# NAME Linux::WireGuard - [WireGuard](https://www.wireguard.com/) in Perl # SYNOPSIS my @names = Linux::WireGuard::list_device_names(); my %device = map { $_ => Linux::WireGuard::get_device($_) } @names; # DESCRIPTION Linux::WireGuard provides an interface to WireGuard via [Linux���s embedded WireGuard C library](https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-tools/tree/contrib/embeddable-wg-library). NB: Although WireGuard itself is cross-platform, its embedded C library is Linux-specific. # CHARACTER ENCODING All strings into & out of this module are byte strings. # ERROR HANDLING Failures become Perl exceptions. Currently those exceptions are plain strings. Errors that come from WireGuard also manifest as changes to Perl���s `$!` global; for example, if you try to `get_device()` while non-root, you���ll probably see (besides the thrown exception) `$!` become Errno::EPERM. # FUNCTIONS ## @names = list\_device\_names() Returns a list of strings. ## $dev\_hr = get\_device( $NAME ) Returns a reference to a hash that describes the $NAME���d device: - `name` - `ifindex` - `public_key` and `private_key` (raw strings, or undef) - `fwmark` (can be undef) - `listen_port` (can be undef) - `peers` - reference to an array of hash references. Each hash is: - `public_key` and `preshared_key` (raw strings, or undef) - `endpoint` - Raw sockaddr data (a string), or undef. To parse the sockaddr, use [Socket](https://metacpan.org/pod/Socket)���s `sockaddr_family()` to determine the address family, then `unpack_sockaddr_in()` for Socket::AF\_INET or `unpack_sockaddr_in6()` for Socket::AF\_INET6. - `rx_bytes` and `tx_bytes` - `persistent_keepalive_interval` (can be undef) - `last_handshake_time_sec` and `last_handshake_time_nsec` - `allowed_ips` - reference to an array of hash references. Each hash is: - `family` - Socket::AF\_INET or Socket::AF\_INET6 - `addr` - A packed IPv4 or IPv6 address. Unpack with [Socket](https://metacpan.org/pod/Socket)���s `inet_ntoa()` or `inet_ntop()`. - `cidr` ## add\_device( $NAME ) Adds a WireGuard device with the given $NAME. ## del\_device( $NAME ) Deletes a WireGuard device with the given $NAME. ## $bin = generate\_private\_key() Returns a newly-generated private key (raw string). ## $bin = generate\_public\_key( $PRIVATE\_KEY ) Takes a private key and returns its public key. (Both raw strings.) ## $bin = generate\_preshared\_key() Returns a newly-generated preshared key (raw string). # TODO An implementation of `set_device()` would be nice to have. # LICENSE & COPYRIGHT Copyright 2022 Gasper Software Consulting. All rights reserved. Linux::WireGuard is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself (cf. [perlartistic](https://metacpan.org/pod/perlartistic)); **HOWEVER**, the embedded C wireguard library has its own copyright terms. Use of Linux::WireGuard _may_ imply acceptance of that embedded C library���s own copyright terms. See this distribution���s `wireguard-tools/contrib/embeddable-wg-library/README` for details.