NAME POE::Component::Basement SYNOPSIS package POE::MyComponent; # use as base use base qw/ POE::Component::Basement /; # where the initializations happen (see Class::Std) sub BUILD { ... } # see also Class::Std and Class::Data::Inheritable also # for accessor creation etc. # define states sub state_one : State( :inline<_start> ) { ... } sub state_two : State( :object<foo> ) { ... } sub state_three : State( :package<bar> ) { ... } # combined sub state_multi : State( :inline<foobar> :package<snafoo> ) { ... } ... # chained events sub first : State( :object<foo> :chained<bar> ) { ... } sub second : State( :object<bar> ) { ... } ... # calling in a row sub first : State( :object<foo> :next<bar> ) { ... } sub second : State( :object<bar> ) { ... } ... # usage my $comp = POE::MyComponent->new ({ # single alias or array reference for multiple aliases => [qw/ mycomp shub_niggurath /], ... # your specific init_arg's. }); DESCRIPTION Provides Class::Std and base POE component functionality. This module is still kinda experimental. CLASS AND INSTANCE DATA Setting "session_class" Determines on which class the session should be built on. To use, for instance, POE::Session::MessageBased, set the option like this: MyComponent->session_class( 'POE::Session::MessageBased' ); The default is POE::Session. Option "aliases" Can be a single value to be set as alias, or an array reference. If the latter, POE::Kernel's "alias_set" is called for each of it's elements. This must be supplied as argument to the "new" method. See SYNOPSIS for examples. ATTRIBUTES This module just uses the attribute "State" and delegates all other attribute handling to Class::Std. Parameters can multiple, separated by spaces. They look like those of Class::Std to be coherent. As an example: sub start_event : State( :inline<_start> ) { ... } This would create an "inline_state" for our session, named "_start". inline, package and object Create "inline_states", "package_states" or "object_states" in your session. Multiple specifications of these parameters cause multiple events to be defined. Have a look at POE for more information. chained sub first : State( :inline<_start> :chained<end> ) { print "Called first.\n"; return 23; } sub end : State( :inline<end> ) { my $last_return = $_[ARG0]; print "Called second. First returned $last_return\n"; } Specifies with which event the current state should be chained. If you use "chained", the given event will be triggered after the sub has completed. It's return values will be passed to the chained event. next # the event gets triggered POE::Kernel->yield( foo => 333 ); sub first : State( :inline<foo> :next<bar> ) { my ( $nr ) = $_[ARG0]; ... } sub second : State( :inline<bar> ) { my ( $nr ) = $_[ARG0]; ... } An event that was specified with "next" is triggered right after completion of the current subroutine. The "next" event gets the same parameters as the current. error sub first : State( :inline<foo> :error<error_occured> ) { die "in the name of Cthulhu"; } sub second : State( :inline<error_occured> ) { my $error = $_[ARG0]; print 'An Error has occured: ' . $error; } If an "error" handling state is defined, "PCB" will build an "eval" block around the subroutine call and emit the event specified with "error". First argument is the error message. INHERITANCE Currently, you can overload the called methods in package and object states. Though you have to do this without specifying a new "State()" attribute. The new method has the same attributes as the overriden. The latter can also be called with NEXT. This basic way works like: # the original package Original; sub whatever : State( :package<_start> ) { ... } ... # the new one package NewOne; use base qw/ Original /; sub whatever { ... } But for information, I'm planning the possibility to override specific events. METHODS Methods starting with an underline ("_") is thought as internal to POE::Component::Basement and should therefore not be called directly. _parse_attributes ( $name, $param ) = _parse_attribute( $attribute ) Takes an attribute and tries to split it into name and parameters. Returns undef if nothing usable found. new Constructor. See SYNOPSIS for usage. This overrides the "new" method provided by Class::Std. MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES This is an internal sub that's responsible for building your state-map, as it is called on specification of an attribute. See perldoc's attributes for more information about this subject. This is an *internal function*, do not call directly. _create_modified_state $code = _create_modified_state( \&coderef, \%params ); Does the wrapping for the more enhanced attributes. Internal, do not call. register_states void register_states( $class, $coderef, { state_name => 'type' } ); Registers states corresponding to a specific code reference. Accepted state names are "inline", "package" and "object". Internal, do not call. _flatten_inheritance @classes_in_family = _flatten_inheritance( $rootclass ) Returns an array with names of classes used in the specified $rootclass' inheritance tree. This is internal, do not call. get_states \%struct = $comp->get_states() Returns a structure containing the defined inline, package and object states ready to use for POE::Sessions constructor. Internal and restricted, do not call. _get_symbol_name $subname = _get_symbol_name( $class, $coderef ); Searches for a code reference in the symbol table of a class and returns the sub's name if found. Otherwise undef. Do not call. _parse_parameters %parameters = _parse_parameters( $parameter_string ) This function looks for parameters formed like :name<value> and returns them in ( name => value, .. ) like pairs. Dies on malformed or unknown parameters. Internal method, do not call. SEE ALSO POE, Class::Std, Class::Data::Inheritable REQUIRES POE, Class::Std, Carp, Scalar::Util, NEXT, Sub::Installer, Class::Data::Inheritable AUTHOR Robert Sedlacek <> LICENSE You can copy and/or modify this module under the same terms as perl itself.