This patch disables the use of Mail::Send. Because the combination of
Mail::Send and sendmail does not work for me because it seems to be
unable to set the From address and the automatically generate From
address is invalid, I must turn off Mail::Send completely. There is a
bugreport pending for getting this switchable.

diff -urp Test-Reporter-1.30-Os0zG8.orig/lib/Test/ Test-Reporter-1.30-Os0zG8/lib/Test/
--- Test-Reporter-1.30-Os0zG8.orig/lib/Test/	2007-07-18 10:57:04.000000000 +0200
+++ Test-Reporter-1.30-Os0zG8/lib/Test/	2007-07-21 11:28:12.000000000 +0200
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ use Sys::Hostname;
 use vars qw($VERSION $AUTOLOAD $Tempfile $Report $DNS $Domain $Send);
 use constant FAKE_NO_NET_DNS => 0;    # for debugging only
 use constant FAKE_NO_NET_DOMAIN => 0; # for debugging only
-use constant FAKE_NO_MAIL_SEND => 0;  # for debugging only
+use constant FAKE_NO_MAIL_SEND => 1;  # for debugging only
 $VERSION = '1.30';