#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Win32::API; my $VERSION = 0.2; =head1 NAME win32_joystick.pl - demo showing how to read joystick data from perl under windows =head1 SYNOPSIS win32_joystick.pl [joynumber] =head1 DESCRIPTION This B<win32_joystick.pl> demo continuously prints out the attached joystick data until you press CTRL-C. It displays joystick 0 by default. If you've got more than 1 joystick, run the program with a numeric paramater; eg: win32_joystick.pl 1 =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<none> this demo has no options =back =head1 README Needs Win32::API installed =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires C<Win32::API 0.20>. =pod OSNAMES MSWin32 =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Win32 =head1 AUTHOR Written by Chris Drake. =head1 SEE ALSO MSDN - I'd put some URL in here, but they change almost weekly so it would end up giving 404's by the time you read this :-) Search joyGetPosEx or something... =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright �� 2011 The Chris Drake Team. This is Free Software; this software is licensed under the GPL version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut use strict; # How many joysticks does the driver support? my $joyGetNumDevs=Win32::API->new('WinMM', 'int joyGetNumDevs()'); print "joyGetNumDevs="; print $joyGetNumDevs->Call(); print "\n"; # Define the structure we need to get all this info (might already be defined in Win32::API - I didn't look) typedef Win32::API::Struct JOYINFOEX => ( 'LONG', 'dwSize', # size of structure 'LONG', 'dwFlags', # flags to indicate what to return 'LONG', 'dwXpos', # x position 'LONG', 'dwYpos', # y position 'LONG', 'dwZpos', # z position 'LONG', 'dwRpos', # rudder/4th axis position 'LONG', 'dwUpos', # 5th axis position 'LONG', 'dwVpos', # 6th axis position 'LONG', 'dwButtons', # button states 'LONG', 'dwButtonNumber', # current button number pressed 'LONG', 'dwPOV', # point of view state 'LONG', 'dwReserved1', # reserved for communication between winmm driver 'LONG', 'dwReserved2', # reserved for future expansion ); my $joyinfoex=Win32::API::Struct->new( 'JOYINFOEX' ); # Register the structure # Windows wants us to fill in some parts of the structure before we use it: $joyinfoex->{dwSize}=Win32::API::Struct::sizeof($joyinfoex); $joyinfoex->{dwFlags}= 0x01 | 0x02 | 0x04 | 0x08 | 0x10 | 0x20 | 0x40 | 0x80; # JOY_RETURNX JOY_RETURNY JOY_RETURNZ JOY_RETURNR JOY_RETURNU JOY_RETURNV JOY_RETURNPOV JOY_RETURNBUTTONS # "import" the call we need to get the joystick data. my $joyGetPosEx=Win32::API->new('WinMM', 'int joyGetPosEx(int a, JOYINFOEX *p)'); # Show a demo return value; print "joyGetPosEx="; my $ret=$joyGetPosEx->Call($ARGV[0] || 0,$joyinfoex); print "$ret\n"; if($ret!=0) { print "non-zero return code means some kind of error.\n"; print "if it's 165 - your joystick is probably off or not connected/detected?\n"; print "sleeping 5 seonnds...\n";sleep(5); } # Show demo first results print "dwSize=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwSize' } . "\n"; print "dwFlags=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwFlags' } . "\n"; print "dwXpos=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwXpos' } . "\n"; print "dwYpos=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwYpos' } . "\n"; print "dwZpos=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwZpos' } . "\n"; print "dwRpos=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwRpos' } . "\n"; print "dwUpos=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwUpos' } . "\n"; print "dwVpos=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwVpos' } . "\n"; print "dwButtons=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwButtons' } . "\n"; print "dwButtonNumber=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwButtonNumber' } . "\n"; print "dwPOV=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwPOV' } . "\n"; print "dwReserved1=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwReserved1' } . "\n"; print "dwReserved2=" . $joyinfoex->{ 'dwReserved2' } . "\n"; print "If you don't see numbers above, your joystick isn't connected or turned on...\n"; print "looping in 2 seconds...\n"; sleep(2); while(1) { print $joyGetPosEx->Call($ARGV[0],$joyinfoex) . ' '; foreach my $i (qw( dwSize dwFlags dwXpos dwYpos dwZpos dwRpos dwUpos dwVpos dwButtons dwButtonNumber dwPOV dwReserved1 dwReserved2 )) { print $joyinfoex->{$i} . ' '; } print "\n"; } # The end.