NAME Devel::CoverReport - Advanced Perl code coverage report generator SYNOPSIS To get coverage report, from existing *cover_db* database, use: cover_report DESCRIPTION This module provides advanced reports based on Devel::Cover database. WARNING Consider this module to be an early ALPHA. It does the job for me, so it's here. This is my first CPAN module, so I expect that some things may be a bit rough around edges. The plan is, to fix both those issues, and remove this warning in next immediate release. API new Constructor for "Devel::CoverReport". make_report Make the report, as it was specified during object construction. Most probably, this is the only method, that most users will have to call, if they want to use this module directly. The rest will either run prove_cover (it's still the recomended way) or hack deeper - if, for some reason, You just need parts of this module. validate_digest Check if there are some issues, that would not allow a digest to be edded to the report. In case such issues exist, digest has to be re-classified, and it's analise abandoned. Parameters: (ARRAY) $self $structure_data : digest's structure data. Returns: $new_classification : string (like: MISSING, CHANGED) or undef (if no issues ware detected). classify_file Determine, if file (identified by it's path) should be INCLUDE-d, MENTION-ed or EXCLUDE-d. Parameters: (ARRAY) $self $file_path Returns: $classification_string - one of the: "INCLUDE", "MENTION", "EXCLUDE". classify_file Internal function. Backend for "classify_file", iterate over every possible classification method. Parameters: (ARRAY) $self $file_path Returns: $classification_string - one of the: "INCLUDE", "MENTION", "EXCLUDE". analyse_digest Prepare detailed reports related to coverage or single module, and return some metadata, used later to make a report-wide summary. Parameters: (ARRAY) $self $runs - array of run IDs, that are related to this file (runs, that cover this file) $digest - file's ID, assigned to it by Devel::Cover Returns: nothing make_generic_summary Prepare table, which shows, for each metric: - coverable items - covered items - coverage (in percent) Parameters: ($self + HASH) item_summary - data for the summary row make_runs_details Parameters: ($self + HASH) digest - digest of the file, for which to prepare run details report structure_data run_hits - per-run part of the %hits hash per_run_info source_lines - array ref, containing covereg file's contents - line by line. item_summary - data for the summary row make_coverage_summary Make coverage information report for single structure entiry (Perl script or module). Parameters: ($self + HASH) structure_data hits report_id - string: 'namified' file path with run ID (if per-run coverages are turned ON) source_lines - array ref, containing covereg file's contents - line by line. item_summary - data for the summary row _make_per_line_criterions Internal function. Distribute criterions from DB into each of the phisical source lines. Parameters: (ARRAY) $self $structure_data $hits Returns: Hash make_branch_details Make detailed branch coverage report. Parameters: $self $basename $structure_data $hits make_subroutine_details Make detailed subroutine coverage report. Parameters: $self $basename $structure_data $hits make_condition_details Make detailed branch coverage report. Parameters: $self $basename $structure_data $hits make_summary_report Make file index, with coverage summary for each. Parameters: $self $total_summary - total (all files/runs average) summary compute_summary Utility routine, compute summary for each criterion. Source should be a hash - key for each criterion, holding arrays. Example: $source = { branch => \@branch_line_hits, condition => \@condition_line_hits, statement => \@statement_line_hits, subroutine => \@subroutine_line_hits, pod => \@pod_line_hits, } Params: $source c_class Compute proper c-class, used for color-coding coverage information: c0 : not covered or coverage < 50% c1 : coverage >= 50% c2 : coverage >= 75% c3 : coverage >= 90% c4 : covered or coverage = 100% Static function. namify_path If image is worth a thousand words, then example should cound as about 750... Turn something like this: /home/natanael/Perl/Foo/Bar/ into this: -home-natanael-Perl-Foo-Bar-Baz-pm Additionally, remove any characters, that could confuse shell. Effectivelly, the resulting string should be safe for use in shell, web and by childrens under 3 years old :) Static function. LICENCE Copyright 2009-2012, Bart��omiej Sygu��a ( This is free software. It is licensed, and can be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. For more, see my website: