NAME Text::NLP::Stanford::EntityExtract - Talks to a stanford-ner socket server to get named entities back VERSION Version 0.02 Quick Start: * Grab the Stanford Named Entity recogniser from * Run the server, something like as follows: java -server -mx400m -cp stanford-ner.jar -loadClassifier classifiers/ner-eng-ie.crf-4-conll-distsim.ser.gz 1234 * Wrte a script to extract the named entities from the text, like the following: #!/usr/bin/env perl -w use strict; use Text::NLP::Stanford::EntityExtract; my $ner = Text::NLP::Stanford::EntityExtract->new; my $server = $ner->server; my @txt = ("Some text\n\n", "Treated as \\n\\n delimieted paragraphs"); my @tagged_text = $ner->get_entities(@txt); my $entities = $ner->entities_list($txt[0]); # rather complicated # @AOA based data # structure for further # processing METHODS new ( host => '', port => '1234'); server Gets the socket connection. I think that the ner server will only do one line per connection, so you want a new connection for every line of text. get_entities(@txt) Grabs the tagged text for an arbitrary number of paragraphs of text, and returns as the ner tagged text. _process_line ($line) processes a single line of text to tagged text entities_list($tagged_line) returns a rater arcane data structure of the entities from the text. the position of the word in the line is recorded as is the entity type, so that the line of text can be recovered in full from the data structure. TODO: This needs some utility subs around it to make it more useful. list_entities($self->entities_list($line) Lists the entities contained within a line based from the data structure provided by entities_list($line). If passed a list of entities it adds to that list, including counts of the numbes of each entity already found. The data structure returns looks like this: $list_data = { 'LOCATION' => { 'Outer Mongolia' => 1, 'Location Location Location' => 1, 'Chinese Mainland' => 1, 'Britney' => 1 }, 'O' => { 'may have returned from the' => 1, 'said from his home in' => 1, '. Test a three word entity' => 1, 'faith that she follows . Now she is attempting , for a second time , to persuade' => 1, '. There is a question that' => 1, 'blah blah' => 1, 'to the controversial' => 1, '.' => 1, 'to follow suit , reports said .' => 1 }, 'PERSON' => { 'Bruce Lee' => 1, 'Gwyneth Paltrow' => 1, 'Lord Lucan' => 1 }, 'MISC' => { 'Jewish-based' => 1 } }; AUTHOR Kieren Diment, "<zarquon at>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-text-nlp-stanford-entityextract at", or through the web interface at < Extract>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT The git repository for this code is available from git:// You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Text::NLP::Stanford::EntityExtract You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker < tract> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * Search CPAN <> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008 Kieren Diment, all rights reserved. This program is released under the following license: GPL POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 53: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'