--- Regexp-Assemble-0.35-WYv1Ui~/Assemble.pm	2011-04-07 15:18:13.000000000 +0200
+++ Regexp-Assemble-0.35-WYv1Ui/Assemble.pm	2013-05-12 19:09:57.533277842 +0200
@@ -1575,24 +1575,24 @@
 =over 8
-=item 0
+=item I<0>
 Off. Turns off all debugging output.
-=item 1
+=item I<1>
 Add. Trace the addition of patterns.
-=item 2
+=item I<2>
 Reduce. Trace the process of reduction and assembly.
-=item 4
+=item I<4>
 Lex. Trace the lexing of the input patterns into its constituent
-=item 8
+=item I<8>
 Time. Print to STDOUT the time taken to load all the patterns. This is
 nothing more than the difference between the time the object was