# See README.warning for information of what the patch does.

exit 0


*** MANIFEST.orig	Tue Feb 25 08:48:01 1997
--- MANIFEST	Thu Feb 27 11:31:26 1997
*** 404,409 ****
--- 404,410 ----
  lib/timelocal.pl	Perl library supporting inverse of localtime, gmtime
  lib/validate.pl		Perl library supporting wholesale file mode validation
  lib/vars.pm		Declare pseudo-imported global variables
+ lib/warning.pm		For "use warning"
  makeaperl.SH		perl script that produces a new perl binary
  makedepend.SH		Precursor to makedepend
  makedir.SH		Precursor to makedir
*** 708,713 ****
--- 709,731 ----
  t/pragma/strict.t	See if strictures work
  t/pragma/subs.t		See if subroutine pseudo-importation works
  t/pragma/warn-1global	Tests of global warnings for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-2use	Tests for "use warning" for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-doio	Tests for doio.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-gv	Tests for gv.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-mg	Tests for mg.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-op	Tests for op.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-perl	Tests for perl.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-perly	Tests for perly.y for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-pp	Tests for pp.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-pp_ctl	Tests for pp_ctl.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-pp_hot	Tests for pp_hot.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-pp_sys	Tests for pp_sys.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-regcomp	Tests for regcomp.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-sv	Tests for sv.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-taint	Tests for taint.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-toke	Tests for toke.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-universal	Tests for universal.c for warning.t
+ t/pragma/warn-util	Tests for util.c for warning.t
  t/pragma/warning.t	See if warning controls work
  taint.c			Tainting code
  toke.c			The tokener
*** 756,761 ****
--- 774,781 ----
  vms/vms_yfix.pl		convert Unix perly.[ch] to VMS perly_[ch].vms
  vms/vmsish.h		VMS-specific C header for Perl core
  vms/writemain.pl	Generate perlmain.c from miniperlmain.c+extensions
+ warning.h		The warning numbers
+ warning.pl		Program to write warning.h and lib/warning.pm
  win32/EXTERN.h		Win32 port
  win32/Fcntl.mak		Win32 port
  win32/IO.mak		Win32 port
*** Makefile.SH.orig	Fri Jan 17 08:52:58 1997
--- Makefile.SH	Thu Feb 27 11:31:26 1997
*** 167,173 ****
  h1 = EXTERN.h INTERN.h XSUB.h av.h config.h cop.h cv.h dosish.h
  h2 = embed.h form.h gv.h handy.h hv.h keywords.h mg.h op.h
  h3 = opcode.h patchlevel.h perl.h perly.h pp.h proto.h regcomp.h
! h4 = regexp.h scope.h sv.h unixish.h util.h perlio.h
  h = $(h1) $(h2) $(h3) $(h4)
  c1 = $(mallocsrc) av.c scope.c op.c doop.c doio.c dump.c hv.c mg.c
--- 167,173 ----
  h1 = EXTERN.h INTERN.h XSUB.h av.h config.h cop.h cv.h dosish.h
  h2 = embed.h form.h gv.h handy.h hv.h keywords.h mg.h op.h
  h3 = opcode.h patchlevel.h perl.h perly.h pp.h proto.h regcomp.h
! h4 = regexp.h scope.h sv.h unixish.h util.h perlio.h warning.h
  h = $(h1) $(h2) $(h3) $(h4)
  c1 = $(mallocsrc) av.c scope.c op.c doop.c doio.c dump.c hv.c mg.c
*** 362,371 ****
  perly.h: perly.y
  	-@sh -c true
! # The following three header files are generated automatically
  #	keywords.h:	keywords.pl
  #	opcode.h:	opcode.pl
  #	embed.h:  	embed.pl global.sym interp.sym
  # The correct versions should be already supplied with the perl kit,
  # in case you don't have perl available.
  # To force them to run, type
--- 362,372 ----
  perly.h: perly.y
  	-@sh -c true
! # The following four header files are generated automatically
  #	keywords.h:	keywords.pl
  #	opcode.h:	opcode.pl
  #	embed.h:  	embed.pl global.sym interp.sym
+ #	warning.h lib/warning.pm:  	warning.pl 
  # The correct versions should be already supplied with the perl kit,
  # in case you don't have perl available.
  # To force them to run, type
*** 374,379 ****
--- 375,381 ----
  	perl keywords.pl
  	perl opcode.pl
  	perl embed.pl
+ 	perl warning.pl
  # Extensions:
  # Names added to $(dynamic_ext) or $(static_ext) will automatically
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- README.warning	Thu Feb 27 11:31:27 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,210 ----
+ Date: 27th Feb 1997
+ This patch adds lexical warnings to Perl. It should apply over
+ 5.003_90
+ NOTE: This is a prototype. Do not assume that lexical warnings will
+       necessarily be anything like this implementation.
+ Changes 
+ =======
+   Date: 26th Feb 1997
+     * By popular demand, the warnings bitmask can now be of arbitrary
+       length. The code uses an SV* to store the bitmask.
+     * Rationalised the warning categories a bit. This area still needs
+       a lot of work.
+     * Added -W switch (the "lint" command).
+     * Added an experimental feature to allow warnings to be excalated
+       to fatal errors.
+ The "use warning" pragma
+ ============================
+     The "use warning" pragma is intended to work just like the "strict"
+     pragma. This means that the scope of the pragma is limited to the
+     enclosing block. It also means that that a pragma setting will not
+     leak across files (via use/require/do). This will allow authors to
+     define the degree of warning checks that will be applied to their
+     module.
+     By default warnings are disabled.
+     All warnings are enabled by either of these:
+ 	use warning ;
+ 	use warning 'all' ;
+     Similarly all warnings are disabled by either of these:
+ 	no warning ;
+ 	no warning 'all' ;
+     A hierarchy of "categories" have been defined to allow groups of
+     warnings to be enabled/disabled in isolation.  The current
+     hierarchy is:
+ 	all - +--- unsafe -------+--- taint
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- substr
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- signal
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- closure
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- untie
+ 	      |			 
+ 	      +--- io	---------+--- pipe
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- unopened
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- closed
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- newline
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- exec
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- syntax    ----+--- ambiguous
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- semicolon
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- precedence
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- reserved
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- octal
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- parenthesis
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- deprecated
+ 	      |
+ 	      |--- uninitialized
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- void
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- recursion
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- redefine
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- numeric
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- once
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- misc
+     This hierarchy is very tentative. Feedback is needed.
+     Just like the "strict" pragma any of these categories can be
+     combined
+ 	use warning qw(void redefine) ;
+ 	no warning qw(io syntax untie) ;
+ Backward Compatability
+ ======================
+   -w and $^W
+     Although they should really be considered deprecated once lexical
+     warnings are released, both -w and $^W will continue to work as
+     they currently do. 
+     $^W cannot be used to disable warnings that have been enabled by
+     "use warning".
+     One minor change to $^W. It is now a boolean.
+ The "lint" flag, -W
+ ===================
+ If the -W flag is used on the command line, it will enable all warnings
+ throughout the program regardless of whether warnings were disabled
+ locally using "no warning" or $^W =0. This includes any file that gets
+ included during compilation via use/require.
+ Fatal Warnings
+ ==============
+ This feature is very experimental.
+ The presence of the word "FATAL" in the category list will escalate any
+ warnings from the category specified that are detected in the lexical
+ scope into fatal errors. In the code below, there are 3 places where a
+ deprecated warning will be detected, the middle one will produce a
+ fatal error.
+     use warning ;
+     $a = 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+     {
+ 	use warning qw(FATAL deprecated) ;
+         $a = 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+     }
+     $a = 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Unresolved Issues
+ =================
+   The pragma name?
+     A few possibilities:
+ 	warning
+ 	warnings
+ 	warn
+   Hierarchy of Warnings
+     The current patch has a fairly arbitrary hierarchy.
+     Ideas for a useful hierarchy would be most welcome.
+   Severity
+     Do we want/need a severity classification?
+         pedantic
+         high/strict/precise
+         medium/default
+         low/common
+   Versions
+     This is a thorhy issue. Say someone writes a script using Perl
+     5.004 and places this at the top:
+ 	use warning ;
+     Time passes and 5.005 comes out. It has added a few extra warnings.
+     The script prints warning messages.
+     A possibility is to allow the warnings that are checked to be
+     limited to those available in a given version of Perl. A possible
+     syntax could be:
+ 	use warning 5.004 ;
+     or
+ 	use warning 5.004 qw(void uninitialized) ;
+     Do we really need this amount of control?
+   Documentation
+     There isn't any yet.
+   perl5db.pl
+     The debugger saves and restores $^W at runtime. I haven't checked
+     whether the debugger will still work with the lexical warnings
+     patch applied.
+   diagnostics.pm
+     I *think* I've got diagnostics to work with the lexiacal warnings
+     patch, but there were design decisions made in diagnostics to work
+     around the limitations of $^W. Now that those limitations are gone,
+     the module should be revisited.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- README.warning	Thu Feb 27 11:31:27 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,210 ----
+ Date: 27th Feb 1997
+ This patch adds lexical warnings to Perl. It should apply over
+ 5.003_90
+ NOTE: This is a prototype. Do not assume that lexical warnings will
+       necessarily be anything like this implementation.
+ Changes 
+ =======
+   Date: 26th Feb 1997
+     * By popular demand, the warnings bitmask can now be of arbitrary
+       length. The code uses an SV* to store the bitmask.
+     * Rationalised the warning categories a bit. This area still needs
+       a lot of work.
+     * Added -W switch (the "lint" command).
+     * Added an experimental feature to allow warnings to be excalated
+       to fatal errors.
+ The "use warning" pragma
+ ============================
+     The "use warning" pragma is intended to work just like the "strict"
+     pragma. This means that the scope of the pragma is limited to the
+     enclosing block. It also means that that a pragma setting will not
+     leak across files (via use/require/do). This will allow authors to
+     define the degree of warning checks that will be applied to their
+     module.
+     By default warnings are disabled.
+     All warnings are enabled by either of these:
+ 	use warning ;
+ 	use warning 'all' ;
+     Similarly all warnings are disabled by either of these:
+ 	no warning ;
+ 	no warning 'all' ;
+     A hierarchy of "categories" have been defined to allow groups of
+     warnings to be enabled/disabled in isolation.  The current
+     hierarchy is:
+ 	all - +--- unsafe -------+--- taint
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- substr
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- signal
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- closure
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- untie
+ 	      |			 
+ 	      +--- io	---------+--- pipe
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- unopened
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- closed
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- newline
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- exec
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- syntax    ----+--- ambiguous
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- semicolon
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- precedence
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- reserved
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- octal
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- parenthesis
+ 	      |			 |
+ 	      |			 +--- deprecated
+ 	      |
+ 	      |--- uninitialized
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- void
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- recursion
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- redefine
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- numeric
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- once
+ 	      |
+ 	      +--- misc
+     This hierarchy is very tentative. Feedback is needed.
+     Just like the "strict" pragma any of these categories can be
+     combined
+ 	use warning qw(void redefine) ;
+ 	no warning qw(io syntax untie) ;
+ Backward Compatability
+ ======================
+   -w and $^W
+     Although they should really be considered deprecated once lexical
+     warnings are released, both -w and $^W will continue to work as
+     they currently do. 
+     $^W cannot be used to disable warnings that have been enabled by
+     "use warning".
+     One minor change to $^W. It is now a boolean.
+ The "lint" flag, -W
+ ===================
+ If the -W flag is used on the command line, it will enable all warnings
+ throughout the program regardless of whether warnings were disabled
+ locally using "no warning" or $^W =0. This includes any file that gets
+ included during compilation via use/require.
+ Fatal Warnings
+ ==============
+ This feature is very experimental.
+ The presence of the word "FATAL" in the category list will escalate any
+ warnings from the category specified that are detected in the lexical
+ scope into fatal errors. In the code below, there are 3 places where a
+ deprecated warning will be detected, the middle one will produce a
+ fatal error.
+     use warning ;
+     $a = 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+     {
+ 	use warning qw(FATAL deprecated) ;
+         $a = 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+     }
+     $a = 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Unresolved Issues
+ =================
+   The pragma name?
+     A few possibilities:
+ 	warning
+ 	warnings
+ 	warn
+   Hierarchy of Warnings
+     The current patch has a fairly arbitrary hierarchy.
+     Ideas for a useful hierarchy would be most welcome.
+   Severity
+     Do we want/need a severity classification?
+         pedantic
+         high/strict/precise
+         medium/default
+         low/common
+   Versions
+     This is a thorhy issue. Say someone writes a script using Perl
+     5.004 and places this at the top:
+ 	use warning ;
+     Time passes and 5.005 comes out. It has added a few extra warnings.
+     The script prints warning messages.
+     A possibility is to allow the warnings that are checked to be
+     limited to those available in a given version of Perl. A possible
+     syntax could be:
+ 	use warning 5.004 ;
+     or
+ 	use warning 5.004 qw(void uninitialized) ;
+     Do we really need this amount of control?
+   Documentation
+     There isn't any yet.
+   perl5db.pl
+     The debugger saves and restores $^W at runtime. I haven't checked
+     whether the debugger will still work with the lexical warnings
+     patch applied.
+   diagnostics.pm
+     I *think* I've got diagnostics to work with the lexiacal warnings
+     patch, but there were design decisions made in diagnostics to work
+     around the limitations of $^W. Now that those limitations are gone,
+     the module should be revisited.
*** cop.h.orig	Mon Feb 10 19:57:48 1997
--- cop.h	Thu Feb 27 11:34:57 1997
*** 15,20 ****
--- 15,21 ----
      U32		cop_seq;	/* parse sequence number */
      I32		cop_arybase;	/* array base this line was compiled with */
      line_t      cop_line;       /* line # of this command */
+     SV *	cop_warnings;	/* lexical warnings bitmask */
  #define Nullcop Null(COP*)
*** doio.c.orig	Tue Feb 25 08:48:03 1997
--- doio.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:28 1997
*** 157,164 ****
  	    if (strNE(name,"-"))
  	    TAINT_PROPER("piped open");
! 	    if (dowarn && name[strlen(name)-1] == '|')
! 		warn("Can't do bidirectional pipe");
  	    fp = my_popen(name,"w");
  	    writing = 1;
--- 157,164 ----
  	    if (strNE(name,"-"))
  	    TAINT_PROPER("piped open");
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_PIPE) && name[strlen(name)-1] == '|')
! 		warner(WARN_PIPE, "Can't do bidirectional pipe");
  	    fp = my_popen(name,"w");
  	    writing = 1;
*** 264,271 ****
      if (!fp) {
! 	if (dowarn && IoTYPE(io) == '<' && strchr(name, '\n'))
! 	    warn(warn_nl, "open");
  	goto say_false;
      if (IoTYPE(io) &&
--- 264,271 ----
      if (!fp) {
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_NEWLINE) && IoTYPE(io) == '<' && strchr(name, '\n'))
! 	    warner(WARN_NEWLINE, warn_nl, "open");
  	goto say_false;
      if (IoTYPE(io) &&
*** 560,567 ****
      io = GvIO(gv);
      if (!io) {		/* never opened */
! 	if (dowarn && not_implicit)
! 	    warn("Close on unopened file <%s>",GvENAME(gv));
  	return FALSE;
      retval = io_close(io);
--- 560,567 ----
      io = GvIO(gv);
      if (!io) {		/* never opened */
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_UNOPENED) && not_implicit)
! 	    warner(WARN_UNOPENED, "Close on unopened file <%s>",GvENAME(gv));
  	return FALSE;
      retval = io_close(io);
*** 662,669 ****
      return PerlIO_tell(IoIFP(io));
!     if (dowarn)
! 	warn("tell() on unopened file");
      return -1L;
--- 662,669 ----
      return PerlIO_tell(IoIFP(io));
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_UNOPENED))
! 	warner(WARN_UNOPENED, "tell() on unopened file");
      return -1L;
*** 691,698 ****
      return PerlIO_seek(IoIFP(io), pos, whence) >= 0;
!     if (dowarn)
! 	warn("seek() on unopened file");
      return FALSE;
--- 691,698 ----
      return PerlIO_seek(IoIFP(io), pos, whence) >= 0;
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_UNOPENED))
! 	warner(WARN_UNOPENED, "seek() on unopened file");
      return FALSE;
*** 775,782 ****
      switch (SvTYPE(sv)) {
      case SVt_NULL:
! 	if (dowarn)
! 	    warn(warn_uninit);
  	return TRUE;
      case SVt_IV:
  	if (SvIOK(sv)) {
--- 775,782 ----
      switch (SvTYPE(sv)) {
      case SVt_NULL:
! 	    warner(WARN_UNINITIALIZED, warn_uninit);
  	return TRUE;
      case SVt_IV:
  	if (SvIOK(sv)) {
*** 817,824 ****
  	else {
  	    if (tmpgv == defgv)
  		return laststatval;
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("Stat on unopened file <%s>",
  	    statgv = Nullgv;
--- 817,824 ----
  	else {
  	    if (tmpgv == defgv)
  		return laststatval;
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_UNOPENED))
! 		warner(WARN_UNOPENED, "Stat on unopened file <%s>",
  	    statgv = Nullgv;
*** 841,848 ****
  	sv_setpv(statname,SvPV(sv, na));
  	laststype = OP_STAT;
  	laststatval = Stat(SvPV(sv, na),&statcache);
! 	if (laststatval < 0 && dowarn && strchr(SvPV(sv, na), '\n'))
! 	    warn(warn_nl, "stat");
  	return laststatval;
--- 841,848 ----
  	sv_setpv(statname,SvPV(sv, na));
  	laststype = OP_STAT;
  	laststatval = Stat(SvPV(sv, na),&statcache);
! 	if (laststatval < 0 && ckWARN(WARN_NEWLINE) && strchr(SvPV(sv, na), '\n'))
! 	    warner(WARN_NEWLINE, warn_nl, "stat");
  	return laststatval;
*** 873,880 ****
      laststatval = Stat(SvPV(sv, na),&statcache);
!     if (laststatval < 0 && dowarn && strchr(SvPV(sv, na), '\n'))
! 	warn(warn_nl, "lstat");
      return laststatval;
--- 873,880 ----
      laststatval = Stat(SvPV(sv, na),&statcache);
!     if (laststatval < 0 && ckWARN(WARN_NEWLINE) && strchr(SvPV(sv, na), '\n'))
! 	warner(WARN_NEWLINE, warn_nl, "lstat");
      return laststatval;
*** 903,910 ****
! 	if (dowarn)
! 	    warn("Can't exec \"%s\": %s", Argv[0], Strerror(errno));
      return FALSE;
--- 903,911 ----
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_EXEC))
! 	    warner(WARN_EXEC, "Can't exec \"%s\": %s", 
! 			Argv[0], Strerror(errno));
      return FALSE;
*** 1007,1014 ****
  	    goto doshell;
! 	if (dowarn)
! 	    warn("Can't exec \"%s\": %s", Argv[0], Strerror(errno));
      return FALSE;
--- 1008,1016 ----
  	    goto doshell;
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_EXEC))
! 	    warner(WARN_EXEC, "Can't exec \"%s\": %s", Argv[0], 
! 			Strerror(errno));
      return FALSE;
*** global.sym.orig	Tue Feb  4 08:54:58 1997
--- global.sym	Thu Feb 27 11:31:29 1997
*** 1129,1134 ****
--- 1129,1135 ----
+ warner
*** gv.c.orig	Fri Feb 21 23:04:40 1997
--- gv.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:29 1997
*** 167,174 ****
  	    SV* sv = *svp++;
  	    HV* basestash = gv_stashsv(sv, FALSE);
  	    if (!basestash) {
! 		if (dowarn)
! 		    warn("Can't locate package %s for @%s::ISA",
  			SvPVX(sv), HvNAME(stash));
--- 167,174 ----
  	    SV* sv = *svp++;
  	    HV* basestash = gv_stashsv(sv, FALSE);
  	    if (!basestash) {
! 		if (ckWARN(WARN_MISC))
! 		    warner(WARN_MISC, "Can't locate package %s for @%s::ISA",
  			SvPVX(sv), HvNAME(stash));
*** 646,653 ****
      case '#':
      case '*':
! 	if (dowarn && len == 1 && sv_type == SVt_PV)
! 	    warn("Use of $%s is deprecated", name);
      case '[':
      case '!':
--- 646,653 ----
      case '#':
      case '*':
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_DEPRECATED) && len == 1 && sv_type == SVt_PV)
! 	    warner(WARN_DEPRECATED, "Use of $%s is deprecated", name);
      case '[':
      case '!':
*** 666,671 ****
--- 666,672 ----
      case '/':
      case '|':
      case '\001':
+     case '\002':
      case '\004':
      case '\005':
      case '\006':
*** 810,816 ****
  		curcop->cop_filegv = filegv;
  		if (filegv && GvMULTI(filegv))	/* Filename began with slash */
! 		warn("Name \"%s::%s\" used only once: possible typo",
  			HvNAME(stash), GvNAME(gv));
--- 811,818 ----
  		curcop->cop_filegv = filegv;
  		if (filegv && GvMULTI(filegv))	/* Filename began with slash */
! 		warner(WARN_ONCE,
! 			"Name \"%s::%s\" used only once: possible typo",
  			HvNAME(stash), GvNAME(gv));
*** interp.sym.orig	Tue Feb  4 08:55:00 1997
--- interp.sym	Thu Feb 27 11:31:30 1997
*** 69,74 ****
--- 69,75 ----
+ lexwarn
*** lib/diagnostics.pm.orig	Fri Feb 21 23:04:44 1997
--- lib/diagnostics.pm	Thu Feb 27 11:31:30 1997
*** 268,274 ****
  $transmo = <<EOFUNC;
  sub transmo {
!     local \$^W = 0;  # recursive warnings we do NOT need!
--- 268,274 ----
  $transmo = <<EOFUNC;
  sub transmo {
!     #local \$^W = 0;  # recursive warnings we do NOT need!
*** 365,371 ****
  sub import {
!     $old_w = $^W;
      $^W = 1; # yup, clobbered the global variable; tough, if you
  	     # want diags, you want diags.
      return if $SIG{__WARN__} eq \&warn_trap;
--- 365,371 ----
  sub import {
!     #$old_w = $^W;
      $^W = 1; # yup, clobbered the global variable; tough, if you
  	     # want diags, you want diags.
      return if $SIG{__WARN__} eq \&warn_trap;
*** 401,407 ****
  sub disable {
!     $^W = $old_w;
      return unless $SIG{__WARN__} eq \&warn_trap;
      $SIG{__WARN__} = $oldwarn;
      $SIG{__DIE__} = $olddie;
--- 401,407 ----
  sub disable {
!     #$^W = $old_w;
      return unless $SIG{__WARN__} eq \&warn_trap;
      $SIG{__WARN__} = $oldwarn;
      $SIG{__DIE__} = $olddie;
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- lib/warning.pm	Thu Feb 27 11:42:04 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,139 ----
+ # This file was created by warning.pl
+ # Any changes made here will be lost.
+ #
+ package warning;
+ =head1 NAME
+ warning - Perl pragma to control 
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
+     use warning;
+     use warning "all";
+     use warning "deprecated";
+     use warning;
+     no warning "unsafe";
+ If no import list is supplied, all possible restrictions are assumed.
+ (This is the safest mode to operate in, but is sometimes too strict for
+ casual programming.)  Currently, there are three possible things to be
+ strict about:  
+ =over 6
+ =item C<warning deprecated>
+ This generates a runtime error if you use deprecated 
+     use warning 'deprecated';
+ =back
+ See L<perlmod/Pragmatic Modules>.
+ =cut
+ use Carp ;
+ %Bits = (
+     'all'		=> "\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55", # [0..27]
+     'ambiguous'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00\x00", # [15]
+     'closed'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00", # [20]
+     'closure'		=> "\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [5]
+     'deprecated'	=> "\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00", # [12]
+     'exec'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00", # [21]
+     'io'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x50\x55\x00", # [18..23]
+     'misc'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10", # [26]
+     'newline'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00", # [19]
+     'numeric'		=> "\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [8]
+     'octal'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00", # [14]
+     'once'		=> "\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [9]
+     'parenthesis'	=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00", # [16]
+     'pipe'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x40\x00", # [23]
+     'precedence'	=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00", # [17]
+     'recursion'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04", # [25]
+     'redefine'		=> "\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [0]
+     'reserved'		=> "\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [11]
+     'semicolon'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00", # [13]
+     'signal'		=> "\x00\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [7]
+     'substr'		=> "\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [4]
+     'syntax'		=> "\x00\x00\x50\x55\x05\x00\x00", # [10..17]
+     'taint'		=> "\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [3]
+     'uninitialized'	=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01", # [24]
+     'unopened'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00", # [22]
+     'unsafe'		=> "\x50\x55\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [2..7]
+     'untie'		=> "\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [6]
+     'void'		=> "\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [1]
+   );
+ %DeadBits = (
+     'all'		=> "\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa", # [0..27]
+     'ambiguous'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00", # [15]
+     'closed'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00", # [20]
+     'closure'		=> "\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [5]
+     'deprecated'	=> "\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00", # [12]
+     'exec'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00", # [21]
+     'io'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xa0\xaa\x00", # [18..23]
+     'misc'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20", # [26]
+     'newline'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00", # [19]
+     'numeric'		=> "\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [8]
+     'octal'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00", # [14]
+     'once'		=> "\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [9]
+     'parenthesis'	=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00", # [16]
+     'pipe'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00", # [23]
+     'precedence'	=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00", # [17]
+     'recursion'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08", # [25]
+     'redefine'		=> "\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [0]
+     'reserved'		=> "\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [11]
+     'semicolon'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00", # [13]
+     'signal'		=> "\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [7]
+     'substr'		=> "\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [4]
+     'syntax'		=> "\x00\x00\xa0\xaa\x0a\x00\x00", # [10..17]
+     'taint'		=> "\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [3]
+     'uninitialized'	=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02", # [24]
+     'unopened'		=> "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20\x00", # [22]
+     'unsafe'		=> "\xa0\xaa\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [2..7]
+     'untie'		=> "\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [6]
+     'void'		=> "\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", # [1]
+   );
+ sub bits {
+     my $mask ;
+     my $catmask ;
+     my $fatal = 0 ;
+     foreach my $word (@_) {
+ 	if  ($word eq 'FATAL')
+ 	  { $fatal = 1 }
+ 	elsif ($catmask = $Bits{$word}) {
+ 	  $mask |= $catmask ;
+ 	  $mask |= $DeadBits{$word} if $fatal ;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	  { croak "unknown warning category '$word'" }
+     }
+     return $mask ;
+ }
+ sub import {
+     shift;
+     $^B |= bits(@_ ? @_ : 'all') ;
+ }
+ sub unimport {
+     shift;
+     $^B &= ~ bits(@_ ? @_ : 'all') ;
+ }
+ 1;
*** mg.c.orig	Fri Feb 21 23:04:45 1997
--- mg.c	Thu Feb 27 11:36:54 1997
*** 341,346 ****
--- 341,354 ----
      case '\001':		/* ^A */
  	sv_setsv(sv, bodytarget);
+     case '\002':		/* ^B */
+ 	if (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_NONE)
+ 	    sv_setpvn(sv, WARN_NONEstring, WARNsize) ;
+         else if (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_ALL)
+ 	    sv_setpvn(sv, WARN_ALLstring, WARNsize) ;
+         else 
+ 	    sv_setsv(sv, curcop->cop_warnings);
+ 	break;
      case '\004':		/* ^D */
  	sv_setiv(sv, (IV)(debug & 32767));
*** 394,400 ****
      case '\027':		/* ^W */
! 	sv_setiv(sv, (IV)dowarn);
      case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
      case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '&':
--- 402,408 ----
      case '\027':		/* ^W */
! 	sv_setiv(sv, (IV)(dowarn != 0));
      case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
      case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '&':
*** 702,709 ****
      else {
  	i = whichsig(s);	/* ...no, a brick */
  	if (!i) {
! 	    if (dowarn || strEQ(s,"ALARM"))
! 		warn("No such signal: SIG%s", s);
  	    return 0;
--- 710,717 ----
      else {
  	i = whichsig(s);	/* ...no, a brick */
  	if (!i) {
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_SIGNAL) || strEQ(s,"ALARM"))
! 		warner(WARN_SIGNAL, "No such signal: SIG%s", s);
  	    return 0;
*** 1221,1226 ****
--- 1229,1246 ----
      case '\001':	/* ^A */
  	sv_setsv(bodytarget, sv);
+     case '\002':	/* ^B */
+         if ((dowarn & G_WARN_FLAG) || memEQ(SvPVX(sv), WARN_ALLstring, WARNsize))
+ 	    compiling.cop_warnings = WARN_ALL;
+ 	else if (memEQ(SvPVX(sv), WARN_NONEstring, WARNsize))
+ 	    compiling.cop_warnings = WARN_NONE;
+         else {
+ 	    if (compiling.cop_warnings != WARN_NONE && compiling.cop_warnings != WARN_ALL)
+ 	        sv_setsv(compiling.cop_warnings, sv);
+ 	    else
+ 		compiling.cop_warnings = newSVsv(sv) ;
+ 	}
+ 	break;
      case '\004':	/* ^D */
  	debug = (SvIOK(sv) ? SvIVX(sv) : sv_2iv(sv)) | 0x80000000;
*** 1273,1279 ****
      case '\027':	/* ^W */
! 	dowarn = (bool)(SvIOK(sv) ? SvIVX(sv) : sv_2iv(sv));
      case '.':
  	if (localizing) {
--- 1293,1300 ----
      case '\027':	/* ^W */
! 	i = SvIOK(sv) ? SvIVX(sv) : sv_2iv(sv);
! 	dowarn = (dowarn & G_WARN_FLAG) | (i ? G_WARN_ON : G_WARN_OFF) ;
      case '.':
  	if (localizing) {
*** 1552,1559 ****
      cv = sv_2cv(psig_ptr[sig],&st,&gv,TRUE);
      if (!cv || !CvROOT(cv)) {
! 	if (dowarn)
! 	    warn("SIG%s handler \"%s\" not defined.\n",
  		sig_name[sig], GvENAME(gv) );
--- 1573,1580 ----
      cv = sv_2cv(psig_ptr[sig],&st,&gv,TRUE);
      if (!cv || !CvROOT(cv)) {
! 	    warner(WARN_SIGNAL, "SIG%s handler \"%s\" not defined.\n",
  		sig_name[sig], GvENAME(gv) );
*** op.c.orig	Fri Feb 21 23:04:46 1997
--- op.c	Thu Feb 27 11:39:23 1997
*** 106,114 ****
      if (type != OP_AELEM && type != OP_HELEM) {
  	sprintf(tokenbuf, "Can't use subscript on %s", op_desc[type]);
! 	if (type == OP_ENTERSUB || type == OP_RV2HV || type == OP_PADHV)
  	    warn("(Did you mean $ or @ instead of %c?)\n",
! 		 type == OP_ENTERSUB ? '&' : '%');
--- 106,114 ----
      if (type != OP_AELEM && type != OP_HELEM) {
  	sprintf(tokenbuf, "Can't use subscript on %s", op_desc[type]);
! 	if (type == OP_RV2HV || type == OP_ENTERSUB)
  	    warn("(Did you mean $ or @ instead of %c?)\n",
! 		type == OP_RV2HV ? '%' : '&');
*** 225,232 ****
  				if (CvANON(bcv))
  				else {
! 				    if (dowarn && !CvUNIQUE(cv))
! 					warn(
  					  "Variable \"%s\" may be unavailable",
--- 225,232 ----
  				if (CvANON(bcv))
  				else {
! 				    if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSURE) && !CvUNIQUE(cv))
! 					warner(WARN_CLOSURE,
  					  "Variable \"%s\" may be unavailable",
*** 235,242 ****
  		    else if (!CvUNIQUE(compcv)) {
! 			if (dowarn && !CvUNIQUE(cv))
! 			    warn("Variable \"%s\" will not stay shared", name);
  		av_store(comppad, newoff, SvREFCNT_inc(oldsv));
--- 235,243 ----
  		    else if (!CvUNIQUE(compcv)) {
! 			if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSURE) && !CvUNIQUE(cv))
! 			    warner(WARN_CLOSURE,
! 				"Variable \"%s\" will not stay shared", name);
  		av_store(comppad, newoff, SvREFCNT_inc(oldsv));
*** 488,493 ****
--- 489,496 ----
      case OP_DBSTATE:
+ 	if (cCOP->cop_warnings != WARN_NONE && cCOP->cop_warnings != WARN_ALL)
+ 	    SvREFCNT_dec(cCOP->cop_warnings);
      case OP_CONST:
*** 574,586 ****
  OP *op;
!     if (dowarn &&
  	op->op_type == OP_SASSIGN && cBINOP->op_first->op_type == OP_CONST) {
  	line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  	if (copline != NOLINE)
  	    curcop->cop_line = copline;
! 	warn("Found = in conditional, should be ==");
  	curcop->cop_line = oldline;
      return scalar(op);
--- 577,589 ----
  OP *op;
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX) &&
  	op->op_type == OP_SASSIGN && cBINOP->op_first->op_type == OP_CONST) {
  	line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  	if (copline != NOLINE)
  	    curcop->cop_line = copline;
! 	warner(WARN_SYNTAX, "Found = in conditional, should be ==");
  	curcop->cop_line = oldline;
      return scalar(op);
*** 758,764 ****
      case OP_CONST:
  	sv = cSVOP->op_sv;
! 	if (dowarn) {
  	    useless = "a constant";
  	    if (SvNIOK(sv) && (SvNV(sv) == 0.0 || SvNV(sv) == 1.0))
  		useless = 0;
--- 761,767 ----
      case OP_CONST:
  	sv = cSVOP->op_sv;
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_VOID)) {
  	    useless = "a constant";
  	    if (SvNIOK(sv) && (SvNV(sv) == 0.0 || SvNV(sv) == 1.0))
  		useless = 0;
*** 821,828 ****
  	op->op_private |= OPpLEAVE_VOID;
!     if (useless && dowarn)
! 	warn("Useless use of %s in void context", useless);
      return op;
--- 824,831 ----
  	op->op_private |= OPpLEAVE_VOID;
!     if (useless && ckWARN(WARN_VOID))
! 	warner(WARN_VOID, "Useless use of %s in void context", useless);
      return op;
*** 949,968 ****
      switch (op->op_type) {
      case OP_CONST:
! 	if (!(op->op_private & (OPpCONST_ARYBASE)))
  	    goto nomod;
! 	if (eval_start && eval_start->op_type == OP_CONST) {
! 	    compiling.cop_arybase = (I32)SvIV(((SVOP*)eval_start)->op_sv);
! 	    eval_start = 0;
! 	}
! 	else if (!type) {
! 	    SAVEI32(compiling.cop_arybase);
! 	    compiling.cop_arybase = 0;
- 	else if (type == OP_REFGEN)
- 	    goto nomod;
- 	else
- 	    croak("That use of $[ is unsupported");
      case OP_STUB:
  	if (op->op_flags & OPf_PARENS)
--- 952,973 ----
      switch (op->op_type) {
      case OP_CONST:
! 	if (!(op->op_private & (OPpCONST_ARYBASE|OPpCONST_WARNING)))
  	    goto nomod;
! 	if (op->op_private & OPpCONST_ARYBASE) {
! 	    if (eval_start && eval_start->op_type == OP_CONST) {
! 	        compiling.cop_arybase = (I32)SvIV(((SVOP*)eval_start)->op_sv);
! 	        eval_start = 0;
! 	    }
! 	    else if (!type) {
! 	        SAVEI32(compiling.cop_arybase);
! 	        compiling.cop_arybase = 0;
! 	    }
! 	    else if (type == OP_REFGEN)
! 	        goto nomod;
! 	    else
! 	        croak("That use of $[ is unsupported");
      case OP_STUB:
  	if (op->op_flags & OPf_PARENS)
*** 1340,1345 ****
--- 1345,1355 ----
      pad_reset_pending = FALSE;
      hints &= ~HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE;
+     SAVEPPTR(compiling.cop_warnings); 
+     if (compiling.cop_warnings != WARN_ALL && compiling.cop_warnings != WARN_NONE) {
+ 	compiling.cop_warnings = newSVsv(compiling.cop_warnings) ;
+ 	SAVEFREESV(compiling.cop_warnings) ;
+     }
      return retval;
*** 1402,1412 ****
      else {
! 	if (dowarn && bufptr > oldbufptr && bufptr[-1] == ',') {
  	    char *s;
  	    for (s = bufptr; *s && (isALNUM(*s) || strchr("@$%, ",*s)); s++) ;
  	    if (*s == ';' || *s == '=')
! 		warn("Parens missing around \"%s\" list", lex ? "my" : "local");
      in_my = FALSE;
--- 1412,1423 ----
      else {
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_PARENTHESIS) && bufptr > oldbufptr && bufptr[-1] == ',') {
  	    char *s;
  	    for (s = bufptr; *s && (isALNUM(*s) || strchr("@$%, ",*s)); s++) ;
  	    if (*s == ';' || *s == '=')
! 		warner(WARN_PARENTHESIS, "Parens missing around \"%s\" list",
!  				lex ? "my" : "local");
      in_my = FALSE;
*** 2388,2393 ****
--- 2399,2408 ----
      cop->cop_seq = seq;
      cop->cop_arybase = curcop->cop_arybase;
+     if (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_NONE || curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_ALL) 
+         cop->cop_warnings = curcop->cop_warnings ;
+     else 
+         cop->cop_warnings = newSVsv(curcop->cop_warnings) ;
      if (copline == NOLINE)
          cop->cop_line = curcop->cop_line;
*** 2463,2470 ****
      if (first->op_type == OP_CONST) {
! 	if (dowarn && (first->op_private & OPpCONST_BARE))
! 	    warn("Probable precedence problem on %s", op_desc[type]);
  	if ((type == OP_AND) == (SvTRUE(((SVOP*)first)->op_sv))) {
  	    return other;
--- 2478,2486 ----
      if (first->op_type == OP_CONST) {
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_PRECEDENCE) && (first->op_private & OPpCONST_BARE))
! 	    warner(WARN_PRECEDENCE, "Probable precedence problem on %s", 
! 			op_desc[type]);
  	if ((type == OP_AND) == (SvTRUE(((SVOP*)first)->op_sv))) {
  	    return other;
*** 2480,2486 ****
!     else if (dowarn && (first->op_flags & OPf_KIDS)) {
  	OP *k1 = ((UNOP*)first)->op_first;
  	OP *k2 = k1->op_sibling;
  	OPCODE warnop = 0;
--- 2496,2502 ----
!     else if (ckWARN(WARN_UNSAFE) && (first->op_flags & OPf_KIDS)) {
  	OP *k1 = ((UNOP*)first)->op_first;
  	OP *k2 = k1->op_sibling;
  	OPCODE warnop = 0;
*** 2501,2507 ****
  	if (warnop) {
  	    line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  	    curcop->cop_line = copline;
! 	    warn("Value of %s construct can be \"0\"; test with defined()",
  		curcop->cop_line = oldline;
--- 2517,2524 ----
  	if (warnop) {
  	    line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  	    curcop->cop_line = copline;
! 	    warner(WARN_UNSAFE, 
! 		 "Value of %s construct can be \"0\"; test with defined()",
  		curcop->cop_line = oldline;
*** 3083,3093 ****
  		goto done;
! 	    if (const_sv || dowarn) {
  		line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  		curcop->cop_line = copline;
! 		warn(const_sv ? "Constant subroutine %s redefined"
! 			      : "Subroutine %s redefined",name);
  		curcop->cop_line = oldline;
--- 3100,3111 ----
  		goto done;
! 	    if (const_sv || ckWARN(WARN_REDEFINE)) {
  		line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  		curcop->cop_line = copline;
! 		warner(WARN_REDEFINE, 
! 			 const_sv ? "Constant subroutine %s redefined"
! 			      	  : "Subroutine %s redefined",name);
  		curcop->cop_line = oldline;
*** 3252,3261 ****
  	else if (CvROOT(cv) || CvXSUB(cv) || GvASSUMECV(gv)) {
  	    /* already defined (or promised) */
! 	    if (dowarn) {
  		line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  		curcop->cop_line = copline;
! 		warn("Subroutine %s redefined",name);
  		curcop->cop_line = oldline;
--- 3270,3279 ----
  	else if (CvROOT(cv) || CvXSUB(cv) || GvASSUMECV(gv)) {
  	    /* already defined (or promised) */
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_REDEFINE)) {
  		line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  		curcop->cop_line = copline;
! 		warner(WARN_REDEFINE, "Subroutine %s redefined",name);
  		curcop->cop_line = oldline;
*** 3322,3332 ****
      gv = gv_fetchpv(name,TRUE, SVt_PVFM);
      if (cv = GvFORM(gv)) {
! 	if (dowarn) {
  	    line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  	    curcop->cop_line = copline;
! 	    warn("Format %s redefined",name);
  	    curcop->cop_line = oldline;
--- 3340,3350 ----
      gv = gv_fetchpv(name,TRUE, SVt_PVFM);
      if (cv = GvFORM(gv)) {
  	    line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  	    curcop->cop_line = copline;
! 	    warner(WARN_REDEFINE, "Format %s redefined",name);
  	    curcop->cop_line = oldline;
*** 3811,3818 ****
  		    char *name = SvPVx(((SVOP*)kid)->op_sv, na);
  		    OP *newop = newAVREF(newGVOP(OP_GV, 0,
  			gv_fetchpv(name, TRUE, SVt_PVAV) ));
! 		    if (dowarn)
! 			warn("Array @%s missing the @ in argument %ld of %s()",
  			    name, (long)numargs, op_desc[type]);
  		    kid = newop;
--- 3829,3837 ----
  		    char *name = SvPVx(((SVOP*)kid)->op_sv, na);
  		    OP *newop = newAVREF(newGVOP(OP_GV, 0,
  			gv_fetchpv(name, TRUE, SVt_PVAV) ));
! 		    if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX))
! 			warner(WARN_SYNTAX,
! 			    "Array @%s missing the @ in argument %ld of %s()",
  			    name, (long)numargs, op_desc[type]);
  		    kid = newop;
*** 3829,3836 ****
  		    char *name = SvPVx(((SVOP*)kid)->op_sv, na);
  		    OP *newop = newHVREF(newGVOP(OP_GV, 0,
  			gv_fetchpv(name, TRUE, SVt_PVHV) ));
! 		    if (dowarn)
! 			warn("Hash %%%s missing the %% in argument %ld of %s()",
  			    name, (long)numargs, op_desc[type]);
  		    kid = newop;
--- 3848,3856 ----
  		    char *name = SvPVx(((SVOP*)kid)->op_sv, na);
  		    OP *newop = newHVREF(newGVOP(OP_GV, 0,
  			gv_fetchpv(name, TRUE, SVt_PVHV) ));
! 		    if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX))
! 			warner(WARN_SYNTAX,
! 			    "Hash %%%s missing the %% in argument %ld of %s()",
  			    name, (long)numargs, op_desc[type]);
  		    kid = newop;
*** 4551,4564 ****
  	case OP_EXEC:
  	    o->op_seq = op_seqmax++;
! 	    if (dowarn && o->op_next && o->op_next->op_type == OP_NEXTSTATE) {
  		if (o->op_next->op_sibling &&
  			o->op_next->op_sibling->op_type != OP_DIE) {
  		    line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  		    curcop->cop_line = ((COP*)o->op_next)->cop_line;
! 		    warn("Statement unlikely to be reached");
! 		    warn("(Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?)\n");
  		    curcop->cop_line = oldline;
--- 4571,4585 ----
  	case OP_EXEC:
  	    o->op_seq = op_seqmax++;
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX) && o->op_next && o->op_next->op_type == OP_NEXTSTATE) {
  		if (o->op_next->op_sibling &&
  			o->op_next->op_sibling->op_type != OP_DIE) {
  		    line_t oldline = curcop->cop_line;
  		    curcop->cop_line = ((COP*)o->op_next)->cop_line;
! 		    warner(WARN_SYNTAX, "Statement unlikely to be reached");
! 		    warner(WARN_SYNTAX,
! 			"(Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?)\n");
  		    curcop->cop_line = oldline;
*** op.h.orig	Thu Dec 19 10:59:06 1996
--- op.h	Thu Feb 27 11:31:34 1997
*** 95,100 ****
--- 95,101 ----
  #define OPpCONST_ENTERED	16	/* Has been entered as symbol. */
  #define OPpCONST_ARYBASE	32	/* Was a $[ translated to constant. */
  #define OPpCONST_BARE		64	/* Was a bare word (filehandle?). */
+ #define OPpCONST_WARNING	128	/* Was a $^W translated to constant. */
  /* Private for OP_FLIP/FLOP */
  #define OPpFLIP_LINENUM		64	/* Range arg potentially a line num. */
*** perl.c.orig	Fri Feb 21 23:04:49 1997
--- perl.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:35 1997
*** 496,501 ****
--- 496,502 ----
      main_cv = Nullcv;
+     dowarn = FALSE ;
      switch (Sigsetjmp(top_env,1)) {
      case 1:
*** 545,550 ****
--- 546,552 ----
  	case 'u':
  	case 'U':
  	case 'v':
+ 	case 'W':
  	case 'w':
  	    if (s = moreswitches(s))
  		goto reswitch;
*** 761,767 ****
      if (do_undump)
!     if (dowarn)
--- 763,769 ----
      if (do_undump)
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_ONCE))
*** 1426,1432 ****
  GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5.0 source kit.\n\n");
      case 'w':
! 	dowarn = TRUE;
  	return s;
      case '*':
--- 1428,1439 ----
  GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5.0 source kit.\n\n");
      case 'w':
! 	dowarn |= G_WARN_ON; 
! 	s++;
! 	return s;
!     case 'W':
! 	dowarn |= G_WARN_FLAG|G_WARN_ON; 
! 	compiling.cop_warnings = WARN_ALL ;
  	return s;
      case '*':
*** perl.h.orig	Tue Feb 18 08:43:26 1997
--- perl.h	Thu Feb 27 11:34:45 1997
*** 990,995 ****
--- 990,996 ----
  #include "hv.h"
  #include "mg.h"
  #include "scope.h"
+ #include "warning.h"
  /* work around some libPW problems */
  #ifdef DOINIT
*** pp.c.orig	Tue Feb 25 08:48:13 1997
--- pp.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:37 1997
*** 1517,1524 ****
      if (pos < 0)
  	pos += curlen + arybase;
      if (pos < 0 || pos > curlen) {
! 	if (dowarn || lvalue)
! 	    warn("substr outside of string");
      else {
--- 1517,1524 ----
      if (pos < 0)
  	pos += curlen + arybase;
      if (pos < 0 || pos > curlen) {
! 	if (lvalue || ckWARN(WARN_SUBSTR))
! 	    warner(WARN_SUBSTR, "substr outside of string");
      else {
*** 1538,1545 ****
  	    if (!SvGMAGICAL(sv)) {
  		if (SvROK(sv)) {
! 		    if (dowarn)
! 			warn("Attempt to use reference as lvalue in substr");
  		if (SvOK(sv))		/* is it defined ? */
--- 1538,1546 ----
  	    if (!SvGMAGICAL(sv)) {
  		if (SvROK(sv)) {
! 		    if (ckWARN(WARN_SUBSTR))
! 			warner(WARN_SUBSTR, 
! 			    "Attempt to use reference as lvalue in substr");
  		if (SvOK(sv))		/* is it defined ? */
*** pp_ctl.c.orig	Fri Feb 21 23:04:54 1997
--- pp_ctl.c	Thu Feb 27 11:41:18 1997
*** 249,256 ****
  		sv = *++MARK;
  	    else {
  		sv = &sv_no;
! 		if (dowarn)
! 		    warn("Not enough format arguments");
--- 249,256 ----
  		sv = *++MARK;
  	    else {
  		sv = &sv_no;
! 		if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX))
! 		    warner(WARN_SYNTAX, "Not enough format arguments");
*** 774,793 ****
  	cx = &cxstack[i];
  	switch (cx->cx_type) {
  	case CXt_SUBST:
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("Exiting substitution via %s", op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_SUB:
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("Exiting subroutine via %s", op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_EVAL:
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("Exiting eval via %s", op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_NULL:
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("Exiting pseudo-block via %s", op_name[op->op_type]);
  	    return -1;
  	case CXt_LOOP:
  	    if (!cx->blk_loop.label ||
--- 774,797 ----
  	cx = &cxstack[i];
  	switch (cx->cx_type) {
  	case CXt_SUBST:
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_UNSAFE))
! 		warner(WARN_UNSAFE, "Exiting substitution via %s", 
! 			 op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_SUB:
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_UNSAFE))
! 		warner(WARN_UNSAFE, "Exiting subroutine via %s", 
! 			op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_EVAL:
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_UNSAFE))
! 		warner(WARN_UNSAFE, "Exiting eval via %s", 
! 			op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_NULL:
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_UNSAFE))
! 		warner(WARN_UNSAFE, "Exiting pseudo-block via %s", 
! 			op_name[op->op_type]);
  	    return -1;
  	case CXt_LOOP:
  	    if (!cx->blk_loop.label ||
*** 867,886 ****
  	cx = &cxstack[i];
  	switch (cx->cx_type) {
  	case CXt_SUBST:
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("Exiting substitution via %s", op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_SUB:
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("Exiting subroutine via %s", op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_EVAL:
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("Exiting eval via %s", op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_NULL:
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("Exiting pseudo-block via %s", op_name[op->op_type]);
  	    return -1;
  	case CXt_LOOP:
  	    DEBUG_l( deb("(Found loop #%d)\n", i));
--- 871,894 ----
  	cx = &cxstack[i];
  	switch (cx->cx_type) {
  	case CXt_SUBST:
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_UNSAFE))
! 		warner(WARN_UNSAFE, "Exiting substitution via %s", 
! 			op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_SUB:
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_UNSAFE))
! 		warner(WARN_UNSAFE, "Exiting subroutine via %s", 
! 			op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_EVAL:
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_UNSAFE))
! 		warner(WARN_UNSAFE, "Exiting eval via %s", 
! 			op_name[op->op_type]);
  	case CXt_NULL:
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_UNSAFE))
! 		warner(WARN_UNSAFE, "Exiting pseudo-block via %s", 
! 			op_name[op->op_type]);
  	    return -1;
  	case CXt_LOOP:
  	    DEBUG_l( deb("(Found loop #%d)\n", i));
*** 1658,1664 ****
  		if (CvDEPTH(cv) < 2)
  		else {	/* save temporaries on recursion? */
! 		    if (CvDEPTH(cv) == 100 && dowarn)
  		    if (CvDEPTH(cv) > AvFILL(padlist)) {
  			AV *newpad = newAV();
--- 1666,1672 ----
  		if (CvDEPTH(cv) < 2)
  		else {	/* save temporaries on recursion? */
! 		    if (CvDEPTH(cv) == 100 && ckWARN(WARN_RECURSION))
  		    if (CvDEPTH(cv) > AvFILL(padlist)) {
  			AV *newpad = newAV();
*** 2167,2172 ****
--- 2175,2182 ----
      hints = 0;
+     SAVEPPTR(compiling.cop_warnings);
+     compiling.cop_warnings = ((dowarn & G_WARN_FLAG) ? WARN_ALL : WARN_NONE) ;
      /* switch to eval mode */
*** 2218,2223 ****
--- 2228,2238 ----
      SAVEDELETE(defstash, safestr, strlen(safestr));
      hints = op->op_targ;
+     SAVEPPTR(compiling.cop_warnings);
+     if (compiling.cop_warnings != WARN_ALL && compiling.cop_warnings != WARN_NONE){
+ 	compiling.cop_warnings = newSVsv(compiling.cop_warnings) ;
+ 	SAVEFREESV(compiling.cop_warnings) ;
+     }
      PUSHBLOCK(cx, CXt_EVAL, SP);
*** pp_hot.c.orig	Fri Feb 21 23:04:55 1997
--- pp_hot.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:39 1997
*** 344,366 ****
      if (!(io = GvIO(gv))) {
! 	if (dowarn) {
  	    SV* sv = sv_newmortal();
              gv_fullname3(sv, gv, Nullch);
!             warn("Filehandle %s never opened", SvPV(sv,na));
  	goto just_say_no;
      else if (!(fp = IoOFP(io))) {
! 	if (dowarn)  {
  	    SV* sv = sv_newmortal();
              gv_fullname3(sv, gv, Nullch);
  	    if (IoIFP(io))
! 		warn("Filehandle %s opened only for input", SvPV(sv,na));
! 	    else
! 		warn("print on closed filehandle %s", SvPV(sv,na));
  	goto just_say_no;
--- 344,368 ----
      if (!(io = GvIO(gv))) {
  	    SV* sv = sv_newmortal();
              gv_fullname3(sv, gv, Nullch);
!             warner(WARN_UNOPENED, "Filehandle %s never opened", SvPV(sv,na));
  	goto just_say_no;
      else if (!(fp = IoOFP(io))) {
! 	if (ckWARN2(WARN_CLOSED, WARN_IO))  {
  	    SV* sv = sv_newmortal();
              gv_fullname3(sv, gv, Nullch);
  	    if (IoIFP(io))
! 		warner(WARN_IO, "Filehandle %s opened only for input", 
! 				SvPV(sv,na));
! 	    else if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
! 		warner(WARN_CLOSED, "print on closed filehandle %s", 
! 			SvPV(sv,na));
  	goto just_say_no;
*** 1123,1130 ****
      if (!fp) {
! 	if (dowarn && io && !(IoFLAGS(io) & IOf_START))
! 	    warn("Read on closed filehandle <%s>", GvENAME(last_in_gv));
  	if (GIMME == G_SCALAR) {
--- 1125,1133 ----
      if (!fp) {
! 	if (io && ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED) && !(IoFLAGS(io) & IOf_START))
! 	    warner(WARN_CLOSED, "Read on closed filehandle <%s>", 
! 			GvENAME(last_in_gv));
  	if (GIMME == G_SCALAR) {
*** 1868,1874 ****
  	if (CvDEPTH(cv) < 2)
  	else {	/* save temporaries on recursion? */
! 	    if (CvDEPTH(cv) == 100 && dowarn 
  		  && !(perldb && cv == GvCV(DBsub)))
  	    if (CvDEPTH(cv) > AvFILL(padlist)) {
--- 1871,1877 ----
  	if (CvDEPTH(cv) < 2)
  	else {	/* save temporaries on recursion? */
! 	    if (CvDEPTH(cv) == 100 && ckWARN(WARN_RECURSION)
  		  && !(perldb && cv == GvCV(DBsub)))
  	    if (CvDEPTH(cv) > AvFILL(padlist)) {
*** 1955,1965 ****
  CV* cv;
      if (CvANON(cv))
! 	warn("Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine");
      else {
  	SV* tmpstr = sv_newmortal();
  	gv_efullname3(tmpstr, CvGV(cv), Nullch);
! 	warn("Deep recursion on subroutine \"%s\"", SvPVX(tmpstr));
--- 1958,1969 ----
  CV* cv;
      if (CvANON(cv))
! 	warner(WARN_RECURSION, "Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine");
      else {
  	SV* tmpstr = sv_newmortal();
  	gv_efullname3(tmpstr, CvGV(cv), Nullch);
! 	warner(WARN_RECURSION, "Deep recursion on subroutine \"%s\"", 
! 		SvPVX(tmpstr));
*** pp_sys.c.orig	Fri Feb 21 23:04:55 1997
--- pp_sys.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:40 1997
*** 517,523 ****
      sv = POPs;
!     if (dowarn) {
          MAGIC * mg ;
          if (SvMAGICAL(sv)) {
              if (SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_PVHV || SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_PVAV)
--- 517,523 ----
      sv = POPs;
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_UNTIE)) {
          MAGIC * mg ;
          if (SvMAGICAL(sv)) {
              if (SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_PVHV || SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_PVAV)
*** 526,533 ****
                  mg = mg_find(sv, 'q') ;
              if (mg && SvREFCNT(SvRV(mg->mg_obj)) > 1)  
! 		warn("untie attempted while %lu inner references still exist",
! 			(unsigned long)SvREFCNT(SvRV(mg->mg_obj)) - 1 ) ;
--- 526,534 ----
                  mg = mg_find(sv, 'q') ;
              if (mg && SvREFCNT(SvRV(mg->mg_obj)) > 1)  
! 		warner(WARN_UNTIE,
! 		    "untie attempted while %lu inner references still exist",
! 		    (unsigned long)SvREFCNT(SvRV(mg->mg_obj)) - 1 ) ;
*** 993,1010 ****
      fp = IoOFP(io);
      if (!fp) {
! 	if (dowarn) {
  	    if (IoIFP(io))
! 		warn("Filehandle only opened for input");
! 	    else
! 		warn("Write on closed filehandle");
      else {
  	if ((IoLINES_LEFT(io) -= FmLINES(formtarget)) < 0) {
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("page overflow");
  	if (!PerlIO_write(ofp, SvPVX(formtarget), SvCUR(formtarget)) ||
--- 994,1011 ----
      fp = IoOFP(io);
      if (!fp) {
  	    if (IoIFP(io))
! 		warner(WARN_IO, "Filehandle only opened for input");
! 	    else if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
! 		warner(WARN_CLOSED, "Write on closed filehandle");
      else {
  	if ((IoLINES_LEFT(io) -= FmLINES(formtarget)) < 0) {
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_IO))
! 		warner(WARN_IO, "page overflow");
  	if (!PerlIO_write(ofp, SvPVX(formtarget), SvCUR(formtarget)) ||
*** 1036,1055 ****
  	gv = defoutgv;
      if (!(io = GvIO(gv))) {
! 	if (dowarn) {
  	    gv_fullname3(sv, gv, Nullch);
! 	    warn("Filehandle %s never opened", SvPV(sv,na));
  	goto just_say_no;
      else if (!(fp = IoOFP(io))) {
! 	if (dowarn)  {
  	    gv_fullname3(sv, gv, Nullch);
  	    if (IoIFP(io))
! 		warn("Filehandle %s opened only for input", SvPV(sv,na));
! 	    else
! 		warn("printf on closed filehandle %s", SvPV(sv,na));
  	goto just_say_no;
--- 1037,1058 ----
  	gv = defoutgv;
      if (!(io = GvIO(gv))) {
  	    gv_fullname3(sv, gv, Nullch);
! 	    warner(WARN_UNOPENED, "Filehandle %s never opened", SvPV(sv,na));
  	goto just_say_no;
      else if (!(fp = IoOFP(io))) {
  	    gv_fullname3(sv, gv, Nullch);
  	    if (IoIFP(io))
! 		warner(WARN_IO, "Filehandle %s opened only for input", 
! 			SvPV(sv,na));
! 	    else if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
! 		warner(WARN_CLOSED, "printf on closed filehandle %s", 
! 			SvPV(sv,na));
  	goto just_say_no;
*** 1233,1243 ****
      io = GvIO(gv);
      if (!io || !IoIFP(io)) {
  	length = -1;
! 	if (dowarn) {
  	    if (op->op_type == OP_SYSWRITE)
! 		warn("Syswrite on closed filehandle");
! 		warn("Send on closed socket");
      else if (op->op_type == OP_SYSWRITE) {
--- 1236,1246 ----
      io = GvIO(gv);
      if (!io || !IoIFP(io)) {
  	length = -1;
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED)) {
  	    if (op->op_type == OP_SYSWRITE)
! 		warner(WARN_CLOSED, "Syswrite on closed filehandle");
! 		warner(WARN_CLOSED, "Send on closed socket");
      else if (op->op_type == OP_SYSWRITE) {
*** 1605,1612 ****
!     if (dowarn)
! 	warn("bind() on closed fd");
--- 1608,1615 ----
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
! 	warner(WARN_CLOSED, "bind() on closed fd");
*** 1635,1642 ****
!     if (dowarn)
! 	warn("connect() on closed fd");
--- 1638,1645 ----
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
! 	warner(WARN_CLOSED, "connect() on closed fd");
*** 1661,1668 ****
!     if (dowarn)
! 	warn("listen() on closed fd");
--- 1664,1671 ----
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
! 	warner(WARN_CLOSED, "listen() on closed fd");
*** 1715,1722 ****
!     if (dowarn)
! 	warn("accept() on closed fd");
--- 1718,1725 ----
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
! 	warner(WARN_CLOSED, "accept() on closed fd");
*** 1742,1749 ****
!     if (dowarn)
! 	warn("shutdown() on closed fd");
--- 1745,1752 ----
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
! 	warner(WARN_CLOSED, "shutdown() on closed fd");
*** 1818,1825 ****
!     if (dowarn)
! 	warn("[gs]etsockopt() on closed fd");
--- 1821,1828 ----
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
! 	warner(WARN_CLOSED, "[gs]etsockopt() on closed fd");
*** 1880,1887 ****
!     if (dowarn)
! 	warn("get{sock, peer}name() on closed fd");
--- 1883,1890 ----
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
! 	warner(WARN_CLOSED, "get{sock, peer}name() on closed fd");
*** 1937,1944 ****
  	    laststatval = Stat(SvPV(statname, na), &statcache);
  	if (laststatval < 0) {
! 	    if (dowarn && strchr(SvPV(statname, na), '\n'))
! 		warn(warn_nl, "stat");
  	    max = 0;
--- 1940,1947 ----
  	    laststatval = Stat(SvPV(statname, na), &statcache);
  	if (laststatval < 0) {
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_NEWLINE) && strchr(SvPV(statname, na), '\n'))
! 		warner(WARN_NEWLINE, warn_nl, "stat");
  	    max = 0;
*** 2340,2347 ****
  		len = 512;
  	else {
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn("Test on unopened file <%s>",
--- 2343,2350 ----
  		len = 512;
  	else {
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_UNOPENED))
! 		warner(WARN_UNOPENED, "Test on unopened file <%s>",
*** 2359,2366 ****
  	i = open(SvPV(sv, na), 0);
  	if (i < 0) {
! 	    if (dowarn && strchr(SvPV(sv, na), '\n'))
! 		warn(warn_nl, "open");
  	laststatval = Fstat(i, &statcache);
--- 2362,2369 ----
  	i = open(SvPV(sv, na), 0);
  	if (i < 0) {
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_NEWLINE) && strchr(SvPV(sv, na), '\n'))
! 		warner(WARN_NEWLINE, warn_nl, "open");
  	laststatval = Fstat(i, &statcache);
*** proto.h.orig	Tue Feb  4 08:55:19 1997
--- proto.h	Thu Feb 27 11:31:40 1997
*** 501,506 ****
--- 501,507 ----
  void	vivify_itervar _((SV* sv));
  I32	wait4pid _((int pid, int* statusp, int flags));
  void	warn _((const char* pat,...)) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2)));
+ void	warner _((U32 err, const char* pat,...)) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2)));
  void	watch _((char **addr));
  I32	whichsig _((char* sig));
  int	yyerror _((char* s));
*** regcomp.c.orig	Tue Feb 18 08:43:33 1997
--- regcomp.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:41 1997
*** 719,726 ****
  	goto do_curly;
!     if (dowarn && regcode != &regdummy && !(flags&HASWIDTH) && max > 10000) {
! 	warn("%.*s matches null string many times",
  	    regparse - origparse, origparse);
--- 719,726 ----
  	goto do_curly;
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_UNSAFE) && regcode != &regdummy && !(flags&HASWIDTH) && max > 10000) {
! 	warner(WARN_UNSAFE, "%.*s matches null string many times",
  	    regparse - origparse, origparse);
*** sv.c.orig	Tue Feb 18 08:43:33 1997
--- sv.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:42 1997
*** 1237,1246 ****
      *d = '\0';
      if (op)
! 	warn("Argument \"%s\" isn't numeric in %s", tmpbuf,
! 	warn("Argument \"%s\" isn't numeric", tmpbuf);
--- 1237,1246 ----
      *d = '\0';
      if (op)
! 	warner(WARN_NUMERIC, "Argument \"%s\" isn't numeric in %s", tmpbuf,
! 	warner(WARN_NUMERIC, "Argument \"%s\" isn't numeric", tmpbuf);
*** 1282,1289 ****
  	    if (SvPOKp(sv) && SvLEN(sv))
  		return asIV(sv);
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn(warn_uninit);
  	    return 0;
--- 1282,1289 ----
  	    if (SvPOKp(sv) && SvLEN(sv))
  		return asIV(sv);
! 		warner(WARN_UNINITIALIZED, warn_uninit);
  	    return 0;
*** 1310,1317 ****
  	SvIVX(sv) = asIV(sv);
      else  {
! 	if (dowarn && !localizing && !(SvFLAGS(sv) & SVs_PADTMP))
! 	    warn(warn_uninit);
  	return 0;
      DEBUG_c(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "0x%lx 2iv(%ld)\n",
--- 1310,1317 ----
  	SvIVX(sv) = asIV(sv);
      else  {
! 	if (!localizing && ckWARN(WARN_UNINITIALIZED) && !(SvFLAGS(sv) & SVs_PADTMP))
! 	    warner(WARN_UNINITIALIZED, warn_uninit);
  	return 0;
      DEBUG_c(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "0x%lx 2iv(%ld)\n",
*** 1351,1358 ****
  	    if (SvPOKp(sv) && SvLEN(sv))
  		return asUV(sv);
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn(warn_uninit);
  	    return 0;
--- 1351,1358 ----
  	    if (SvPOKp(sv) && SvLEN(sv))
  		return asUV(sv);
! 		warner(WARN_UNINITIALIZED, warn_uninit);
  	    return 0;
*** 1376,1383 ****
  	SvUVX(sv) = asUV(sv);
      else  {
! 	if (dowarn && !localizing && !(SvFLAGS(sv) & SVs_PADTMP))
! 	    warn(warn_uninit);
  	return 0;
      DEBUG_c(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "0x%lx 2uv(%lu)\n",
--- 1376,1383 ----
  	SvUVX(sv) = asUV(sv);
      else  {
! 	if (!localizing && ckWARN(WARN_UNINITIALIZED) && !(SvFLAGS(sv) & SVs_PADTMP))
! 	    warner(WARN_UNINITIALIZED, warn_uninit);
  	return 0;
      DEBUG_c(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "0x%lx 2uv(%lu)\n",
*** 1396,1402 ****
  	if (SvNOKp(sv))
  	    return SvNVX(sv);
  	if (SvPOKp(sv) && SvLEN(sv)) {
! 	    if (dowarn && !SvIOKp(sv) && !looks_like_number(sv))
  	    return atof(SvPVX(sv));
--- 1396,1402 ----
  	if (SvNOKp(sv))
  	    return SvNVX(sv);
  	if (SvPOKp(sv) && SvLEN(sv)) {
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_NUMERIC) && !SvIOKp(sv) && !looks_like_number(sv))
  	    return atof(SvPVX(sv));
*** 1418,1432 ****
  	if (SvREADONLY(sv)) {
  	    if (SvPOKp(sv) && SvLEN(sv)) {
! 		if (dowarn && !SvIOKp(sv) && !looks_like_number(sv))
  		return atof(SvPVX(sv));
  	    if (SvIOKp(sv))
  		return (double)SvIVX(sv);
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn(warn_uninit);
  	    return 0.0;
--- 1418,1432 ----
  	if (SvREADONLY(sv)) {
  	    if (SvPOKp(sv) && SvLEN(sv)) {
! 		if (ckWARN(WARN_NUMERIC) && !SvIOKp(sv) && !looks_like_number(sv))
  		return atof(SvPVX(sv));
  	    if (SvIOKp(sv))
  		return (double)SvIVX(sv);
! 		warner(WARN_UNINITIALIZED, warn_uninit);
  	    return 0.0;
*** 1447,1460 ****
  	SvNVX(sv) = (double)SvIVX(sv);
      else if (SvPOKp(sv) && SvLEN(sv)) {
! 	if (dowarn && !SvIOKp(sv) && !looks_like_number(sv))
  	SvNVX(sv) = atof(SvPVX(sv));
      else  {
! 	if (dowarn && !localizing && !(SvFLAGS(sv) & SVs_PADTMP))
! 	    warn(warn_uninit);
  	return 0.0;
--- 1447,1460 ----
  	SvNVX(sv) = (double)SvIVX(sv);
      else if (SvPOKp(sv) && SvLEN(sv)) {
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_NUMERIC) && !SvIOKp(sv) && !looks_like_number(sv))
  	SvNVX(sv) = atof(SvPVX(sv));
      else  {
! 	if (!localizing && ckWARN(WARN_UNINITIALIZED) && !(SvFLAGS(sv) & SVs_PADTMP))
! 	    warner(WARN_UNINITIALIZED, warn_uninit);
  	return 0.0;
*** 1473,1479 ****
      if (numtype == 1)
  	return atol(SvPVX(sv));
!     if (!numtype && dowarn)
      d = atof(SvPVX(sv));
--- 1473,1479 ----
      if (numtype == 1)
  	return atol(SvPVX(sv));
!     if (!numtype && ckWARN(WARN_NUMERIC))
      d = atof(SvPVX(sv));
*** 1491,1497 ****
      if (numtype == 1)
  	return atol(SvPVX(sv));
!     if (!numtype && dowarn)
      return U_V(atof(SvPVX(sv)));
--- 1491,1497 ----
      if (numtype == 1)
  	return atol(SvPVX(sv));
!     if (!numtype && ckWARN(WARN_NUMERIC))
      return U_V(atof(SvPVX(sv)));
*** 1659,1666 ****
  		goto tokensave;
! 	    if (dowarn)
! 		warn(warn_uninit);
  	    *lp = 0;
  	    return "";
--- 1659,1666 ----
  		goto tokensave;
! 		warner(WARN_UNINITIALIZED, warn_uninit);
  	    *lp = 0;
  	    return "";
*** 1704,1711 ****
  	while (*s) s++;
      else {
! 	if (dowarn && !localizing && !(SvFLAGS(sv) & SVs_PADTMP))
! 	    warn(warn_uninit);
  	*lp = 0;
  	return "";
--- 1704,1711 ----
  	while (*s) s++;
      else {
! 	if (!localizing && ckWARN(WARN_UNINITIALIZED) && !(SvFLAGS(sv) & SVs_PADTMP))
! 	    warner(WARN_UNINITIALIZED, warn_uninit);
  	*lp = 0;
  	return "";
*** 1973,1982 ****
  			CV* cv = GvCV(dstr);
  			if (cv) {
  			    dref = (SV*)cv;
! 			    if (dowarn && sref != dref &&
  				    !GvCVGEN((GV*)dstr) &&
  				    (CvROOT(cv) || CvXSUB(cv)) )
! 				warn("Subroutine %s redefined",
--- 1973,1983 ----
  			CV* cv = GvCV(dstr);
  			if (cv) {
  			    dref = (SV*)cv;
! 			    if (ckWARN(WARN_REDEFINE) && sref != dref &&
  				    !GvCVGEN((GV*)dstr) &&
  				    (CvROOT(cv) || CvXSUB(cv)) )
! 				warner(WARN_REDEFINE,
! 				    "Subroutine %s redefined",
*** t/op/tie.t.orig	Tue Nov 19 14:45:04 1996
--- t/op/tie.t	Thu Feb 27 11:31:43 1997
*** 77,84 ****
  # strict behaviour, without any extra references
! #use warning 'untie';
! local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  untie %h;
--- 77,84 ----
  # strict behaviour, without any extra references
! use warning 'untie';
! #local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  untie %h;
*** 86,93 ****
  # strict behaviour, with 1 extra references generating an error
! #use warning 'untie';
! local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  untie %h;
--- 86,93 ----
  # strict behaviour, with 1 extra references generating an error
! use warning 'untie';
! #local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  untie %h;
*** 96,103 ****
  # strict behaviour, with 1 extra references via tied generating an error
! #use warning 'untie';
! local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  $a = tied %h;
--- 96,103 ----
  # strict behaviour, with 1 extra references via tied generating an error
! use warning 'untie';
! #local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  $a = tied %h;
*** 107,114 ****
  # strict behaviour, with 1 extra references which are destroyed
! #use warning 'untie';
! local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  $a = 0 ;
--- 107,114 ----
  # strict behaviour, with 1 extra references which are destroyed
! use warning 'untie';
! #local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  $a = 0 ;
*** 117,124 ****
  # strict behaviour, with extra 1 references via tied which are destroyed
! #use warning 'untie';
! local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  $a = tied %h;
--- 117,124 ----
  # strict behaviour, with extra 1 references via tied which are destroyed
! use warning 'untie';
! #local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  $a = tied %h;
*** 128,135 ****
  # strict error behaviour, with 2 extra references 
! #use warning 'untie';
! local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  $b = tied %h ;
--- 128,135 ----
  # strict error behaviour, with 2 extra references 
! use warning 'untie';
! #local $^W = 1 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  $a = tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
  $b = tied %h ;
*** 139,152 ****
  # strict behaviour, check scope of strictness.
! #no warning 'untie';
! local $^W = 0 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  $A = tie %H, Tie::StdHash;
  $C = $B = tied %H ;
!     #use warning 'untie';
!     local $^W = 1 ;
      use Tie::Hash ;
      tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
      untie %h;
--- 139,152 ----
  # strict behaviour, check scope of strictness.
! no warning 'untie';
! #local $^W = 0 ;
  use Tie::Hash ;
  $A = tie %H, Tie::StdHash;
  $C = $B = tied %H ;
!     use warning 'untie';
!     #local $^W = 1 ;
      use Tie::Hash ;
      tie %h, Tie::StdHash;
      untie %h;
*** t/pragma/warn-1global.orig	Sat Jan  4 09:46:21 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-1global	Thu Feb 27 11:31:44 1997
*** 110,131 ****
  $^W = 1;
! eval "my $b ; chop $b ;" ;
! Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
! Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
! eval "$^W = 1;" ;
  my $b ; chop $b ;
  eval {$^W = 1;} ;
  my $b ; chop $b ;
! Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
--- 110,133 ----
  $^W = 1;
! eval 'my $b ; chop $b ;' ;
! print $@ ;
! Use of uninitialized value at (eval 1) line 1.
! eval '$^W = 1;' ;
! print $@ ;
  my $b ; chop $b ;
! Use of uninitialized value at - line 4.
  eval {$^W = 1;} ;
+ print $@ ;
  my $b ; chop $b ;
! Use of uninitialized value at - line 4.
*** 144,146 ****
--- 146,180 ----
  my $c ; chop $c ;
  Use of uninitialized value at - line 5.
+ ########
+ $^W = 1 + 2 ;
+ ########
+ $^W = $a ;
+ ########
+ sub fred {}
+ $^W = fred() ;
+ ########
+ sub fred { my $b ; chop $b ;}
+ { local $^W = 0 ;
+   fred() ;
+ }
+ ########
+ sub fred { my $b ; chop $b ;}
+ { local $^W = 1 ;
+   fred() ;
+ }
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 2.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-2use	Thu Feb 27 11:31:44 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,291 ----
+ Check lexical warning functionality
+   check that the hierarchy works.
+ __END__
+ # check illegal category is caught
+ use warning 'blah' ;
+ unknown warning category 'blah' at - line 3
+ BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # Check compile time scope of pragma
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ {
+     no warning ;
+     1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ }
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 8.
+ ########
+ # Check compile time scope of pragma
+ no warning;
+ {
+     use warning 'deprecated' ;
+     1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ }
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # Check runtime scope of pragma
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ {
+     no warning ;
+     my $b ; chop $b ;
+ }
+ my $b ; chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 8.
+ ########
+ # Check runtime scope of pragma
+ no warning ;
+ {
+     use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+     my $b ; chop $b ;
+ }
+ my $b ; chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # Check runtime scope of pragma
+ no warning ;
+ {
+     use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+     $a = sub { my $b ; chop $b ; }
+ }
+ &$a ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 6.
+ ########
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 3.
+ ########
+ --FILE-- abc
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ 1;
+ --FILE-- 
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ require "./abc";
+ ########
+ --FILE-- abc
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ 1;
+ --FILE-- 
+ require "./abc";
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ ########
+ --FILE-- abc
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ 1;
+ --FILE-- 
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ require "./abc";
+ my $a ; chop $a ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at ./abc line 2.
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
+ ########
+ --FILE-- abc.pm
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ 1;
+ --FILE-- 
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ use abc;
+ my $a ; chop $a ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at abc.pm line 2.
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ no warning ;
+ eval {
+     my $b ; chop $b ;
+ }; print STDERR $@ ;
+ my $b ; chop $b ;
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ no warning ;
+ eval {
+     use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+     my $b ; chop $b ;
+ }; print STDERR $@ ;
+ my $b ; chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ eval {
+     my $b ; chop $b ;
+ }; print STDERR $@ ;
+ my $b ; chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 5.
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 7.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ eval {
+     no warning ;
+     my $b ; chop $b ;
+ }; print STDERR $@ ;
+ my $b ; chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 8.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ no warning ;
+ eval {
+     1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ }; print STDERR $@ ;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ no warning ;
+ eval {
+     use warning 'deprecated' ;
+     1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ }; print STDERR $@ ;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ eval {
+     1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ }; print STDERR $@ ;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 5.
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 7.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ eval {
+     no warning ;
+     1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ }; print STDERR $@ ;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 8.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ no warning ;
+ eval '
+     my $b ; chop $b ;
+ '; print STDERR $@ ;
+ my $b ; chop $b ;
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ no warning ;
+ eval q[ 
+     use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+     my $b ; chop $b ;
+ ]; print STDERR $@;
+ my $b ; chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at (eval 1) line 3.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ eval '
+     my $b ; chop $b ;
+ '; print STDERR $@ ;
+ my $b ; chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at (eval 1) line 2.
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 7.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ eval '
+     no warning ;
+     my $b ; chop $b ;
+ '; print STDERR $@ ;
+ my $b ; chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 8.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ no warning ;
+ eval '
+     1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ '; print STDERR $@ ;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ no warning ;
+ eval q[ 
+     use warning 'deprecated' ;
+     1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ ]; print STDERR $@;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at (eval 1) line 3.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ eval '
+     1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ '; print STDERR $@;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 7.
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at (eval 1) line 2.
+ ########
+ # Check scope of pragma with eval
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ eval '
+     no warning ;
+     1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ '; print STDERR $@;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 8.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-3both	Thu Feb 27 11:31:44 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,66 ----
+ Check interaction of $^W and lexical
+ __END__
+ # Check interaction of $^W and use warning
+ sub fred { 
+     use warning ;
+     my $b ; 
+     chop $b ;
+ }
+ { local $^W = 0 ;
+   fred() ;
+ }
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # Check interaction of $^W and use warning
+ sub fred { 
+     no warning ;
+     my $b ; 
+     chop $b ;
+ }
+ { local $^W = 1 ;
+   fred() ;
+ }
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # Check interaction of $^W and use warning
+ use warning ;
+ $^W = 1 ;
+ my $b ; 
+ chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # Check interaction of $^W and use warning
+ $^W = 1 ;
+ use warning ;
+ my $b ; 
+ chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # Check interaction of $^W and use warning
+ $^W = 1 ;
+ no warning ;
+ my $b ; 
+ chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # Check interaction of $^W and use warning
+ no warning ;
+ $^W = 1 ;
+ my $b ; 
+ chop $b ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 6.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-4lint	Thu Feb 27 11:31:45 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,41 ----
+ Check lint
+   check that -W will override both $^W and no warning.
+   check that any required/used files also have warnings enabled.
+ __END__
+ -W
+ # lint: check compile time $^W is zapped
+ BEGIN { $^W = 0 ;}
+ $a = $b = 1 ;
+ $a = 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 5.
+ print on closed filehandle main::STDIN at - line 6.
+ ########
+ -W
+ # lint: check runtime $^W is zapped
+ $^W = 0 ;
+ close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
+ print on closed filehandle main::STDIN at - line 4.
+ ########
+ -W
+ # lint: check runtime $^W is zapped
+ {
+   $^W = 0 ;
+   close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
+ }
+ print on closed filehandle main::STDIN at - line 5.
+ ########
+ -W 
+ # lint: check combination of -w and -W
+ {
+   $^W = 0 ;
+   close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
+ }
+ print on closed filehandle main::STDIN at - line 5.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-doio	Thu Feb 27 11:31:45 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,89 ----
+   doio.c	AOK
+   Can't do bidirectional pipe
+     open(F, "| true |");
+   warn(warn_nl, "open");
+     open(F, "true\ncd")
+   Close on unopened file <%s>
+     $a = "fred";close($a)
+   tell() on unopened file
+     $a = "fred";$a = tell($a)
+   seek() on unopened file
+     $a = "fred";$a = seek($a,1,1)
+   warn(warn_uninit);
+     print $a ;
+   Stat on unopened file <%s> 
+     close STDIN ; -x STDIN ;
+   warn(warn_nl, "stat");
+     stat "ab\ncd"
+   warn(warn_nl, "lstat");
+     lstat "ab\ncd"
+   Can't exec \"%s\": %s 
+   Can't exec \"%s\": %s 
+ __END__
+ # doio.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ open(F, "|true|")
+ Can't do bidirectional pipe at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # doio.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ open(F, "<true\ncd")
+ Unsuccessful open on filename containing newline at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # doio.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ close STDIN ;
+ tell(STDIN);
+ $a = seek(STDIN,1,1);
+ -x STDIN ;
+ tell() on unopened file at - line 4.
+ seek() on unopened file at - line 5.
+ Stat on unopened file <STDIN> at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # doio.c
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ print $a ;
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # doio.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ ########
+ # doio.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ stat "ab\ncd";
+ lstat "ab\ncd";
+ Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at - line 3.
+ Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # doio.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ exec "lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls" ;
+ Can't exec "lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls": No such file or directory at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # doio.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ exec "lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls", "abc" ;
+ Can't exec "lskdjfalksdjfdjfkls": No such file or directory at - line 3.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-gv	Thu Feb 27 11:31:45 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,28 ----
+   gv.c AOK
+      Can't locate package %s for @%s::ISA
+ 	@ISA = qw(Fred); joe()
+      Use of $# is deprecated
+      Use of $* is deprecated
+ 	$a = ${"#"} ;
+  	$a = ${"*"} ;
+ __END__
+ # gv.c
+ use warning 'misc' ;
+ @ISA = qw(Fred); joe()
+ Can't locate package Fred for @main::ISA at - line 3.
+ Undefined subroutine &main::joe called at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # gv.c
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ $a = ${"#"};
+ $a = ${"*"};
+ Use of $# is deprecated at - line 3.
+ Use of $* is deprecated at - line 4.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-mg	Thu Feb 27 11:31:46 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,21 ----
+   mg.c	AOK
+   No such signal: SIG%s
+     $SIG{FRED} = sub {}
+   SIG%s handler \"%s\" not defined.
+     $SIG{"INT"} = "ok3"; kill "INT",$$;
+ __END__
+ # mg.c
+ use warning 'signal' ;
+ $SIG{FRED} = sub {};
+ No such signal: SIGFRED at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # mg.c
+ use warning 'signal' ;
+ $SIG{"INT"} = "fred"; kill "INT",$$;
+ SIGINT handler "fred" not defined.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-op	Thu Feb 27 11:31:46 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,481 ----
+   op.c	
+      Variable "%s" may be unavailable 
+ 	sub x {
+       	    my $x;
+       	    sub y {
+          	$x
+       	    }
+    	}
+      Variable "%s" will not stay shared 
+ 	sub x {
+       	    my $x;
+       	    sub y {
+          	sub { $x }
+       	    }
+    	}
+      Found = in conditional, should be ==
+ 	1 if $a = 1 ;
+      Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated
+ 	split ;
+      Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated
+ 	$a = split ;
+      Useless use of time in void context
+      Useless use of a variable in void context
+      Useless use of a constant in void context
+ 	time ;
+ 	$a ;
+ 	"abc"
+      Parens missing around "my" list at -e line 1.
+        my $a, $b = (1,2);
+      Parens missing around "local" list at -e line 1.
+        local $a, $b = (1,2);
+      Probable precedence problem on logical or at -e line 1.
+        use warning 'syntax'; my $x = print(ABC || 1);
+      Value of %s may be \"0\"; use \"defined\" 
+ 	$x = 1 if $x = <FH> ;
+ 	$x = 1 while $x = <FH> ;
+      Subroutine fred redefined at -e line 1.
+        sub fred{1;} sub fred{1;}
+      Constant subroutine %s redefined 
+         sub fred() {1;} sub fred() {1;}
+      Format FRED redefined at /tmp/x line 5.
+        format FRED =
+        .
+        format FRED =
+        .
+      Array @%s missing the @ in argument %d of %s() 
+ 	push fred ;
+      Hash %%%s missing the %% in argument %d of %s() 
+ 	keys joe ;
+      Statement unlikely to be reached
+      (Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?
+  	exec "true" ; my $a
+ __END__
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ sub x {
+       my $x;
+       sub y {
+          $x
+       }
+    }
+ Variable "$x" will not stay shared at - line 7.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ sub x {
+       my $x;
+       sub y {
+          sub { $x }
+       }
+    }
+ Variable "$x" may be unavailable at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ 1 if $a = 1 ;
+ Found = in conditional, should be == at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ split ;
+ Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ $a = split ;
+ Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'void' ; close STDIN ;
+ 1 x 3 ;			# OP_REPEAT
+ 			# OP_GVSV
+ wantarray ; 		# OP_WANTARRAY
+ 			# OP_GV
+ 			# OP_PADSV
+ 			# OP_PADAV
+ 			# OP_PADHV
+ 			# OP_PADANY
+ ref ;			# OP_REF
+ \@a ;			# OP_REFGEN
+ \$a ;			# OP_SREFGEN
+ defined $a ;		# OP_DEFINED
+ hex $a ;		# OP_HEX
+ oct $a ;		# OP_OCT
+ length $a ;		# OP_LENGTH
+ substr $a,1 ;		# OP_SUBSTR
+ vec $a,1,2 ;		# OP_VEC
+ index $a,1,2 ;		# OP_INDEX
+ rindex $a,1,2 ;		# OP_RINDEX
+ sprintf $a ;		# OP_SPRINTF
+ $a[0] ;			# OP_AELEM
+ @a[0] ;			# OP_ASLICE
+ #values %a ;		# OP_VALUES
+ #keys %a ;		# OP_KEYS
+ $a{0} ;			# OP_HELEM
+ @a{0} ;			# OP_HSLICE
+ unpack $a, "" ;		# OP_UNPACK
+ pack $a,"" ;		# OP_PACK
+ join "" ;		# OP_JOIN
+ (@a)[0,1] ;		# OP_LSLICE
+ sort(1,2) ;		# OP_SORT
+ reverse(1,2) ;		# OP_REVERSE
+ 			# OP_RANGE
+ 			# OP_FLIP
+ (1 ..2) ;		# OP_FLOP
+ caller ;		# OP_CALLER
+ fileno STDIN ;		# OP_FILENO
+ eof STDIN ;		# OP_EOF
+ tell STDIN ;		# OP_TELL
+ readlink 1;		# OP_READLINK
+ time ;			# OP_TIME
+ localtime ;		# OP_LOCALTIME
+ gmtime ;		# OP_GMTIME
+ getgrnam 1;		# OP_GGRNAM
+ getgrgid 1 ;		# OP_GGRGID
+ getpwnam 1;		# OP_GPWNAM
+ getpwuid 1;		# OP_GPWUID
+ Useless use of repeat in void context at - line 3.
+ Useless use of wantarray in void context at - line 5.
+ Useless use of reference-type operator in void context at - line 12.
+ Useless use of reference constructor in void context at - line 13.
+ Useless use of scalar ref constructor in void context at - line 14.
+ Useless use of defined operator in void context at - line 15.
+ Useless use of hex in void context at - line 16.
+ Useless use of oct in void context at - line 17.
+ Useless use of length in void context at - line 18.
+ Useless use of substr in void context at - line 19.
+ Useless use of vec in void context at - line 20.
+ Useless use of index in void context at - line 21.
+ Useless use of rindex in void context at - line 22.
+ Useless use of sprintf in void context at - line 23.
+ Useless use of array element in void context at - line 24.
+ Useless use of array slice in void context at - line 26.
+ Useless use of hash elem in void context at - line 29.
+ Useless use of hash slice in void context at - line 30.
+ Useless use of unpack in void context at - line 31.
+ Useless use of pack in void context at - line 32.
+ Useless use of join in void context at - line 33.
+ Useless use of list slice in void context at - line 34.
+ Useless use of sort in void context at - line 37.
+ Useless use of reverse in void context at - line 38.
+ Useless use of range (or flop) in void context at - line 41.
+ Useless use of caller in void context at - line 42.
+ Useless use of fileno in void context at - line 43.
+ Useless use of eof in void context at - line 44.
+ Useless use of tell in void context at - line 45.
+ Useless use of readlink in void context at - line 46.
+ Useless use of time in void context at - line 47.
+ Useless use of localtime in void context at - line 48.
+ Useless use of gmtime in void context at - line 49.
+ Useless use of getgrnam in void context at - line 50.
+ Useless use of getgrgid in void context at - line 51.
+ Useless use of getpwnam in void context at - line 52.
+ Useless use of getpwuid in void context at - line 53.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'void' ;
+ use Config ;
+     if ( ! $Config{d_telldir}) {
+         print <<EOM ;
+ # telldir not present
+         exit 
+     }
+ }
+ telldir 1 ;		# OP_TELLDIR
+ Useless use of telldir in void context at - line 13.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'void' ;
+ use Config ;
+     if ( ! $Config{d_getppid}) {
+         print <<EOM ;
+ # getppid not present
+         exit 
+     }
+ }
+ getppid ;		# OP_GETPPID
+ Useless use of getppid in void context at - line 13.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'void' ;
+ use Config ;
+     if ( ! $Config{d_getpgrp}) {
+         print <<EOM ;
+ # getpgrp not present
+         exit 
+     }
+ }
+ getpgrp ;		# OP_GETPGRP
+ Useless use of getpgrp in void context at - line 13.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'void' ;
+ use Config ;
+     if ( ! $Config{d_times}) {
+         print <<EOM ;
+ # times not present
+         exit 
+     }
+ }
+ times ;			# OP_TMS
+ Useless use of times in void context at - line 13.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'void' ;
+ use Config ;
+     if ( ! $Config{d_getprior}) {
+         print <<EOM ;
+ # getpriority not present
+         exit 
+     }
+ }
+ getpriority 1,2;	# OP_GETPRIORITY
+ Useless use of getpriority in void context at - line 13.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'void' ;
+ use Config ;
+     if ( ! $Config{d_getlogin}) {
+         print <<EOM ;
+ # getlogin not present
+         exit 
+     }
+ }
+ getlogin ;			# OP_GETLOGIN
+ Useless use of getlogin in void context at - line 13.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'void' ;
+ use Config ; BEGIN {
+ if ( ! $Config{d_socket}) {
+     print <<EOM ;
+ # getsockname not present
+ # getpeername not present
+ # gethostbyname not present
+ # gethostbyaddr not present
+ # gethostent not present
+ # getnetbyname not present
+ # getnetbyaddr not present
+ # getnetent not present
+ # getprotobyname not present
+ # getprotobynumber not present
+ # getprotoent not present
+ # getservbyname not present
+ # getservbyport not present
+ # getservent not present
+     exit 
+ } }
+ getsockname STDIN ;	# OP_GETSOCKNAME
+ getpeername STDIN ;	# OP_GETPEERNAME
+ gethostbyname 1 ;	# OP_GHBYNAME
+ gethostbyaddr 1,2;	# OP_GHBYADDR
+ gethostent ;		# OP_GHOSTENT
+ getnetbyname 1 ;	# OP_GNBYNAME
+ getnetbyaddr 1,2 ;	# OP_GNBYADDR
+ getnetent ;		# OP_GNETENT
+ getprotobyname 1;	# OP_GPBYNAME
+ getprotobynumber 1;	# OP_GPBYNUMBER
+ getprotoent ;		# OP_GPROTOENT
+ getservbyname 1,2;	# OP_GSBYNAME
+ getservbyport 1,2;	# OP_GSBYPORT
+ getservent ;		# OP_GSERVENT
+ Useless use of getsockname in void context at - line 24.
+ Useless use of getpeername in void context at - line 25.
+ Useless use of gethostbyname in void context at - line 26.
+ Useless use of gethostbyaddr in void context at - line 27.
+ Useless use of gethostent in void context at - line 28.
+ Useless use of getnetbyname in void context at - line 29.
+ Useless use of getnetbyaddr in void context at - line 30.
+ Useless use of getnetent in void context at - line 31.
+ Useless use of getprotobyname in void context at - line 32.
+ Useless use of getprotobynumber in void context at - line 33.
+ Useless use of getprotoent in void context at - line 34.
+ Useless use of getservbyname in void context at - line 35.
+ Useless use of getservbyport in void context at - line 36.
+ Useless use of getservent in void context at - line 37.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'void' ;
+ *a ; # OP_RV2GV
+ $a ; # OP_RV2SV
+ @a ; # OP_RV2AV
+ %a ; # OP_RV2HV
+ Useless use of a variable in void context at - line 3.
+ Useless use of a variable in void context at - line 4.
+ Useless use of a variable in void context at - line 5.
+ Useless use of a variable in void context at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'void' ;
+ "abc"; # OP_CONST
+ 7 ; # OP_CONST
+ Useless use of a constant in void context at - line 3.
+ Useless use of a constant in void context at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ my $a, $b = (1,2);
+ Parens missing around "my" list at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ local $a, $b = (1,2);
+ Parens missing around "local" list at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ print (ABC || 1) ;
+ Probable precedence problem on logical or at - line 3.
+ ########
+ --FILE-- abc
+ --FILE--
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ open FH, "<abc" ;
+ $x = 1 if $x = <FH> ;
+ Value of <HANDLE> construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4.
+ ########
+ --FILE-- abc
+ --FILE--
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ open FH, "<abc" ;
+ $x = 1 while $x = <FH> ;
+ Value of <HANDLE> construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ opendir FH, "." ;
+ $x = 1 if $x = readdir FH ;
+ closedir FH ;
+ Value of readdir construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ $x = 1 if $x = <*> ;
+ Value of glob construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ $x = 1 while $x = <*> and 0 ;
+ Value of glob construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ opendir FH, "." ;
+ $x = 1 while $x = readdir FH and 0 ;
+ closedir FH ;
+ Value of readdir construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'redefine' ;
+ sub fred {}
+ sub fred {}
+ Subroutine fred redefined at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'redefine' ;
+ sub fred () { 1 }
+ sub fred () { 1 }
+ Constant subroutine fred redefined at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'redefine' ;
+ format FRED =
+ .
+ format FRED =
+ .
+ Format FRED redefined at - line 5.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ push FRED;
+ Array @FRED missing the @ in argument 1 of push() at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ @a = keys FRED ;
+ Hash %FRED missing the % in argument 1 of keys() at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # op.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ exec "true" ; 
+ my $a
+ Statement unlikely to be reached at - line 4.
+ (Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?)
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-perl	Thu Feb 27 11:31:47 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,12 ----
+   perl.c	AOK
+   gv_check(defstash)
+ 	Name \"%s::%s\" used only once: possible typo 
+ __END__
+ # perl.c
+ use warning 'once' ;
+ $x = 3 ;
+ Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at - line 3.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-perly	Thu Feb 27 11:31:47 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,25 ----
+   perly.y	AOK
+   dep() => deprecate("\"do\" to call subroutines") 
+   Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated
+ 	sub fred {} do fred()
+ 	sub fred {} do fred(1)
+ 	sub fred {} $a = "fred" ; do $a()
+ 	sub fred {} $a = "fred" ; do $a(1)
+ __END__
+ # perly.y
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ sub fred {} 
+ do fred() ;
+ do fred(1) ;
+ $a = "fred" ; 
+ do $a() ;
+ do $a(1) ;
+ Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at - line 4.
+ Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at - line 5.
+ Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at - line 7.
+ Use of "do" to call subroutines is deprecated at - line 8.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-pp	Thu Feb 27 11:31:47 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,24 ----
+   pp.c	AOK
+   substr outside of string
+     $a = "ab" ; $a = substr($a, 4,5)
+   Attempt to use reference as lvalue in substr 
+     $a = "ab" ; $b = \$a ;  substr($b, 1,1) = $b
+ __END__
+ # pp.c
+ use warning 'substr' ;
+ $a = "ab" ; 
+ $a = substr($a, 4,5)
+ substr outside of string at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # pp.c
+ use warning 'substr' ;
+ $a = "ab" ; 
+ $b = \$a ;  
+ substr($b, 1,1) = "ab" ;
+ Attempt to use reference as lvalue in substr at - line 5.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-pp_ctl	Thu Feb 27 11:31:48 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,145 ----
+   pp_ctl.c	AOK
+      Not enough format arguments	
+  	format STDOUT =
+  	@<<< @<<<
+  	$a
+  	.
+  	write;
+     Exiting substitution via %s
+ 	$_ = "abc" ;
+ 	while ($i ++ == 0)
+ 	{
+     	    s/ab/last/e ;
+ 	}
+     Exiting subroutine via %s		
+ 	sub fred { last }
+ 	{ fred() }
+     Exiting eval via %s	
+ 	{ eval "last" }
+     Exiting pseudo-block via %s 
+ 	@a = (1,2) ; @b = sort { last } @a ;
+     Exiting substitution via %s
+ 	$_ = "abc" ;
+ 	last fred:
+ 	while ($i ++ == 0)
+ 	{
+     	    s/ab/last fred/e ;
+ 	}
+     Exiting subroutine via %s
+ 	sub fred { last joe }
+ 	joe: { fred() }
+     Exiting eval via %s
+ 	fred: { eval "last fred" }
+     Exiting pseudo-block via %s 
+ 	@a = (1,2) ; fred: @b = sort { last fred } @a ;
+     Deep recursion on subroutine \"%s\"
+ 	sub fred
+ 	{
+     	goto &fred() if $a++ < 200
+ 	}
+ 	goto &fred()
+ __END__
+ # pp_ctl.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ format STDOUT =
+ @<<< @<<<
+ 1
+ .
+ write;
+ Not enough format arguments at - line 5.
+ 1
+ ########
+ # pp_ctl.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ $_ = "abc" ;
+ while ($i ++ == 0)
+ {
+     s/ab/last/e ;
+ }
+ Exiting substitution via last at - line 7.
+ ########
+ # pp_ctl.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ sub fred { last }
+ { fred() }
+ Exiting subroutine via last at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # pp_ctl.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ { eval "last" } 
+ print STDERR $@ ;
+ Exiting eval via last at (eval 1) line 1.
+ ########
+ # pp_ctl.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ @a = (1,2) ;
+ @b = sort { last } @a ;
+ Exiting pseudo-block via last at - line 4.
+ Can't "last" outside a block at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # pp_ctl.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ $_ = "abc" ;
+ fred: 
+ while ($i ++ == 0)
+ {
+     s/ab/last fred/e ;
+ }
+ Exiting substitution via last at - line 7.
+ ########
+ # pp_ctl.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ sub fred { last joe }
+ joe: { fred() }
+ Exiting subroutine via last at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # pp_ctl.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ joe: { eval "last joe" }
+ print STDERR $@ ;
+ Exiting eval via last at (eval 1) line 2.
+ ########
+ # pp_ctl.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ @a = (1,2) ;
+ fred: @b = sort { last fred } @a ;
+ Exiting pseudo-block via last at - line 4.
+ Label not found for "last fred" at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # pp_ctl.c
+ use warning 'recursion' ;
+ BEGIN { warn "PREFIX\n" ;}
+ sub fred
+ {
+     goto &fred() if $a++ < 200
+ }
+ goto &fred()
+ Deep recursion on subroutine "main::fred" at - line 6.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-pp_hot	Thu Feb 27 11:31:48 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,69 ----
+   pp_hot.c	AOK
+   Filehandle %s never opened
+     $f = $a = "abc" ; print $f $a
+   Filehandle %s opened only for input
+     print STDIN "abc" ;
+   print on closed filehandle %s
+     close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
+   Read on closed filehandle <%s>
+     close STDIN ; $a = <STDIN>;
+   Deep recursion on subroutine \"%s\"
+      sub fred { fred() if $a++ < 200} fred()
+   Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine 
+      $a = sub { &$a if $a++ < 200} &$a
+ __END__
+ # pp_hot.c
+ use warning 'unopened' ;
+ $f = $a = "abc" ; 
+ print $f $a
+ Filehandle main::abc never opened at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # pp_hot.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ print STDIN "anc";
+ Filehandle main::STDIN opened only for input at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # pp_hot.c
+ use warning 'closed' ;
+ close STDIN ;
+ print STDIN "anc";
+ print on closed filehandle main::STDIN at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # pp_hot.c
+ use warning 'closed' ;
+ close STDIN ; $a = <STDIN> ;
+ Read on closed filehandle <STDIN> at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # pp_hot.c
+ use warning 'recursion' ;
+ sub fred 
+ { 
+     fred() if $a++ < 200
+ } 
+ fred()
+ Deep recursion on subroutine "main::fred" at - line 5.
+ ########
+ # pp_hot.c
+ use warning 'recursion' ;
+ $b = sub 
+ { 
+     &$b if $a++ < 200
+ }  ;
+ &$b ;
+ Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine at - line 5.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-pp_sys	Thu Feb 27 11:31:49 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,208 ----
+   pp_sys.c 	AOK
+   untie attempted while %d inner references still exist
+     sub TIESCALAR { bless [] } ; tie $a, 'main'; untie $a ;
+   Filehandle only opened for input
+     format STDIN =
+     .
+     write STDIN;
+   Write on closed filehandle
+     format STDIN =
+     .
+     close STDIN;
+     write STDIN ;
+   page overflow	
+   Filehandle %s never opened
+     $a = "abc"; printf $a "fred"
+   Filehandle %s opened only for input
+     $a = "abc"; 
+     printf $a "fred"
+   printf on closed filehandle %s
+     close STDIN ;
+     printf STDIN "fred"
+   Syswrite on closed filehandle
+     close STDIN; 
+     syswrite STDIN, "fred", 1;
+   Send on closed socket
+     close STDIN; 
+     send STDIN, "fred", 1
+   bind() on closed fd
+     close STDIN; 
+     bind STDIN, "fred" ;
+   connect() on closed fd
+     close STDIN; 
+     connect STDIN, "fred" ;
+   listen() on closed fd
+     close STDIN; 
+     listen STDIN, 2;
+   accept() on closed fd
+     close STDIN; 
+     accept STDIN, "fred" ;
+   shutdown() on closed fd
+     close STDIN; 
+     shutdown STDIN, 0;
+   [gs]etsockopt() on closed fd
+     close STDIN; 
+     setsockopt STDIN, 1,2,3;
+     getsockopt STDIN, 1,2;
+   get{sock, peer}name() on closed fd
+     close STDIN; 
+     getsockname STDIN;
+     getpeername STDIN;
+   warn(warn_nl, "stat");
+   Test on unopened file <%s>
+ 	close STDIN ; -T STDIN ;
+   warn(warn_nl, "open");
+     -T "abc\ndef" ;
+ __END__
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'untie' ;
+ sub TIESCALAR { bless [] } ; 
+ $b = tie $a, 'main'; 
+ untie $a ;
+ untie attempted while 1 inner references still exist at - line 5.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ format STDIN =
+ .
+ write STDIN;
+ Filehandle only opened for input at - line 5.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'closed' ;
+ format STDIN =
+ .
+ close STDIN;
+ write STDIN;
+ Write on closed filehandle at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ format STDOUT_TOP =
+ abc
+ .
+ format STDOUT =
+ def
+ ghi
+ .
+ $= = 1 ;
+ $- =1 ;
+ open STDOUT, ">/dev/null" ;
+ write ;
+ page overflow at - line 13.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'unopened' ;
+ $a = "abc"; 
+ printf $a "fred"
+ Filehandle main::abc never opened at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'closed' ;
+ close STDIN ;
+ printf STDIN "fred"
+ printf on closed filehandle main::STDIN at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ printf STDIN "fred"
+ Filehandle main::STDIN opened only for input at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'closed' ;
+ close STDIN; 
+ syswrite STDIN, "fred", 1;
+ Syswrite on closed filehandle at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'io' ;
+ use Config; 
+ BEGIN { 
+   if ( $^O ne 'VMS' and ! $Config{d_socket}) {
+     print <<EOM ;
+ # send not present
+ # bind not present
+ # connect not present
+ # accept not present
+ # shutdown not present
+ # setsockopt not present
+ # getsockopt not present
+ # getsockname not present
+ # getpeername not present
+     exit ;
+   } 
+ }
+ close STDIN; 
+ send STDIN, "fred", 1;
+ bind STDIN, "fred" ;
+ connect STDIN, "fred" ;
+ listen STDIN, 2;
+ accept STDIN, "fred" ;
+ shutdown STDIN, 0;
+ setsockopt STDIN, 1,2,3;
+ getsockopt STDIN, 1,2;
+ getsockname STDIN;
+ getpeername STDIN;
+ Send on closed socket at - line 22.
+ bind() on closed fd at - line 23.
+ connect() on closed fd at - line 24.
+ listen() on closed fd at - line 25.
+ accept() on closed fd at - line 26.
+ shutdown() on closed fd at - line 27.
+ [gs]etsockopt() on closed fd at - line 28.
+ [gs]etsockopt() on closed fd at - line 29.
+ get{sock, peer}name() on closed fd at - line 30.
+ get{sock, peer}name() on closed fd at - line 31.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'newline' ;
+ stat "abc\ndef";
+ Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'unopened' ;
+ close STDIN ; 
+ -T STDIN ;
+ Test on unopened file <STDIN> at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # pp_sys.c
+ use warning 'newline' ;
+ -T "abc\ndef" ;
+ Unsuccessful open on filename containing newline at - line 3.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-regcomp	Thu Feb 27 11:31:49 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,13 ----
+   regcomp.c	AOK
+   %.*s matches null string many times   
+ 	$a = "ABC123" ; $a =~ /(C*)*/'
+ __END__
+ # regcomp.c
+ use warning 'unsafe' ;
+ my $a = "ABC123" ; 
+ $a =~ /(C*)*/ ;
+ (C*)* matches null string many times at - line 4.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-sv	Thu Feb 27 11:31:49 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,125 ----
+   sv.c	AOK
+   warn(warn_uninit);
+   warn(warn_uninit);
+   warn(warn_uninit);
+   warn(warn_uninit);
+   not_a_number(sv);
+   not_a_number(sv);
+   warn(warn_uninit);
+   not_a_number(sv);
+   warn(warn_uninit);
+   not_a_number(sv);
+   not_a_number(sv);
+   warn(warn_uninit);
+   warn(warn_uninit);
+   Subroutine %s redefined	
+ __END__
+ # sv.c
+ use integer ;
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ $x = 1 + $a[0] ; # a
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use integer ;
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ my $x *= 2 ; #b 
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ my $Y = 1 ; 
+ my $x = 1 | $a[$Y]
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ my $x *= 1 ; # d
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ $x = 1 + $a[0] ; # e
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ $x = $y + 1 ; # f
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ $x = chop undef ; # g
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'uninitialized' ;
+ $x = chop $y ; # h
+ Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # sv.c 
+ use warning 'numeric' ;
+ sub TIESCALAR{bless[]} ; 
+ sub FETCH {"def"} ; 
+ tie $a,"main" ; 
+ my $b = 1 + $a
+ Argument "def" isn't numeric in add at - line 6.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'numeric' ;
+ my $x = 1 + "def" ;
+ Argument "def" isn't numeric in add at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'numeric' ;
+ my $a = "def" ;
+ my $x = 1 + $a ;
+ Argument "def" isn't numeric in add at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'numeric' ; use integer ;
+ my $a = "def" ;
+ my $x = 1 + $a ;
+ Argument "def" isn't numeric in i_add at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'numeric' ;
+ my $x = 1 & "def" ;
+ Argument "def" isn't numeric in bit_and at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # sv.c
+ use warning 'redefine' ;
+ sub fred {}  
+ sub joe {} 
+ *fred = \&joe ;
+ Subroutine fred redefined at - line 5.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-taint	Thu Feb 27 11:31:50 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,25 ----
+   taint.c TODO
+   Insecure %s%s while running setuid
+   Insecure %s%s while running setgid
+   Insecure %s%s while running with -T switch
+   Insecure directory in %s%s while running setuid
+   Insecure directory in %s%s while running setgid
+   Insecure directory in %s%s while running with -T switch
+ __END__
+ # taint.c
+ use warning 'misc' ;
+ ########
+ # taint.c
+ use warning 'misc' ;
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-toke	Thu Feb 27 11:31:50 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,308 ----
+   toke.c	AOK
+              	1 if $a EQ $b ;
+              	1 if $a NE $b ;
+              	1 if $a LT $b ;
+              	1 if $a GT $b ;
+              	1 if $a GE $b ;
+              	1 if $a LE $b ;
+  		$a = <<;
+  		Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated 
+ 		(called 3 times via depcom)
+      \1 better written as $1 
+  	use warning 'syntax' ;
+  	s/(abc)/\1/;
+      Ambiguous use of -%c => resolved to \"-%c\" =>"
+  	 -a => 2;
+      Ambiguous use of {%s} resolved to {\"%s\"} 
+ 	$a = $a{time} ;
+ 	sub fred {} $a = $a{fred} ;
+      warn(warn_nosemi) 
+      Semicolon seems to be missing
+ 	$a = 1
+ 	&time ;
+      Reversed %c= operator 
+ 	my $a =+ 2 ;
+ 	$a =- 2 ;
+ 	$a =* 2 ;
+ 	$a =% 2 ;
+ 	$a =& 2 ;
+ 	$a =. 2 ;
+ 	$a =^ 2 ;
+ 	$a =| 2 ;
+ 	$a =< 2 ;
+ 	$a =/ 2 ;
+      Multidimensional syntax %.*s not supported 
+ 	my $a = $a[1,2] ;
+      You need to quote \"%s\"" 
+ 	sub fred {} ; $SIG{TERM} = fred;
+      Scalar value %.*s better written as $%.*s" 
+ 	@a[3] = 2;
+ 	@a{3} = 2;
+      Can't use \\%c to mean $%c in expression 
+ 	$_ = "ab" ; s/(ab)/\1/e;
+      Ambiguous use of %s => resolved to \"%s\" => 
+ 	$a = { print => 1};
+ 	sub fred{} $a = { fred => 1};
+      Unquoted string "abc" may clash with future reserved word at - line 3.
+      warn(warn_reserved	
+ 	$a = abc;
+      chmod: mode argument is missing initial 0 
+ 	chmod 3;
+      Possible attempt to separate words with commas 
+ 	@a = qw(a, b, c) ;
+      Possible attempt to put comments in qw() list 
+ 	@a = qw(a b # c) ;
+      umask: argument is missing initial 0 
+ 	umask 3;
+      %s (...) interpreted as function 
+ 	print ("")
+ 	printf ("")
+ 	sort ("")
+      Ambiguous use of %c{%s%s} resolved to %c%s%s 
+ 	$a = ${time[2]}
+ 	$a = ${time{2}}
+      Ambiguous use of %c{%s} resolved to %c%s
+ 	$a = ${time}
+ 	sub fred {} $a = ${fred}
+      Misplaced _ in number 
+ 	$a = 1_2;
+ 	$a = 1_2345_6;
+ __END__
+ # toke.c 
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ 1 if $a EQ $b ;
+ 1 if $a NE $b ;
+ 1 if $a GT $b ;
+ 1 if $a LT $b ;
+ 1 if $a GE $b ;
+ 1 if $a LE $b ;
+ Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 3.
+ Use of NE is deprecated at - line 4.
+ Use of GT is deprecated at - line 5.
+ Use of LT is deprecated at - line 6.
+ Use of GE is deprecated at - line 7.
+ Use of LE is deprecated at - line 8.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ format STDOUT =
+ @<<<  @|||  @>>>  @>>>
+ $a    $b    "abc" 'def'
+ .
+ ($a, $b) = (1,2,3);
+ write;
+ Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated at - line 5.
+ Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated at - line 5.
+ Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated at - line 5.
+ 1      2     abc   def
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'deprecated' ;
+ $a = <<;
+ Use of bare << to mean <<"" is deprecated at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ s/(abc)/\1/;
+ \1 better written as $1 at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'ambiguous' ;
+ $a = $a{time} ;
+ sub fred {} $a = $a{fred} ;
+ Ambiguous use of {time} resolved to {"time"} at - line 3.
+ Ambiguous use of {fred} resolved to {"fred"} at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'ambiguous' ;
+  -a => 2;
+ Ambiguous use of -a => resolved to "-a" => at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'semicolon' ;
+ $a = 1
+ &time ;
+ Semicolon seems to be missing at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ my $a =+ 2 ;
+ $a =- 2 ;
+ $a =* 2 ;
+ $a =% 2 ;
+ $a =& 2 ;
+ $a =. 2 ;
+ $a =^ 2 ;
+ $a =| 2 ;
+ $a =< 2 ;
+ $a =/ 2 ;
+ Reversed += operator at - line 3.
+ Reversed -= operator at - line 4.
+ Reversed *= operator at - line 5.
+ Reversed %= operator at - line 6.
+ Reversed &= operator at - line 7.
+ Reversed .= operator at - line 8.
+ syntax error at - line 8, near "=."
+ Reversed ^= operator at - line 9.
+ syntax error at - line 9, near "=^"
+ Reversed |= operator at - line 10.
+ syntax error at - line 10, near "=|"
+ Reversed <= operator at - line 11.
+ Unterminated <> operator at - line 11.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ my $a = $a[1,2] ;
+ Multidimensional syntax $a[1,2] not supported at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ sub fred {} ; $SIG{TERM} = fred;
+ You need to quote "fred" at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ @a[3] = 2;
+ @a{3} = 2;
+ Scalar value @a[3] better written as $a[3] at - line 3.
+ Scalar value @a{3} better written as $a{3} at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ $_ = "ab" ; 
+ s/(ab)/\1/e;
+ Can't use \1 to mean $1 in expression at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'reserved' ;
+ $a = abc;
+ Unquoted string "abc" may clash with future reserved word at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'ambiguous' ;
+ sub fred {}
+ $a = { fred => 1};
+ Ambiguous use of fred => resolved to "fred" => at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'ambiguous' ;
+ $a = { print => 1};
+ Ambiguous use of print => resolved to "print" => at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'octal' ;
+ chmod 3;
+ chmod: mode argument is missing initial 0 at - line 3, at end of line
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ @a = qw(a, b, c) ;
+ Possible attempt to separate words with commas at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ @a = qw(a b #) ;
+ Possible attempt to put comments in qw() list at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'octal' ;
+ umask 3;
+ umask: argument is missing initial 0 at - line 3, at end of line
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ print ("")
+ print (...) interpreted as function at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ printf ("")
+ printf (...) interpreted as function at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ sort ("")
+ sort (...) interpreted as function at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'ambiguous' ;
+ $a = ${time[2]};
+ Ambiguous use of ${time[...]} resolved to $time[...] at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'ambiguous' ;
+ $a = ${time{2}};
+ Ambiguous use of ${time{...}} resolved to $time{...} at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'ambiguous' ;
+ $a = ${time} ;
+ Ambiguous use of ${time} resolved to $time at - line 3.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'ambiguous' ;
+ sub fred {}
+ $a = ${fred} ;
+ Ambiguous use of ${fred} resolved to $fred at - line 4.
+ ########
+ # toke.c
+ use warning 'syntax' ;
+ $a = 1_2;
+ $a = 1_2345_6;
+ Misplaced _ in number at - line 3.
+ Misplaced _ in number at - line 4.
+ Misplaced _ in number at - line 4.
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-universal	Thu Feb 27 11:31:51 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,11 ----
+   universal.c
+   Can't locate package %s for @%s::ISA
+ __END__
+ # universal.c
+ use warning 'misc' ;
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- t/pragma/warn-util	Thu Feb 27 11:31:51 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,12 ----
+   util.c AOK
+      Illegal octal digit ignored 
+ 	my $a = oct "029" ;
+ __END__
+ # util.c
+ use warning 'octal' ;
+ my $a = oct "029" ;
+ Illegal octal digit ignored at - line 3.
*** t/pragma/warning.t.orig	Thu Jan 16 08:54:13 1997
--- t/pragma/warning.t	Thu Feb 27 11:31:51 1997
*** 15,22 ****
  END {  if ($tmpfile) { 1 while unlink $tmpfile} }
  my @prgs = () ;
! foreach (sort glob("pragma/warn-*")) {
      open F, "<$_" or die "Cannot open $_: $!\n" ;
      while (<F>) {
--- 15,30 ----
  END {  if ($tmpfile) { 1 while unlink $tmpfile} }
  my @prgs = () ;
+ my @w_files = () ;
! if (@ARGV)
!   { print "ARGV = [@ARGV]\n" ; @w_files = map { s#^#./pragma/warn-#; $_ } @ARGV }
! else
!   { @w_files = sort glob("pragma/warn-*") }
! foreach (@w_files) {
!     next if /\.orig$/ ;
      open F, "<$_" or die "Cannot open $_: $!\n" ;
      while (<F>) {
*** taint.c.orig	Mon Dec 23 20:16:40 1996
--- taint.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:52 1997
*** 25,32 ****
  	    ug = " while running with -T switch";
  	if (!unsafe)
  	    croak(f, s, ug);
! 	else if (dowarn)
! 	    warn(f, s, ug);
--- 25,32 ----
  	    ug = " while running with -T switch";
  	if (!unsafe)
  	    croak(f, s, ug);
! 	else if (ckWARN(WARN_TAINT))
! 	    warner(WARN_TAINT, f, s, ug);
*** toke.c.orig	Tue Feb 18 08:43:34 1997
--- toke.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:53 1997
*** 209,216 ****
  char *s;
!     if (dowarn)
! 	warn("Use of %s is deprecated", s);
  static void
--- 209,216 ----
  char *s;
! 	warner(WARN_DEPRECATED, "Use of %s is deprecated", s);
  static void
*** 800,807 ****
  	    if (lex_inwhat == OP_SUBST && !lex_inpat &&
  		isDIGIT(*s) && *s != '0' && !isDIGIT(s[1]))
! 		if (dowarn)
! 		    warn("\\%c better written as $%c", *s, *s);
  		*--s = '$';
--- 800,807 ----
  	    if (lex_inwhat == OP_SUBST && !lex_inpat &&
  		isDIGIT(*s) && *s != '0' && !isDIGIT(s[1]))
! 		if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX))
! 		    warner(WARN_SYNTAX, "\\%c better written as $%c", *s, *s);
  		*--s = '$';
*** 1731,1738 ****
  	    if (strnEQ(s,"=>",2)) {
! 		if (dowarn)
! 		    warn("Ambiguous use of -%c => resolved to \"-%c\" =>",
  			(int)tmp, (int)tmp);
  		s = force_word(bufptr,WORD,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE);
  		OPERATOR('-');		/* unary minus */
--- 1731,1739 ----
  	    if (strnEQ(s,"=>",2)) {
! 		    warner(WARN_AMBIGUOUS,
! 			"Ambiguous use of -%c => resolved to \"-%c\" =>",
  			(int)tmp, (int)tmp);
  		s = force_word(bufptr,WORD,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE);
  		OPERATOR('-');		/* unary minus */
*** 1935,1945 ****
  		if (*d == '}') {
  		    char minus = (tokenbuf[0] == '-');
! 		    if (dowarn &&
  			(keyword(tokenbuf + 1, len) ||
  			 (minus && len == 1 && isALPHA(tokenbuf[1])) ||
  			 perl_get_cv(tokenbuf + 1, FALSE) ))
! 			warn("Ambiguous use of {%s} resolved to {\"%s\"}",
  			     tokenbuf + !minus, tokenbuf + !minus);
  		    s = force_word(s + minus, WORD, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
  		    if (minus)
--- 1936,1947 ----
  		if (*d == '}') {
  		    char minus = (tokenbuf[0] == '-');
! 		    if (ckWARN(WARN_AMBIGUOUS) &&
  			(keyword(tokenbuf + 1, len) ||
  			 (minus && len == 1 && isALPHA(tokenbuf[1])) ||
  			 perl_get_cv(tokenbuf + 1, FALSE) ))
! 			warner(WARN_AMBIGUOUS,
! 			     "Ambiguous use of {%s} resolved to {\"%s\"}",
  			     tokenbuf + !minus, tokenbuf + !minus);
  		    s = force_word(s + minus, WORD, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
  		    if (minus)
*** 2027,2035 ****
  	if (expect == XOPERATOR) {
! 	    if (dowarn && isALPHA(*s) && bufptr == linestart) {
! 		warn(warn_nosemi);
--- 2029,2037 ----
  	if (expect == XOPERATOR) {
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_SEMICOLON) && isALPHA(*s) && bufptr == linestart) {
! 		warner(WARN_SEMICOLON, warn_nosemi);
*** 2061,2068 ****
  	if (tmp == '~')
! 	if (dowarn && tmp && isSPACE(*s) && strchr("+-*/%.^&|<",tmp))
! 	    warn("Reversed %c= operator",(int)tmp);
  	if (expect == XSTATE && isALPHA(tmp) &&
  		(s == linestart+1 || s[-2] == '\n') )
--- 2063,2070 ----
  	if (tmp == '~')
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX) && tmp && isSPACE(*s) && strchr("+-*/%.^&|<",tmp))
! 	    warner(WARN_SYNTAX, "Reversed %c= operator",(int)tmp);
  	if (expect == XSTATE && isALPHA(tmp) &&
  		(s == linestart+1 || s[-2] == '\n') )
*** 2183,2188 ****
--- 2185,2200 ----
+ #if 0
+ 	/* ... and neither is this one */
+ 	if (tokenbuf[1] == '\027' && !tokenbuf[2]) { /* $^W */
+ 	    yylval.opval = newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0,
+ 				   newSViv((IV)compiling.cop_warnings));
+ 	    yylval.opval->op_private = OPpCONST_WARNING;
+ 	    TERM(THING);
+ 	}
+ #endif
  	d = s;
  	if (lex_state == LEX_NORMAL)
  	    s = skipspace(s);
*** 2191,2197 ****
  	    char *t;
  	    if (*s == '[') {
  		tokenbuf[0] = '@';
! 		if (dowarn) {
  		    for(t = s + 1;
  			isSPACE(*t) || isALNUM(*t) || *t == '$';
  			t++) ;
--- 2203,2209 ----
  	    char *t;
  	    if (*s == '[') {
  		tokenbuf[0] = '@';
! 		if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX)) {
  		    for(t = s + 1;
  			isSPACE(*t) || isALNUM(*t) || *t == '$';
  			t++) ;
*** 2199,2212 ****
  			bufptr = skipspace(bufptr);
  			while (t < bufend && *t != ']')
! 			warn("Multidimensional syntax %.*s not supported",
  			     (t - bufptr) + 1, bufptr);
  	    else if (*s == '{') {
  		tokenbuf[0] = '%';
! 		if (dowarn && strEQ(tokenbuf+1, "SIG") &&
  		    (t = strchr(s, '}')) && (t = strchr(t, '=')))
  		    char tmpbuf[1024];
--- 2211,2225 ----
  			bufptr = skipspace(bufptr);
  			while (t < bufend && *t != ']')
! 			warner(WARN_SYNTAX, 
! 			     "Multidimensional syntax %.*s not supported",
  			     (t - bufptr) + 1, bufptr);
  	    else if (*s == '{') {
  		tokenbuf[0] = '%';
! 		if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX) && strEQ(tokenbuf+1, "SIG") &&
  		    (t = strchr(s, '}')) && (t = strchr(t, '=')))
  		    char tmpbuf[1024];
*** 2215,2221 ****
  		    if (isIDFIRST(*t)) {
  			t = scan_word(t, tmpbuf, TRUE, &len);
  			if (*t != '(' && perl_get_cv(tmpbuf, FALSE))
! 			    warn("You need to quote \"%s\"", tmpbuf);
--- 2228,2235 ----
  		    if (isIDFIRST(*t)) {
  			t = scan_word(t, tmpbuf, TRUE, &len);
  			if (*t != '(' && perl_get_cv(tmpbuf, FALSE))
! 			    warner(WARN_SYNTAX,
! 				"You need to quote \"%s\"", tmpbuf);
*** 2259,2265 ****
  		tokenbuf[0] = '%';
  	    /* Warn about @ where they meant $. */
! 	    if (dowarn) {
  		if (*s == '[' || *s == '{') {
  		    char *t = s + 1;
  		    while (*t && (isALNUM(*t) || strchr(" \t$#+-'\"", *t)))
--- 2273,2279 ----
  		tokenbuf[0] = '%';
  	    /* Warn about @ where they meant $. */
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX)) {
  		if (*s == '[' || *s == '{') {
  		    char *t = s + 1;
  		    while (*t && (isALNUM(*t) || strchr(" \t$#+-'\"", *t)))
*** 2267,2273 ****
  		    if (*t == '}' || *t == ']') {
  			bufptr = skipspace(bufptr);
! 			warn("Scalar value %.*s better written as $%.*s",
  			    t-bufptr, bufptr, t-bufptr-1, bufptr+1);
--- 2281,2288 ----
  		    if (*t == '}' || *t == ']') {
  			bufptr = skipspace(bufptr);
! 			warner(WARN_SYNTAX,
! 			    "Scalar value %.*s better written as $%.*s",
  			    t-bufptr, bufptr, t-bufptr-1, bufptr+1);
*** 2369,2376 ****
      case '\\':
! 	if (dowarn && lex_inwhat && isDIGIT(*s))
! 	    warn("Can't use \\%c to mean $%c in expression", *s, *s);
  	if (expect == XOPERATOR)
--- 2384,2392 ----
      case '\\':
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX) && lex_inwhat && isDIGIT(*s))
! 	    warner(WARN_SYNTAX,"Can't use \\%c to mean $%c in expression", 
! 		*s, *s);
  	if (expect == XOPERATOR)
*** 2443,2450 ****
  	/* Is this a word before a => operator? */
  	if (strnEQ(d,"=>",2)) {
! 	    if (dowarn && (tmp || perl_get_cv(tokenbuf, FALSE)))
! 		warn("Ambiguous use of %s => resolved to \"%s\" =>",
  			tokenbuf, tokenbuf);
  	    yylval.opval = (OP*)newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, newSVpv(tokenbuf,0));
  	    yylval.opval->op_private = OPpCONST_BARE;
--- 2459,2467 ----
  	/* Is this a word before a => operator? */
  	if (strnEQ(d,"=>",2)) {
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_AMBIGUOUS) && (tmp || perl_get_cv(tokenbuf, FALSE)))
! 		warner(WARN_AMBIGUOUS,
! 			"Ambiguous use of %s => resolved to \"%s\" =>",
  			tokenbuf, tokenbuf);
  	    yylval.opval = (OP*)newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, newSVpv(tokenbuf,0));
  	    yylval.opval->op_private = OPpCONST_BARE;
*** 2483,2489 ****
  		if (expect == XOPERATOR) {
  		    if (bufptr == linestart) {
! 			warn(warn_nosemi);
--- 2500,2506 ----
  		if (expect == XOPERATOR) {
  		    if (bufptr == linestart) {
! 			warner(WARN_SEMICOLON, warn_nosemi);
*** 2622,2632 ****
  		/* Call it a bare word */
! 		if (dowarn) {
  		    if (lastchar != '-') {
  			for (d = tokenbuf; *d && isLOWER(*d); d++) ;
  			if (!*d)
! 			    warn(warn_reserved, tokenbuf);
  		if (lastchar && strchr("*%&", lastchar)) {
--- 2639,2649 ----
  		/* Call it a bare word */
! 		if (ckWARN(WARN_RESERVED)) {
  		    if (lastchar != '-') {
  			for (d = tokenbuf; *d && isLOWER(*d); d++) ;
  			if (!*d)
! 			    warner(WARN_RESERVED, warn_reserved, tokenbuf);
  		if (lastchar && strchr("*%&", lastchar)) {
*** 2759,2765 ****
  	case KEY_chmod:
! 	    if (dowarn) {
  		for (d = s; d < bufend && (isSPACE(*d) || *d == '('); d++) ;
  		if (*d != '0' && isDIGIT(*d))
  		    yywarn("chmod: mode argument is missing initial 0");
--- 2776,2782 ----
  	case KEY_chmod:
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_OCTAL)) {
  		for (d = s; d < bufend && (isSPACE(*d) || *d == '('); d++) ;
  		if (*d != '0' && isDIGIT(*d))
  		    yywarn("chmod: mode argument is missing initial 0");
*** 3165,3179 ****
  	    s = scan_str(s);
  	    if (!s)
! 	    if (dowarn && SvLEN(lex_stuff)) {
  		d = SvPV_force(lex_stuff, len);
  		for (; len; --len, ++d) {
  		    if (*d == ',') {
! 			warn("Possible attempt to separate words with commas");
  		    if (*d == '#') {
! 			warn("Possible attempt to put comments in qw() list");
--- 3182,3198 ----
  	    s = scan_str(s);
  	    if (!s)
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX) && SvLEN(lex_stuff)) {
  		d = SvPV_force(lex_stuff, len);
  		for (; len; --len, ++d) {
  		    if (*d == ',') {
! 			warner(WARN_SYNTAX,
! 			    "Possible attempt to separate words with commas");
  		    if (*d == '#') {
! 			warner(WARN_SYNTAX,
! 			    "Possible attempt to put comments in qw() list");
*** 3529,3535 ****
  	case KEY_umask:
! 	    if (dowarn) {
  		for (d = s; d < bufend && (isSPACE(*d) || *d == '('); d++) ;
  		if (*d != '0' && isDIGIT(*d))
  		    yywarn("umask: argument is missing initial 0");
--- 3548,3554 ----
  	case KEY_umask:
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_OCTAL)) {
  		for (d = s; d < bufend && (isSPACE(*d) || *d == '('); d++) ;
  		if (*d != '0' && isDIGIT(*d))
  		    yywarn("umask: argument is missing initial 0");
*** 4222,4228 ****
      char *w;
!     if (dowarn && *s == ' ' && s[1] == '(') {	/* XXX gotta be a better way */
  	int level = 1;
  	for (w = s+2; *w && level; w++) {
  	    if (*w == '(')
--- 4241,4247 ----
      char *w;
!     if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX) && *s == ' ' && s[1] == '(') {	/* XXX gotta be a better way */
  	int level = 1;
  	for (w = s+2; *w && level; w++) {
  	    if (*w == '(')
*** 4233,4239 ****
  	if (*w)
  	    for (; *w && isSPACE(*w); w++) ;
  	if (!*w || !strchr(";|})]oa!=", *w))	/* an advisory hack only... */
! 	    warn("%s (...) interpreted as function",name);
      while (s < bufend && isSPACE(*s))
--- 4252,4258 ----
  	if (*w)
  	    for (; *w && isSPACE(*w); w++) ;
  	if (!*w || !strchr(";|})]oa!=", *w))	/* an advisory hack only... */
! 	    warner(WARN_SYNTAX, "%s (...) interpreted as function",name);
      while (s < bufend && isSPACE(*s))
*** 4364,4372 ****
  	    *d = '\0';
  	    while (s < send && (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')) s++;
  	    if ((*s == '[' || (*s == '{' && strNE(dest, "sub")))) {
! 		if (dowarn && keyword(dest, d - dest)) {
  		    char *brack = *s == '[' ? "[...]" : "{...}";
! 		    warn("Ambiguous use of %c{%s%s} resolved to %c%s%s",
  			funny, dest, brack, funny, dest, brack);
  		lex_fakebrack = lex_brackets+1;
--- 4383,4392 ----
  	    *d = '\0';
  	    while (s < send && (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')) s++;
  	    if ((*s == '[' || (*s == '{' && strNE(dest, "sub")))) {
! 		if (ckWARN(WARN_AMBIGUOUS) && keyword(dest, d - dest)) {
  		    char *brack = *s == '[' ? "[...]" : "{...}";
! 		    warner(WARN_AMBIGUOUS,
! 			"Ambiguous use of %c{%s%s} resolved to %c%s%s",
  			funny, dest, brack, funny, dest, brack);
  		lex_fakebrack = lex_brackets+1;
*** 4381,4389 ****
  		lex_state = LEX_INTERPEND;
  	    if (funny == '#')
  		funny = '@';
! 	    if (dowarn &&
  	      (keyword(dest, d - dest) || perl_get_cv(dest, FALSE)))
! 		warn("Ambiguous use of %c{%s} resolved to %c%s",
  		    funny, dest, funny, dest);
  	else {
--- 4401,4410 ----
  		lex_state = LEX_INTERPEND;
  	    if (funny == '#')
  		funny = '@';
! 	    if (ckWARN(WARN_AMBIGUOUS) &&
  	      (keyword(dest, d - dest) || perl_get_cv(dest, FALSE)))
! 		warner(WARN_AMBIGUOUS,
! 		    "Ambiguous use of %c{%s} resolved to %c%s",
  		    funny, dest, funny, dest);
  	else {
*** 4946,4960 ****
  	floatit = FALSE;
  	while (isDIGIT(*s) || *s == '_') {
  	    if (*s == '_') {
! 		if (dowarn && lastub && s - lastub != 3)
! 		    warn("Misplaced _ in number");
  		lastub = ++s;
  		*d++ = *s++;
! 	if (dowarn && lastub && s - lastub != 3)
! 	    warn("Misplaced _ in number");
  	if (*s == '.' && s[1] != '.') {
  	    floatit = TRUE;
  	    *d++ = *s++;
--- 4967,4981 ----
  	floatit = FALSE;
  	while (isDIGIT(*s) || *s == '_') {
  	    if (*s == '_') {
! 		if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX) && lastub && s - lastub != 3)
! 		    warner(WARN_SYNTAX, "Misplaced _ in number");
  		lastub = ++s;
  		*d++ = *s++;
! 	if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX) && lastub && s - lastub != 3)
! 	    warner(WARN_SYNTAX, "Misplaced _ in number");
  	if (*s == '.' && s[1] != '.') {
  	    floatit = TRUE;
  	    *d++ = *s++;
*** universal.c.orig	Tue Feb 18 08:43:35 1997
--- universal.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:54 1997
*** 57,64 ****
  		SV* sv = *svp++;
  		HV* basestash = gv_stashsv(sv, FALSE);
  		if (!basestash) {
! 		    if (dowarn)
! 			warn("Can't locate package %s for @%s::ISA",
  			    SvPVX(sv), HvNAME(stash));
--- 57,65 ----
  		SV* sv = *svp++;
  		HV* basestash = gv_stashsv(sv, FALSE);
  		if (!basestash) {
! 		    if (ckWARN(WARN_MISC))
! 			warner(WARN_SYNTAX,
! 		             "Can't locate package %s for @%s::ISA",
  			    SvPVX(sv), HvNAME(stash));
*** util.c.orig	Tue Feb  4 08:55:21 1997
--- util.c	Thu Feb 27 11:31:55 1997
*** 1213,1241 ****
      return restartop;
  #ifdef I_STDARG
! void
! croak(const char* pat, ...)
! void
! croak(pat, va_alist)
      char *pat;
!     va_dcl
!     va_list args;
      char *message;
      HV *stash;
      GV *gv;
      CV *cv;
! #ifdef I_STDARG
!     va_start(args, pat);
! #else
!     va_start(args);
! #endif
!     message = mess(pat, &args);
      if (diehook) {
  	/* sv_2cv might call croak() */
--- 1213,1240 ----
      return restartop;
+ static void
  #ifdef I_STDARG
! do_croak(const char *pat, va_list *args)
! do_croak(pat, args)
      char *pat;
!     va_list *args;
!     /* va_list args; */
      char *message;
      HV *stash;
      GV *gv;
      CV *cv;
! /* #ifdef I_STDARG */
!     /* va_start(args, pat); */
! /* #else */
!     /* va_start(args); */
! /* #endif */
!     message = mess(pat, args);
      if (diehook) {
  	/* sv_2cv might call croak() */
*** 1273,1298 ****
  #ifdef I_STDARG
! warn(const char* pat,...)
! warn(pat,va_alist)
!     const char *pat;
!     va_list args;
!     char *message;
!     HV *stash;
!     GV *gv;
!     CV *cv;
  #ifdef I_STDARG
      va_start(args, pat);
!     message = mess(pat, &args);
      if (warnhook) {
--- 1272,1318 ----
  #ifdef I_STDARG
! croak(const char *pat,...)
! croak(pat, va_alist)
!     char *pat;
!     va_list args; 
  #ifdef I_STDARG
      va_start(args, pat);
!     do_croak(pat, &args);
!     va_end(args);
! }
! static void
! #ifdef I_STDARG
! do_warn(const char *pat, va_list *args)
! #else
! /*VARARGS0*/
! do_warn(pat,args)
!     const char *pat;
!     va_list *args;
! #endif
! {
!     /* va_list args; */
!     char *message;
!     HV *stash;
!     GV *gv;
!     CV *cv;
! /* #ifdef I_STDARG */
!     /* va_start(args, pat); */
! /* #else */
!     /* va_start(args); */
! /* #endif */
!     message = mess(pat, args);
      if (warnhook) {
*** 1328,1333 ****
--- 1348,1400 ----
+ void
+ #ifdef I_STDARG
+ warn(const char* pat,...)
+ #else
+ /*VARARGS0*/
+ warn(pat,va_alist)
+     const char *pat;
+     va_dcl
+ #endif
+ {
+     va_list args;
+ #ifdef I_STDARG
+     va_start(args, pat);
+ #else
+     va_start(args);
+ #endif
+     do_warn(pat, &args);
+     va_end(args);
+ }
+ void
+ #ifdef I_STDARG
+ warner(U32  err, const char* pat,...)
+ #else
+ /*VARARGS0*/
+ warner(err,pat,va_alist)
+     U32 err;
+     const char *pat;
+     va_dcl
+ #endif
+ {
+     va_list args;
+ #ifdef I_STDARG
+     va_start(args, pat);
+ #else
+     va_start(args);
+ #endif
+     if (ckDEAD(err))
+         do_croak(pat, &args) ;
+     else
+         do_warn(pat, &args) ;
+     va_end(args);
+ }
  #ifndef VMS  /* VMS' my_setenv() is in VMS.c */
*** 2184,2191 ****
  	retval = n | (*s++ - '0');
!     if (dowarn && len && (*s == '8' || *s == '9'))
! 	warn("Illegal octal digit ignored");
      *retlen = s - start;
      return retval;
--- 2251,2258 ----
  	retval = n | (*s++ - '0');
!     if (len && (*s == '8' || *s == '9') && ckWARN(WARN_OCTAL))
! 	warner(WARN_OCTAL, "Illegal octal digit ignored");
      *retlen = s - start;
      return retval;
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- warning.h	Thu Feb 27 11:52:03 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,67 ----
+ /* !!!!!!!   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   !!!!!!!
+    This file is built by warning.pl
+    Any changes made here will be lost!
+ */
+ #define Off(x)                  ((x) / 8)
+ #define Bit(x)                  (1 << ((x) % 8))
+ #define IsSet(a, x)		((a)[Off(x)] & Bit(x))
+ #define G_WARN_OFF		0 
+ #define G_WARN_ON		1
+ #define G_WARN_FLAG		2	/* -W flag */
+ #define ckDEAD(x)							\
+ 	   (curcop->cop_warnings != WARN_ALL &&				\
+ 	    curcop->cop_warnings != WARN_NONE &&			\
+ 	    IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*x+1))
+ #define ckWARN(x)							\
+ 	( (curcop->cop_warnings &&					\
+ 	      (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_ALL ||			\
+ 	       IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*x) ) )		\
+ 	  || (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_NONE && dowarn) )
+ #define ckWARN2(x,y)							\
+ 	  ( (curcop->cop_warnings &&					\
+ 	      (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_ALL ||			\
+ 	        IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*x)  ||		\
+ 	        IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*y) ) ) 		\
+ 	    ||	(curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_NONE && dowarn) )
+ #define WARN_NONE		NULL
+ #define WARN_ALL		(&sv_yes)
+ #define WARN_REDEFINE		0
+ #define WARN_VOID		1
+ #define WARN_UNSAFE		2
+ #define WARN_TAINT		3
+ #define WARN_SUBSTR		4
+ #define WARN_CLOSURE		5
+ #define WARN_UNTIE		6
+ #define WARN_SIGNAL		7
+ #define WARN_NUMERIC		8
+ #define WARN_ONCE		9
+ #define WARN_SYNTAX		10
+ #define WARN_RESERVED		11
+ #define WARN_DEPRECATED		12
+ #define WARN_SEMICOLON		13
+ #define WARN_OCTAL		14
+ #define WARN_AMBIGUOUS		15
+ #define WARN_PRECEDENCE		17
+ #define WARN_IO			18
+ #define WARN_NEWLINE		19
+ #define WARN_CLOSED		20
+ #define WARN_EXEC		21
+ #define WARN_UNOPENED		22
+ #define WARN_PIPE		23
+ #define WARN_RECURSION		25
+ #define WARN_MISC		26
+ #define WARNsize		7
+ #define WARN_ALLstring		"\125\125\125\125\125\125\125"
+ #define WARN_NONEstring		"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- warning.pl	Thu Feb 27 11:52:50 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,290 ----
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ $tree = {
+        	 'unsafe'	=> { 	'untie'		=> 1,
+ 				'substr'	=> 1,
+ 				'taint'		=> 1,
+ 				'signal'	=> 1,
+ 				'closure'	=> 1,
+ 			   } ,
+        	 'io'  		=> { 	'pipe' 		=> 1,
+        				'unopened'	=> 1,
+        				'closed'	=> 1,
+        				'newline'	=> 1,
+        				'exec'		=> 1,
+        				#'wr in in file'=> 1,
+ 			   },
+        	 'syntax'	=> { 	'ambiguous'	=> 1,
+ 			     	'semicolon'	=> 1,
+ 			     	'precedence'	=> 1,
+ 			     	'reserved'	=> 1,
+ 				'octal'		=> 1,
+ 			     	'parenthesis'	=> 1,
+        	 			'deprecated'	=> 1,
+ 			   },
+        	 'void'		=> 1,
+        	 'recursion'	=> 1,
+        	 'redefine'	=> 1,
+        	 'numeric'	=> 1,
+          'uninitialized'=> 1,
+        	 'once'		=> 1,
+        	 'misc'		=> 1,
+ 	} ;
+ ###########################################################################
+ sub tab {
+     local($l, $t) = @_;
+     $t .= "\t" x ($l - (length($t) + 1) / 8);
+     $t;
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ sub walk
+ {
+     my $tre = shift ;
+     my @list = () ;
+     my ($k, $v) ;
+     while (($k, $v) = each %$tre) {
+ 	die "duplicate key $k\n" if defined $list{$k} ;
+ 	$Value{$index} = uc $k ;
+         push @{ $list{$k} }, $index ++ ;
+ 	if (ref $v)
+ 	  { push (@{ $list{$k} }, walk ($v)) }
+ 	push @list, @{ $list{$k} } ;
+     }
+    return @list ;
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ sub mkRange
+ {
+     my @a = @_ ;
+     my @out = @a ;
+     my $i ;
+     for ($i = 1 ; $i < @a; ++ $i) {
+       	$out[$i] = ".." 
+           if $a[$i] == $a[$i - 1] + 1 && $a[$i] + 1 == $a[$i + 1] ;
+     }
+     my $out = join(",",@out);
+     $out =~ s/,(\.\.,)+/../g ;
+     return $out;
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ sub mkHex
+ {
+     my ($max, @a) = @_ ;
+     my $mask = "\x00" x $max ;
+     my $string = "" ;
+     foreach (@a) {
+ 	vec($mask, $_, 1) = 1 ;
+     }
+     #$string = unpack("H$max", $mask) ;
+     #$string =~ s/(..)/\x$1/g;
+     foreach (unpack("C*", $mask)) {
+ 	$string .= '\x' . sprintf("%2.2x", $_) ;
+     }
+     return $string ;
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ #unlink "warning.h";
+ #unlink "lib/warning.pm";
+ open(WARN, ">warning.h") || die "Can't create warning.h: $!\n";
+ open(PM, ">lib/warning.pm") || die "Can't create lib/warning.pm: $!\n";
+ print WARN <<'EOM' ;
+ /* !!!!!!!   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   !!!!!!!
+    This file is built by warning.pl
+    Any changes made here will be lost!
+ */
+ #define Off(x)                  ((x) / 8)
+ #define Bit(x)                  (1 << ((x) % 8))
+ #define IsSet(a, x)		((a)[Off(x)] & Bit(x))
+ #define G_WARN_OFF		0 
+ #define G_WARN_ON		1
+ #define G_WARN_FLAG		2	/* -W flag */
+ #define ckDEAD(x)							\
+ 	   (curcop->cop_warnings != WARN_ALL &&				\
+ 	    curcop->cop_warnings != WARN_NONE &&			\
+ 	    IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*x+1))
+ #define ckWARN(x)							\
+ 	( (curcop->cop_warnings &&					\
+ 	      (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_ALL ||			\
+ 	       IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*x) ) )		\
+ 	  || (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_NONE && dowarn) )
+ #define ckWARN2(x,y)							\
+ 	  ( (curcop->cop_warnings &&					\
+ 	      (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_ALL ||			\
+ 	        IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*x)  ||		\
+ 	        IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*y) ) ) 		\
+ 	    ||	(curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_NONE && dowarn) )
+ #define WARN_NONE		NULL
+ #define WARN_ALL		(&sv_yes)
+ $index = 0 ;
+ @{ $list{"all"} } = walk ($tree) ;
+ $index *= 2 ;
+ $warn_size = int($index / 8) + ($index % 8 != 0) ;
+ foreach $k (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %Value) {
+     print WARN tab(5, "#define WARN_$Value{$k}"), "$k\n" ;
+ }
+ print WARN "\n" ;
+ print WARN tab(5, '#define WARNsize'),	"$warn_size\n" ;
+ #print WARN tab(5, '#define WARN_ALLstring'), '"', ('\377' x $warn_size) , "\"\n" ;
+ print WARN tab(5, '#define WARN_ALLstring'), '"', ('\125' x $warn_size) , "\"\n" ;
+ print WARN tab(5, '#define WARN_NONEstring'), '"', ('\0' x $warn_size) , "\"\n" ;
+ print WARN <<'EOM';
+ close WARN ;
+ while (<DATA>) {
+     last if /^KEYWORDS$/ ;
+     print PM $_ ;
+ }
+ $list{'all'} = [ 0 .. 8 * ($warn_size/2) - 1 ] ;
+ print PM "%Bits = (\n" ;
+ foreach $k (sort keys  %list) {
+     $v = $list{$k} ;
+     my @list = sort { $a <=> $b } @$v ;
+     print PM tab(4, "    '$k'"), '=> "', 
+ 		# mkHex($warn_size, @list), 
+ 		mkHex($warn_size, map $_ * 2 , @list), 
+ 		'", # [', mkRange(@list), "]\n" ;
+ }
+ print PM "  );\n\n" ;
+ print PM "%DeadBits = (\n" ;
+ foreach $k (sort keys  %list) {
+     $v = $list{$k} ;
+     my @list = sort { $a <=> $b } @$v ;
+     print PM tab(4, "    '$k'"), '=> "', 
+ 		# mkHex($warn_size, @list), 
+ 		mkHex($warn_size, map $_ * 2 + 1 , @list), 
+ 		'", # [', mkRange(@list), "]\n" ;
+ }
+ print PM "  );\n\n" ;
+ while (<DATA>) {
+     print PM $_ ;
+ }
+ close PM ;
+ __END__
+ # This file was created by warning.pl
+ # Any changes made here will be lost.
+ #
+ package warning;
+ =head1 NAME
+ warning - Perl pragma to control 
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
+     use warning;
+     use warning "all";
+     use warning "deprecated";
+     use warning;
+     no warning "unsafe";
+ If no import list is supplied, all possible restrictions are assumed.
+ (This is the safest mode to operate in, but is sometimes too strict for
+ casual programming.)  Currently, there are three possible things to be
+ strict about:  
+ =over 6
+ =item C<warning deprecated>
+ This generates a runtime error if you use deprecated 
+     use warning 'deprecated';
+ =back
+ See L<perlmod/Pragmatic Modules>.
+ =cut
+ use Carp ;
+ sub bits {
+     my $mask ;
+     my $catmask ;
+     my $fatal = 0 ;
+     foreach my $word (@_) {
+ 	if  ($word eq 'FATAL')
+ 	  { $fatal = 1 }
+ 	elsif ($catmask = $Bits{$word}) {
+ 	  $mask |= $catmask ;
+ 	  $mask |= $DeadBits{$word} if $fatal ;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	  { croak "unknown warning category '$word'" }
+     }
+     return $mask ;
+ }
+ sub import {
+     shift;
+     $^B |= bits(@_ ? @_ : 'all') ;
+ }
+ sub unimport {
+     shift;
+     $^B &= ~ bits(@_ ? @_ : 'all') ;
+ }
+ 1;
*** /dev/null	Thu Feb 27 12:04:47 1997
--- warning.pl	Thu Feb 27 11:52:50 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,290 ----
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ $tree = {
+        	 'unsafe'	=> { 	'untie'		=> 1,
+ 				'substr'	=> 1,
+ 				'taint'		=> 1,
+ 				'signal'	=> 1,
+ 				'closure'	=> 1,
+ 			   } ,
+        	 'io'  		=> { 	'pipe' 		=> 1,
+        				'unopened'	=> 1,
+        				'closed'	=> 1,
+        				'newline'	=> 1,
+        				'exec'		=> 1,
+        				#'wr in in file'=> 1,
+ 			   },
+        	 'syntax'	=> { 	'ambiguous'	=> 1,
+ 			     	'semicolon'	=> 1,
+ 			     	'precedence'	=> 1,
+ 			     	'reserved'	=> 1,
+ 				'octal'		=> 1,
+ 			     	'parenthesis'	=> 1,
+        	 			'deprecated'	=> 1,
+ 			   },
+        	 'void'		=> 1,
+        	 'recursion'	=> 1,
+        	 'redefine'	=> 1,
+        	 'numeric'	=> 1,
+          'uninitialized'=> 1,
+        	 'once'		=> 1,
+        	 'misc'		=> 1,
+ 	} ;
+ ###########################################################################
+ sub tab {
+     local($l, $t) = @_;
+     $t .= "\t" x ($l - (length($t) + 1) / 8);
+     $t;
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ sub walk
+ {
+     my $tre = shift ;
+     my @list = () ;
+     my ($k, $v) ;
+     while (($k, $v) = each %$tre) {
+ 	die "duplicate key $k\n" if defined $list{$k} ;
+ 	$Value{$index} = uc $k ;
+         push @{ $list{$k} }, $index ++ ;
+ 	if (ref $v)
+ 	  { push (@{ $list{$k} }, walk ($v)) }
+ 	push @list, @{ $list{$k} } ;
+     }
+    return @list ;
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ sub mkRange
+ {
+     my @a = @_ ;
+     my @out = @a ;
+     my $i ;
+     for ($i = 1 ; $i < @a; ++ $i) {
+       	$out[$i] = ".." 
+           if $a[$i] == $a[$i - 1] + 1 && $a[$i] + 1 == $a[$i + 1] ;
+     }
+     my $out = join(",",@out);
+     $out =~ s/,(\.\.,)+/../g ;
+     return $out;
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ sub mkHex
+ {
+     my ($max, @a) = @_ ;
+     my $mask = "\x00" x $max ;
+     my $string = "" ;
+     foreach (@a) {
+ 	vec($mask, $_, 1) = 1 ;
+     }
+     #$string = unpack("H$max", $mask) ;
+     #$string =~ s/(..)/\x$1/g;
+     foreach (unpack("C*", $mask)) {
+ 	$string .= '\x' . sprintf("%2.2x", $_) ;
+     }
+     return $string ;
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ #unlink "warning.h";
+ #unlink "lib/warning.pm";
+ open(WARN, ">warning.h") || die "Can't create warning.h: $!\n";
+ open(PM, ">lib/warning.pm") || die "Can't create lib/warning.pm: $!\n";
+ print WARN <<'EOM' ;
+ /* !!!!!!!   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   !!!!!!!
+    This file is built by warning.pl
+    Any changes made here will be lost!
+ */
+ #define Off(x)                  ((x) / 8)
+ #define Bit(x)                  (1 << ((x) % 8))
+ #define IsSet(a, x)		((a)[Off(x)] & Bit(x))
+ #define G_WARN_OFF		0 
+ #define G_WARN_ON		1
+ #define G_WARN_FLAG		2	/* -W flag */
+ #define ckDEAD(x)							\
+ 	   (curcop->cop_warnings != WARN_ALL &&				\
+ 	    curcop->cop_warnings != WARN_NONE &&			\
+ 	    IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*x+1))
+ #define ckWARN(x)							\
+ 	( (curcop->cop_warnings &&					\
+ 	      (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_ALL ||			\
+ 	       IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*x) ) )		\
+ 	  || (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_NONE && dowarn) )
+ #define ckWARN2(x,y)							\
+ 	  ( (curcop->cop_warnings &&					\
+ 	      (curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_ALL ||			\
+ 	        IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*x)  ||		\
+ 	        IsSet(SvPVX(curcop->cop_warnings), 2*y) ) ) 		\
+ 	    ||	(curcop->cop_warnings == WARN_NONE && dowarn) )
+ #define WARN_NONE		NULL
+ #define WARN_ALL		(&sv_yes)
+ $index = 0 ;
+ @{ $list{"all"} } = walk ($tree) ;
+ $index *= 2 ;
+ $warn_size = int($index / 8) + ($index % 8 != 0) ;
+ foreach $k (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %Value) {
+     print WARN tab(5, "#define WARN_$Value{$k}"), "$k\n" ;
+ }
+ print WARN "\n" ;
+ print WARN tab(5, '#define WARNsize'),	"$warn_size\n" ;
+ #print WARN tab(5, '#define WARN_ALLstring'), '"', ('\377' x $warn_size) , "\"\n" ;
+ print WARN tab(5, '#define WARN_ALLstring'), '"', ('\125' x $warn_size) , "\"\n" ;
+ print WARN tab(5, '#define WARN_NONEstring'), '"', ('\0' x $warn_size) , "\"\n" ;
+ print WARN <<'EOM';
+ close WARN ;
+ while (<DATA>) {
+     last if /^KEYWORDS$/ ;
+     print PM $_ ;
+ }
+ $list{'all'} = [ 0 .. 8 * ($warn_size/2) - 1 ] ;
+ print PM "%Bits = (\n" ;
+ foreach $k (sort keys  %list) {
+     $v = $list{$k} ;
+     my @list = sort { $a <=> $b } @$v ;
+     print PM tab(4, "    '$k'"), '=> "', 
+ 		# mkHex($warn_size, @list), 
+ 		mkHex($warn_size, map $_ * 2 , @list), 
+ 		'", # [', mkRange(@list), "]\n" ;
+ }
+ print PM "  );\n\n" ;
+ print PM "%DeadBits = (\n" ;
+ foreach $k (sort keys  %list) {
+     $v = $list{$k} ;
+     my @list = sort { $a <=> $b } @$v ;
+     print PM tab(4, "    '$k'"), '=> "', 
+ 		# mkHex($warn_size, @list), 
+ 		mkHex($warn_size, map $_ * 2 + 1 , @list), 
+ 		'", # [', mkRange(@list), "]\n" ;
+ }
+ print PM "  );\n\n" ;
+ while (<DATA>) {
+     print PM $_ ;
+ }
+ close PM ;
+ __END__
+ # This file was created by warning.pl
+ # Any changes made here will be lost.
+ #
+ package warning;
+ =head1 NAME
+ warning - Perl pragma to control 
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
+     use warning;
+     use warning "all";
+     use warning "deprecated";
+     use warning;
+     no warning "unsafe";
+ If no import list is supplied, all possible restrictions are assumed.
+ (This is the safest mode to operate in, but is sometimes too strict for
+ casual programming.)  Currently, there are three possible things to be
+ strict about:  
+ =over 6
+ =item C<warning deprecated>
+ This generates a runtime error if you use deprecated 
+     use warning 'deprecated';
+ =back
+ See L<perlmod/Pragmatic Modules>.
+ =cut
+ use Carp ;
+ sub bits {
+     my $mask ;
+     my $catmask ;
+     my $fatal = 0 ;
+     foreach my $word (@_) {
+ 	if  ($word eq 'FATAL')
+ 	  { $fatal = 1 }
+ 	elsif ($catmask = $Bits{$word}) {
+ 	  $mask |= $catmask ;
+ 	  $mask |= $DeadBits{$word} if $fatal ;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	  { croak "unknown warning category '$word'" }
+     }
+     return $mask ;
+ }
+ sub import {
+     shift;
+     $^B |= bits(@_ ? @_ : 'all') ;
+ }
+ sub unimport {
+     shift;
+     $^B &= ~ bits(@_ ? @_ : 'all') ;
+ }
+ 1;