#!/usr/bin/env perl # -*- perl -*- # # $Id: show_db,v 2.8 2002/10/15 05:52:20 eserte Exp $ # Author: Slaven Rezic # # Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # Mail: <URL:mailto:slaven.rezic@berlin.de> # WWW: <URL:http://www.rezic.de/eserte/> # =head1 NAME show_db - take a quick look into dbm files =head1 SYNOPSIS show_db [-dbtype type] [-d delim] [-v] [-showtable] [-key spec] [-val spec] [-color] [-sel key] dbmfile =head1 DESCRIPTION C<show_db> shows the content of a dbm database file (like DB_File, GDBM_File, or CDB_File). There is also some support for MLDBM databases. =head2 OPTIONS =over =item -dbtype type The type of the database. This is usually the class name like C<DB_File>. Normally, C<show_db> tries to determine itself, so you do not have to specify this option. Variants of the database type may be specified with a comma-separated list. Currently valid variants are: =over =item DB_File,RECNO The keys are the array indexes of the recno database. =item MLDBM,I<DB>,I<Serializer> where I<DB> is C<DB_File> or another dbm class and I<Serializer> is C<Data::Dumper> or another serializer class. =back =item -v Be verbose. Multiple C<-v> cause more verbosity. =item -showtable Pipe the output to C<showtable> from the C<Data::ShowTable> distribution. =item -color Color the key values. Needs the C<Term::ANSIColor> module installed. =item -key spec =item -val spec Treat the keys or values as special data structures: =over =item pack:I<packspec> C<unpack> will be used on the data. See L<perlfunc/pack> for the format of I<packspec>. =item storable The data will be handled as serialized by Storable. =item freezethaw The data will be handled as serialized by FreezeThaw. =item perldata The data will be handled as a perl value or reference. =back The C<-key> and C<-val> specifications may be overriden by C<-color>. The values of MLDBM databases are handled according to the I<serializer> variant. =item -sel key Select the value for the specified C<key> from the database. The C<select> option may be given multiple times. =back =head1 README show_db shows the content of a dbm database file (like DB_File, GDBM_File, or CDB_File). There is also some support for MLDBM databases. =head1 PREREQUISITES any dbm module =head1 COREQUISITES C<Data::ShowTable>, C<Term::ANSIColor> =head1 OSNAMES OS independent =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Database =head1 AUTHOR Slaven Rezic <slaven.rezic@berlin.de> =head1 SEE ALSO AnyDBM_File(3). =cut use strict; use Fcntl; use Getopt::Long; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 2.8 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); my $delim = " => "; my $v; my $dbtype; # auto my $do_showtable; my $keyspec; my $valspec; my $cant_each; my $do_color; my @select; if (!GetOptions( 'dbtype=s' => \$dbtype, 'd=s' => \$delim, 'v+' => \$v, 'showtable|table' => \$do_showtable, 'key=s' => \$keyspec, 'val=s' => \$valspec, 'color' => \$do_color, 'sel|select=s@' => \@select, )) { require Pod::Usage; Pod::Usage::pod2usage(1); } my $file = shift || die "Specify db file"; my $db = defined $dbtype ? $dbtype : identify_db($file); if (!defined $db) { die "Can't get DB type, please specify with -dbtype option" } my $ref = open_db($file, $db); my $keysub = sub { "<$_[0]>" }; my $valsub = sub { $_[0] }; if (defined $keyspec) { $keysub = _spec_to_sub($keyspec); } if (defined $valspec) { $valsub = _spec_to_sub($valspec); } if ($db =~ /^MLDBM/) { # XXX overrides -val $valsub = _spec_to_sub("perldata"); } if ($do_color) { # XXX overrides -key require Term::ANSIColor; $keysub = sub { Term::ANSIColor::color('red') . $_[0] . Term::ANSIColor::color('reset') }; } my $pid; if ($do_showtable) { pipe(RDR, WTR); $pid = fork; if ($pid == 0) { close WTR; open(STDIN, "<&RDR") or die $!; exec "showtable", "-d$delim"; die $@ if $@; } close RDR; open(STDOUT, ">&WTR") or die $!; } my $selsub; if (@select) { foreach (@select) { output_record($ref, $keysub, $valsub, $_); } } else { output_db($ref, $keysub, $valsub, $selsub); } sub identify_db { my $file = shift; #XXX does not work with .dir/.pag files: # if (!-e $file) { # die "File $file does not exist"; # } # if (!-r $file) { # die "File $file is not readable"; # } my @types = qw(DB_File GDBM_File NDBM_File SDBM_File ODBM_File CDB_File DB_File,RECNO); my $type; TRY: { foreach my $_type (@types) { $type = $_type; print STDERR "Try $type ... " if $v; if ($type eq 'DB_File,RECNO' && eval "use $type; 1" && tie my @db, $type, $file, O_RDONLY, 0644, $DB_File::DB_RECNO) { last TRY; } elsif ($type eq 'CDB_File' && eval "use $type; 1" && tie my %db, $type, $file) { last TRY; } elsif (eval "use $type; 1" && tie my %db, $type, $file, O_RDONLY, 0644) { last TRY; } if ($v > 1) { warn "\$\@=$@, \$!=$!"; } print STDERR "\n" if $v; } return undef; } print STDERR "OK!\n" if $v; return $type; } sub open_db { my($file, $type, %args) = @_; if ($type eq 'DB_File,RECNO') { require DB_File; my @db; tie @db, "DB_File", $file, O_RDONLY, 0644, $DB_File::DB_RECNO or die "Can't type $file with $type: $!"; \@db; } elsif ($type =~ /^MLDBM/) { my(undef,$dbtype,$serializer) = split /,/, $type; my @types = ($dbtype ne "" ? ($dbtype) : (qw(DB_File GDBM_File NDBM_File ODBM_File CDB_File)) ); $MLDBM::Serializer = $serializer || "Data::Dumper"; require MLDBM; my %db; for $MLDBM::UseDB (@types) { warn "Try $MLDBM::UseDB for MLDBM ... " if $v; local $^W = 0; # XXX if !$v; eval { if ($MLDBM::UseDB eq 'CDB_File') { tie %db, 'MLDBM', $file or die "Can't tie $file with $type: $!"; } else { tie %db, 'MLDBM', $file, O_RDONLY, 0644 or die "Can't tie $file with $type: $!"; } }; last if tied(%db); } if (!tied(%db)) { warn $@; } \%db; } elsif ($type =~ /^(BerkeleyDB),(.*)$/) { ($type, my $subtype) = ($1, $2); eval "use $type"; die $@ if $@; my %db; tie %db, $type."::".$subtype, -Filename => $file or die "Can't tie $file with ${type}::$subtype: $BerkeleyDB::Error"; \%db; } else { eval "use $type"; die $@ if $@; my @tie_args = ($file); if ($type ne 'CDB_File') { push @tie_args, O_RDONLY, 0644; } my %db; tie %db, $type, @tie_args or die "Can't tie $file with @tie_args: $!"; \%db; } } sub output_db { my($dbref, $keysub, $valsub, $selsub) = @_; if (ref $dbref eq 'ARRAY') { my $i = 0; foreach my $l (@$dbref) { print $keysub->($i) . $delim . $valsub->($l) . "\n" if !$selsub || $selsub->($i); $i++; } } elsif (ref $dbref eq 'HASH') { if ($cant_each) { foreach my $key (keys %$dbref) { my $val = $dbref->{$key}; print $keysub->($key) . $delim . $valsub->($val) . "\n" if !$selsub || $selsub->($key); } } else { while(my($key,$val) = each %$dbref) { print $keysub->($key) . $delim . $valsub->($val) . "\n" if !$selsub || $selsub->($key); } } } } sub output_record { my($dbref, $keysub, $valsub, $key) = @_; if (ref $dbref eq 'ARRAY') { print $keysub->($key) . $delim . $valsub->($dbref->[$key]) . "\n"; } elsif (ref $dbref eq 'HASH') { print $keysub->($key) . $delim . $valsub->($dbref->{$key}) . "\n"; } } sub _spec_to_sub { my($spec) = @_; require Data::Dumper; my $dd = sub { my $out = Data::Dumper->new([$_[0]],[])->Useqq(1)->Indent(0)->Dump; $out =~ s/\$VAR1\s*=\s*//; $out; }; if ($spec =~ /^pack:(.*)/) { my $pack = $1; return sub { unpack($pack, $_[0]) }; } elsif ($spec =~ /^storable$/i) { require Storable; #XXX? $cant_each = 1; return sub { $dd->(Storable::thaw($_[0])) }; } elsif ($spec =~ /^freezethaw$/i) { require FreezeThaw; #XXX? $cant_each = 1; return sub { $dd->(FreezeThaw::thaw($_[0])) }; # XXX check } elsif ($spec =~ /^perldata$/i) { #XXX? $cant_each = 1; return sub { ref $_[0] ? $dd->($_[0]) : $_[0] }; } else { die "Can't parse specification <$spec>"; } }