# NAME BlankOnDev - Development tools for BlankOn GNU/Linux. # DESCRIPTION BlankOnDev merupakan tools untuk memudahkan pengembang BlankOn untuk melakukan beberapa aktifitas yang terkait dengan pengembangan BlankOn. Untuk petunjuk penggunaan dapat Anda lihat di BlankOnDev::Tutorial::id # HOW TO INSTALL Untuk melakukan instalasi dapat dilakukan dengan cara manual atau install melalui CPAN. ## Prepare Install : Proses ini untuk kebutuhan Generate Key GnuPG agar proses `Gain Enough Entropy` bisa lebih cepat. Install paket "rng-tools" apt-get install rng-tools Edit File "/etc/default/rng-tools", dan tambahkan script `HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom` seperti berikut : # Configuration for the rng-tools initscript # $Id: rng-tools.default,v 2008-06-10 19:51:37 hmh Exp $ # This is a POSIX shell fragment # Set to the input source for random data, leave undefined # for the initscript to attempt auto-detection. Set to /dev/null # for the viapadlock driver. #HRNGDEVICE=/dev/hwrng #HRNGDEVICE=/dev/null HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom # Additional options to send to rngd. See the rngd(8) manpage for # more information. Do not specify -r/--rng-device here, use # HRNGDEVICE for that instead. #RNGDOPTIONS="--hrng=intelfwh --fill-watermark=90% --feed-interval=1" #RNGDOPTIONS="--hrng=viakernel --fill-watermark=90% --feed-interval=1" #RNGDOPTIONS="--hrng=viapadlock --fill-watermark=90% --feed-interval=1" Start service "rng-tools" : /etc/init.d/rng-tools start ## Manual Install ### Install dependensi : cpan -i Crypt::Blowfish Digest::MD5 MIME::Base64 MIME::Base64::Perl JSON GnuPG Hash::MultiValue cpan -i Term::ReadKey LWP::UserAgent DateTime Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth cpan -i Capture::Tiny Capture::Tiny::Extended UNIVERSAL::ref parent ### Install Paket : perl Makefile.PL make make test make install make clean ## Install from CPAN : cpan -i BlankOnDev # MODULE AND UTILITIES ## BlankOnDev::config BlankOnDev::config untuk menangani beberapa perintah "boidev", meliputi : - perintah "boidev config", - perintah "boidev mig_prepare", - perintah "boidev config" - perintah "boidev mig_prepare" - perintah "boidev install-pkg" - perintah "boidev gpg-auth-dec" - perintah "boidev gpg-genkey" - perintah "boidev list-cfg" - perintah "boidev list-file" - perintah "boidev rilis" - perintah "boidev bzr2git" ## BlankOnDev::Migration::bazaar2GitHub BlankOnDev::Migration::bazaar2GitHub untuk menangani beberapa perintah "boidev bzr2git", meliputi : - perintah "boidev bzr2git addpkg-group" - perintah "boidev bzr2git addpkg" - perintah "boidev bzr2git addpkg-file" - perintah "boidev bzr2git remove-pkg-group" - perintah "boidev bzr2git rename-pkg-group" - perintah "boidev bzr2git remove-pkg" - perintah "boidev bzr2git list-pkg" - perintah "boidev bzr2git list-pkg-group" - perintah "boidev bzr2git list-pkg all" - perintah "boidev bzr2git search-pkg" - perintah "boidev bzr2git branch" - perintah "boidev bzr2git bzr-cgit" - perintah "boidev bzr2git git-push" - perintah "boidev bzr2git git-push-new" - perintah "boidev bzr2git git-push-repo" - perintah "boidev bzr2git git-check" - perintah "boidev bzr2git re-branch" - perintah "boidev bzr2git re-gitpush" # AUTHOR Achmad Yusri Afandi # CONTRIBUTORS BlankOnDev Development Team. # LICENSE Copyright (C) 2017 by Achmad Yusri Afandi and BlankOn Developer Team. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.