# NAME App::oo\_modulino\_zsh\_completion\_helper - provides zsh completion for OO-Modulinos # SYNOPSIS When you install this module and \_perl\_oo\_modulino zsh completer, ./Your_OO_Modulino.pm <TAB> will list methods of Your\_OO\_Modulino.pm. Also, ./Your_OO_Modulino.pm --<TAB> will list options of Your\_OO\_Modulino.pm. If you give zsh numeric-arguments (via M-number or universal argument), inherited methods/options are included too. # DESCRIPTION App::oo\_modulino\_zsh\_completion\_helper provides underlying implementation of \`\_perl\_oo\_modulino\` zsh completer. [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UlTmIHMVfA) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Kobayasi, Hiroaki. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Kobayasi, Hiroaki <buribullet@gmail.com>