9. Rules and regulations of Japan Network Information Center Enact on April 1,1993 Revised on April 9,1993 Revised on April 5,1994 Revised on May 12,1995 Chapter 1 General rules Article 1 These regulations shall establish rules necessary for Japan Network Information Center, known as JPNIC(hereinafter called the "Center"). Chapter 2 Purpose and Activities Article 2 The purpose of the Center is to contribute for the development of computer networks, administrate the registrations related to computer networks for both international and intercontinental community, and provide information. Article 3 The Center shall carry out the following activities in order to achieve the purpose stated in the preceding article. 1.Allocation and administration of common resources provided for computer networks in Japan. 2.Gathering and administration of information on computer networks in Japan. 3.Providing information on computer networks in Japan to abroad and Japan. 4.Any other activities required to achieve the Center's objective. Chapter 3 Membership Article 4 The Center shall be run by the members of the Center. Article 5 The Classification of the membership shall be as follows: 1.Regular Member The computer network, to whom the network administration rules are clear shall be eligible for a Regular Membership. Further, a Regular Member shall be classified according to the Center's regulation on membership and membership fee. 2.Supporting Member Any person or a group of people approving and supporting the objectives and activities of the Center and who settles the membership fee shall be eligible for Supporting Membership. Article 6 Those who would like to become a member of the Center must apply for membership following the procedures set forth in the Center's regulation on membership and membership fee and must obtain approval from the Board of Trustees. Article 7 Payment for annual membership fee must be made by the date stated in the Center's regulation on membership and membership fee. Article 8 Annual membership fee must be paid within three(3)months from the date of admission even if admission for membership has been approved on a day halfway through the fiscal year. However, payment must be made within that fiscal year. Article 9 Membership fee, once paid, shall not be returned under all circumstances. Article 10 Members shall be allowed to make requests, express opinions and demand reply from the Steering Committee on matters related to the Center. Article 11 Membership shall be disqualified should either of the following occurs. 1. Withdrawal from membership. 2. Expelled from membership. Article 12 Procedures stated in the Center's regulation on membership and membership fee must be followed when withdrawing from membership. Article 13 After resolution passes through at the Board of Trustees Meeting, the President of the Center may expel a member who is behind in payment of membership fee. Article 14 After resolution passes through at the Board of Trustees Meeting, the President of the Center may expel the member who has stained the name and/or acted in anyway against the objective of the Center. Article 15 After resolution passes through at the Board of Trustees Meeting, the President of the Center may expel a Regular Member should the member is judged to be no longer eligible to fulfill the condition stated in Item 1 of Article 5. Chapter 4 Directors, Committee Members, and Staffs Article 16 JPNIC Committee Member, representing the Regular Members, shall be appointed at the Center. Registration procedure for JPNIC Committee Member shall be made in accordance with the Center's regulation on membership and membership fee. Article 17 The following officers shall be appointed at the Center. 1. Seven(7) Trustees. 2. Two(2) Auditors. Article 18 Trustees shall be elected at the General Meeting from the JPNIC Committee Members. Election procedures shall be stipulated in the Center's regulation for election. Article 19 Auditors shall be elected at the General Meeting from the JPNIC Committee Members. Election procedures shall be stipulated in the Center's regulation for election. Article 20 The President and Vice President of the Center shall be elected from among the Trustees of the Center. Article 21 The members of the Steering Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees and number of the members shall be at least ten(10) and not exceeding twenty(20). Article 22 The Center shall have secretariat with the Secretary-General appointed by the Board of Trustees. Article 23 The President of the Center shall represent the Center and shall supervise the duties performed at the office. However, actual office work will be handled by the Secretary-General. Article 24 The Vice President shall act for the President in case the President can not perform the duties at the office. Article 25 The Auditors shall perform the following duties. 1. Audit the accounts of the Center. 2. Audit the performance of the Trustees. 3. Report any points of doubt found in the accounts or in the performances of the Directors at the General Meeting. Article 26 The term of office for each Directors shall be two(2) years and election shall be made for the whole members. However, Directors may be reelected. Until the successors are assigned to the post, Directors shall continue to perform their duties even after the term of office has expired. Article 27 The Center may employ salaried staff for the Secretariat of the Center. Chapter 5 Meeting Section 1 Meeting Article 28 The following three(3) meetings are to be held at the Center as functions to reach resolutions. However, the members and the content of the resolution of the meetings shall be stipulated in and after Section 2. 1. Board of Trustees 2. Steering Committee Meeting 3. General Meeting Article 29 Each meetings held at the Center shall be convened in the following manner. However, procedures for the election of Trustees and Auditors at the General Meeting shall be as stipulated in the Center's regulation for election. 1. The person in charge convenes the members and chairs the meeting. 2. The person in charge holds the meeting by sending mails (including electronic mail) to the members. Article 30 The method of the resolution shall be as follows if each meetings held at the Center are to be convened by the procedures stipulated in Item 1 of Article 29. 1. Meetings can not be convened unless at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members may be present for the meeting. However, member not attending but who has entrusted the attendance on written document to a member attending the meeting shall be regarded to be present at the meeting concerning the matter for which written notice has been submitted. Resolutions at each meetings shall be made by the majority of the votes of members present at the respective meetings and in case of a tie, the decision made by the person in charge must be abided. Article 31 The method of resolution shall be as follows if each meetings held at the Center are to be convened by the procedures stipulated in Item 2 of Article 29. 1. (Formal voting) The person in charge for each meeting should declare about the duration and the subject of the vote by written documents (including electronic mail), and the decision will be taken by considering the approval of the majority of the members attending the meeting. Even with the vote of the person in charge, if majority can not be reached during the declared voting period, then the proceeding will be discarded. The voting period will be from one week to three months. 2. (Simple voting) The person in charge of each meeting should declare about the duration and the subject that is to be approved by voting, through written documents (including electronic mail). If there is no reverse opinion during the voting period, then the subject for approval would be taken as approved. The duration of voting will be from 1 week to 1 month. Article 31-2 The person in charge for each meeting must report the subject approved during the voting based on clause 2 of article 31, to the next meeting which will be based on clause 1 of article 29. Article 31-3 In case of simple voting based on clause 2 of article 31, if the participant could not be reached (electronic mail/written documents) for more than a week, then a notice regarding the participant could be passed to the person in charge of the meeting. If the number of participants who could not be reached crosses the limit of one-thirds(1/3) of the total number of participants then the voting could not take place. Section 2 Board of Directors Meeting Article 32 The President of the Center shall convene the Board of Trustees Meeting as deemed necessary. The person in charge of the Board of Trustees Meeting shall be the President of the Center. However, Trustees constitute the members of the Board of Trustees Meeting. Article 33 Auditors shall be allowed to attend the Board of Trustees Meeting and shall also be allowed to express their opinions. Article 34 The Board of Trustees shall appoint the Steering Committee members. The term for the Committee members is until the end of the fiscal year. However, Committee members may be reelected. Even after the end of the term, the Committee members must carry out their duty until the new members take their charge. Article 35 The Board of Trustees shall make resolutions on matters to be stipulated outside this Regulation or on matters necessary for the operation of the Center. Section 3 Steering Committee Article 36 The Chair of the Steering Committee shall be elected from the Steering Committee members. Article 37 The person in charge of the Steering Committee shall be the Chair of the Steering Committee. Article 38 The Chair of the Steering Committee shall convene the Steering Committee Meeting as deemed necessary. However, the participants of the Steering Committee Meeting are to be the Steering Committee members. Article 39 Directors shall be allowed to attend the Steering Committee Meeting and shall also be allowed to express their opinions. Article 40 The Steering Committee shall make resolutions on the following matters as well as matters stipulated outside this Regulation. 1. Preparation, revision and repeal of provisions regarding operation. 2. Any matters necessary for the activities of the Center. Article 41 The Steering Committee must discuss the following matters and obtain approval from the Board of Trustees. 1. Matters related to change(s) in the Center's regulation. 2. Matters of question submitted by the Directors or by the JPNIC members. Article 42 The Steering Committee Meeting must discuss the following matters and obtain approval from the Board of Trustees and from the General Meeting. 1. Draft of revision and repeal of this Regulation. 2. Delete 3. Discussion about draft of budget Article 43 The Steering Committee may hold divisional meetings as required in order to discuss matters stipulated in Articles 40, 41, and 42. However, each of these divisional meetings shall be stipulated on separate regulation. Section 4 General Meeting Article 44 The President of the Center shall convene the General Meeting as required. However, in the following cases, General Meeting must be convened within three(3) months. Article 45 The person in charge of the General Meeting shall be the President of the Center. Article 46 The members of the General Meeting shall be the JPNIC members. Article 47 The representative of the Supporting Members shall be allowed to express opinion at the General Meeting. Article 48 The following resolution shall be made at the General Meeting. 1. Resolution and approval of revision or repeal of this Regulation. 2. Resolution and approval of budget and final accounts. 3. Election of Trustees and Auditors. Section 6 Secretariat Article 49 The Center shall have a secretariat in order to execute its budgets and for operation at the Center to proceed smoothly. Article 50 The secretariat of the Center is located at the following address. Japan Network Information Center c/o Computer Centre, University of Tokyo 2-11-16, Yayoi, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113 Japan Article 51 The duties performed at the secretariat shall be as stipulated in the secretariat regulation of the Center. Section 7 Accounts Article 52 Delete Article 52-2 Expenses required for the Center's activities shall be defraied from membership fee and charge, contribution. Article 52-3 The charge shall be stipulated on separate Center's regulation about charge. Article 53 Delete Article 53-2 The Secretary General must draw up the budget before the start of each fiscal year. After the discussion between Steering committee, it must obtain its approval at the Board of Trustees Meeting and at the General Meeting. Article 54 The final accounts, together with the activity report and the Auditors opinions, must be approved at the General Meeting within three(3) months after the end of the fiscal year. Article 55 Excluding those stipulated in the income and expenditure budget, when a new duty must be taken care of or should any rights be abandoned, resolution must pass the Board of Trustees Meeting. Article 56 The fiscal year shall commence on 1st April every year and end on 30th March of the following year. Article 56-2 When the President considers to have required that the decided budget should be revised after the first 6 months of each fiscal year, the Secretary General must draw up the budget within 10% of decided budget and it must obtain its approval at the Steering Committee. In this case, there are no need to obtain its approval at the Board of Trustees Meeting and at the General Meeting. However, When it exceeds the limits which stipulated on this regulation, it must obtain its approval at the Board of Trustees Meeting and at the General Meeting. Section 8 Revision of Regulation and Dissolution Article 57 This Regulation may not be revised unless at least two thirds (2/3) of the vote at the General Meeting shall be obtained. Article 58 The dissolution of the Center may not be permitted unless at least three fourth (3/4) of the vote at the General Meeting shall be obtained. Section 9 Acceptance of donation Article 59 The Board of Trustees will decide whether to accept a donation for the center or not. Supplementary Provisions 1. The Regulations come into effect as of April 9,1993. 2. The details to the execution of this Regulation shall be stipulated separately after obtaining the resolution from the Steering Committee Meeting. 3. The initial Steering Committee members as stated in Article 21 shall be the provisional JPNIC Steering Committee members for the year 1992 regardless of the statement in this Regulation. Supplementary Provisions 2 1. The Regulations come into effect as of April 5,1994. Supplementary Provisions 3 1. The Regulations come into effect as of May 12, 1995.