# SYNOPSIS Extract archived files with the help of various archivers programs. Archive formats supported: +-----------+---------------------------+ | extension | internal archive program | +-----------+---------------------------+ | *.zip | unzip | | *.tar | tar | | *.tar.gz | tar | | *.gem | gem | +-----------+---------------------------+ # Build Status [](https://travis-ci.org/melezhik/sparrowdo-archive) # INSTALL $ zef install Sparrowdo::Archive # USAGE Through cli s6 --module-run Archive@source=test.tar.gz,target=/tmp/foo2,verbose=1 Through Sparrow6 DSL module-run 'Archive', %( source => '/tmp/foo/test.tar.gz', target => '/tmp/foo2', verbose => 1, ); # Parameters ## source A local file path to archived file. Obligatory. No default. ## target A local file path where to store extracted archive data. No default value. Obligatory. ## user A user which run a archive program and thus to which user extracted files will belong to. Optional. No default value. ## no-install-deps Don't install dependencies ( tar/gzip package, etc ). Optional. ## verbose Try to run archive extractor program in verbose mode. Default value is `0` ( no verbose ). Optional. # Author [Alexey Melezhik](melezhik@gmail.com)