diff -rc Test-Class-0.31-0wRF14/t/fail2.t tc/t/fail2.t
*** Test-Class-0.31-0wRF14/t/fail2.t	2008-09-14 13:25:11.000000000 -0400
--- tc/t/fail2.t	2009-08-06 17:41:54.000000000 -0400
*** 23,34 ****
  package main;
! test_out("not ok 1 - The object isa Object");
  test_out("not ok 2 - cannot create Objects");
  test_err( "#   (in Object::Test->_test_new)" );
! test_err(qr/#\s+The object isn't defined\n/);
  test_err( "#   (in Object::Test->_test_new)" );
--- 23,34 ----
  package main;
! my $identifier = ($Test::More::VERSION < 0.88) ? 'object' : 'thing';
! test_out("not ok 1 - The $identifier isa Object");
  test_out("not ok 2 - cannot create Objects");
  test_err( "#   (in Object::Test->_test_new)" );
! test_err(qr/#\s+The $identifier isn't defined\n/);
  test_err( "#   (in Object::Test->_test_new)" );
diff -rc Test-Class-0.31-0wRF14/t/runtests_die.t tc/t/runtests_die.t
*** Test-Class-0.31-0wRF14/t/runtests_die.t	2008-09-14 13:25:11.000000000 -0400
--- tc/t/runtests_die.t	2009-08-06 17:38:55.000000000 -0400
*** 22,33 ****
  my $filename = sub { return (caller)[1] }->();
! test_out( "not ok 1 - The object isa Object");
  test_err( "#     Failed test ($filename at line 15)");
  test_err( "#   (in Foo->test_object)" );
! test_err( "#     The object isn't defined");
  test_out( "not ok 2 - test_object died (could not create object)");
! test_err( "#     Failed test ($filename at line 32)");
  test_err( "#   (in Foo->test_object)" );
  test_test("early die handled");
--- 22,35 ----
  my $filename = sub { return (caller)[1] }->();
! my $identifier = ($Test::More::VERSION < 0.88) ? 'object' : 'thing';
! test_out( "not ok 1 - The $identifier isa Object");
  test_err( "#     Failed test ($filename at line 15)");
  test_err( "#   (in Foo->test_object)" );
! test_err( "#     The $identifier isn't defined");
  test_out( "not ok 2 - test_object died (could not create object)");
! test_err( "#     Failed test ($filename at line 34)");
  test_err( "#   (in Foo->test_object)" );
  test_test("early die handled");
diff -rc Test-Class-0.31-0wRF14/t/skip1.t tc/t/skip1.t
*** Test-Class-0.31-0wRF14/t/skip1.t	2008-09-14 13:25:11.000000000 -0400
--- tc/t/skip1.t	2009-08-06 17:25:44.000000000 -0400
*** 20,26 ****
  	print "1..1\n";
  	my $output = <$io>;
! 	my $ok = $output eq "1..0 # Skip skipping";
  	print "not " unless $ok;
  	print "ok 1 - SKIP_ALL called skip_all\n";
--- 20,28 ----
  	print "1..1\n";
  	my $output = <$io>;
! 	my $ok = $output =~ /^1..0 # Skip skipping$/i;
  	print "not " unless $ok;
  	print "ok 1 - SKIP_ALL called skip_all\n";