{6} \d{6}$/; # returns Seconds, Minutes, Hours, days, months - 1, years. my @t = (localtime($time))[0..5]; $t[4]++; # Fix up month; my $fmt = "%.02d" x 3; sprintf "$fmt $fmt", reverse @t; } # Convert list of newsgroup prefixes to distribution list. For # example: comp news -> "". Returns null string if passed # an empty list. sub distributions { @_ and "<" . join(",", @_) . ">" or ""; } 1;