X Consortium, Inc. A Status Report Bob Scheifler President rws@x.org X Consortium, Inc. o Delaware not-for-profit membership corporation o began operation September 1, 1993 o funded by MIT subcontract in 1993 o what's different from MIT X Consortium? domain name, postal address, phone number o what's the same? pretty much everything else charter is the same open process free software Staff o President: active search for a permanent one I'm on leave of absence from MIT if you know someone, contact me o Technical Directors: Matt Landau (Application Toolkits) Ralph Swick (Integration Technology) Staff o Technical Staff: Donna Converse Gary Cutbill Stephen Gildea Jay Hersh Kaleb Keithley Ralph Mor Dave Wiggins o Office Manager: Janet O'Halloran Board of Directors o Dr. Forest Baskett, Silicon Graphics o Harold Blair, Partnerwerks o Bruce Cleveland, Apple Computer o Roger Gourd, Open Software Foundation o Dr. Robin Hillyard, Novasoft Systems o Therese Myers, Quarterdeck Office Systems o Dan Turner, Petrotechnical Open Software Corp. o David Harris, Adobe Systems (ex officio) Trademarks o X Window System o Fresco (registration in progress) o expect to transfer from MIT to X Consortium, Inc. 1994 Membership o expect 26 Full, 5 Associate, 45 Affiliate Members o we are looking for new members prospective members: let's talk o Independent Software Vendors what projects do you want us to do? o End User companies what will convince you to join? o membership info: ftp.x.org:/pub/DOCS/XConsortium membership@x.org Interoperability Center o generalization of PEX IC o members put hardware, software products there o can use all other products in Center o 24 hour access to Center o test interoperability o no capability or performance comparisons o founding members: Digital, HP, IBM, KPC, Sun Release 6 dates o Beta (members only): February 11 o Final to members: April 15 o Final to public: April 25 o Contrib: June 1 What's in R6? Fresco o Mark Linton's talk and tutorial o working towards draft standard in R6 o lots of room for evolution, enhancement o if you want to invest in this future, join us Multi-threading o Xlib Stephen Gildea's talk last year o Xt Ajay Vohra's tutorial o Fresco o X server o POSIX, Solaris, AIX, Mach, OSF/1, Windows NT Xlib o XInternAtoms, XGetAtomNames o opaque Display and GC structures o BIG-REQUESTS extension permit protocol requests > 218 bytes handled internal to Xlib o running out of resource ids long-running clients protocol extension to ask for new range handled internal to Xlib Internationalization o Input Method protocol Public Review now o new pluggable layer input method output method character set conversion dynamic loading of modules o ISO 10646 support o new locale database format o Input Method server developers kit Xt o safe signal handling o extension event dispatching o C++ object allocation o about-to-block hook o lots of "monitoring" hooks editres, screen reader for the blind o parameterized selections INSERT o session management o Public Review now Xaw o Omron i18n integration o lots of bugs probably won't get fixed ICE o Inter-Client Exchange protocol o Stuart Marks' talk o Ralph Mor's part of ICCCM tutorial o protocol framework o stop abusing X server as IPC path o Public Review now Session Management o Mike Wexler's talk o Public Review now o xsm - sample session manager o xrsh - sample remote execution protocol New Font Support o Nathan Meyers' talk o Public Review now XIE: X Image Extension o Ben Fahy's talk LBX: Low Bandwidth X o Keith Packard's talk o working towards draft standard in R6 Keyboard extension o Erik Fortune's tutorial & talk o "invisible" Xlib and Xt support o working towards draft standard in R6 Synchronization extension o synchronization between clients independent graphics streams graphics and video o synchronization with real-time animation sequencing o simple priority scheduling o Public Review now Kerberos V5 o Tom Yu's talk PEX o Jeff Stevenson's talk MBX: Multi-Buffering extension o try to finally finalize o support for clearing other buffers at flip e.g., Z buffer EVE: Extended Visuals extension o describe frame buffer capabilities overlay, underlay Z, alpha, accumulation buffers PEX, OpenGL capable preallocated pixels XTEST extension o allow client to be impervious to server grabs moving mouse via speech input RECORD extension o Martha Zimet's talk Networking o poll support in Xlib, Xt o transport code unification common code for clients, servers Xlib, ICElib, fontlib, FSlib, xfs, Xserver o SVR4/Intel local connections X server o function prototypes o 4-bit, 16-bit and 24-bit cfb o 64-bit systems, 64-bit frame buffers o Xsvga uses VESA SVPMI description files SVR4 only Xvfb server o virtual memory frame buffer o no real input devices o configurable screen count, size, depth, visual o screens can be mmap'ed files in xwd format screen dump even when at breakpoint o great for testing Xnest server o ddx uses Xlib to a "real" server o mirrors capabilities of other display o easier to see what's going on than Xvfb o useful for testing dix and extensions o useful for debugging client protocol errors o useful for "grab" debugging Windows NT o client-side support o no xterm, xdm o DLLs Xlib, maybe no others DLL semantics too brain-damaged o some rough edges Drag & Drop protocol o quite possibly nothing in R6 Remote Access Protocol(s) o editres replacement o screen-reader for blind o ICE-based o several protocol proposals evolving